image of TV meteorologist pointing to map of Hawaii

Internship Guidelines for  Sponsoring Agencies, Community Partners, and Host Employers

As an internship sponsor, your organization will provide direct, on-the-job supervision of the student intern. The following guidelines may be helpful in structuring a positive internship experience for you and the student:

  • Orient the student intern to your company’s structure and operations
  • Orient the student intern to policies and procedures regarding appropriate dress, office hours, applicable leave policies, etc.
  • Introduce the student intern to professional and clerical staff
  • Provide the student with explicit expectations and resources necessary to accomplish assignment objectives
  • Afford the student intern with opportunity to identify with the supervisor as a professional staff person by jointly participating in appropriate field experiences, meetings, projects, and area functions
  • Assign and supervising the completion of tasks and responsibilities that are consistent with the student intern’s role in the company and ensure appropriate learning experiences
  • Consult with the Internship Director in the event that the supervisor becomes aware of personal communication or other problems that hinder the student intern’s learning and performance
  • Provide scheduled conferences with the student intern
  • Submit an evaluation on the student intern’s job performance on the last day of the scheduled internship to ensure proper credit of grades in a timely manner

For more information, contact Heather Saito, 808-956-8763,

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