Field Trips
- SOEST Open House
Every other year the School holds an open house to which everyone is invited. Thousands of students, individuals and families from all over O‘ahu visit our facilities on the UH Mānoa campus.
- Hanauma Bay School Program
School and community groups can learn about reef ecology, conservation, marine life identification, geology, Hawaiian culture, history, and marine protected areas
- Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology tour of Moku o Lo‘e
For K-12 students and community members
- KeaoaLoʻe Lab – Science Inquiry Education Programs at the Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology
For high school students
- Class visits to SOEST on UH Mānoa Campus
Available for middle and high school students (maximum group size: 40)
Email to inquire about availability
Programs and Opportunities
- EP‘IK (Earth-Planets-ʻIke-Kuleana)
A two-week, hands-on earth and planetary sciences program at UH Mānoa for high school students
- Hawai‘i Space Flight Laboratory summer internships
For high school students
- Marine Molecular Mentorship Program
A four-day, three-night program hosted by the Coral Resilience Lab at HIMB and supported by female mentors. MMMP is offered twice per year (August and October)and is open to female sophomores and juniors in high school residing in Hawaiʻi
- Research Experiences in Marine Science (REMS)
Summer program for high school students at the Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology
- Summer Marine Mammal Intensive Learning Experience (SMMILE)
A 10-day course for Hawai‘i high school students entering junior and senior years
- Tree to Sea Camp
A spring break camp in Maunalua Bay for students ages 12-14. Learn about science, culture, and ecosystems in this program co-hosted by Mālama Maunalua and the Coral Resilience Lab with the help of local partners.
- Hawaiian Volcanoes and Hazards Summer Program
A one-week program for high school and community college students
- Aloha Bowl: Hawai’i Ocean Science Bowl
The Hawai’i and Pacific Island regional competition for the National Ocean Science Bowl for high school teams
- Marine Science Investigations at the Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology
Week-long hands-on summer program for high school students through the UH Mānoa Outreach College
- Hawaii Undergraduate Initiative (HUI)
Leadership program for incoming UH Mānoa students
- Summer Scholars Program (through UH Mānoa Outreach College)
Grades 10 and 11 students can get a head start and take ERTH 101: Dynamic Earth.
- Early Start Program (through UH Mānoa Outreach College)
Incoming UHM students (who just graduated grade 12) take classes the summer before starting college