- 1210 Total Employees
- 477 Professors, Researchers, Specialists, & Postdocs
- 477 Professional and Technical Staff
- 256 Graduate students
- 219 Undergraduate students
Annual Budget
$142 Million
- 13th for Atmospheric Sciences Shanghai Ranking GRAS (2023)
- 17th for Oceanography Shanghai Ranking GRAS (2023)
- 51-75 for Earth Sciences Shanghai Ranking GRAS (2023)
- 26th for Geosciences NTU Ranking (2022)
- 73rd for Geosciences US News and World Report (2022)
Faculty Awards
- 4 Members of the National Academy of Sciences
- 5 Members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- 3 Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
- 4 Fellows of the American Academy of Microbiology
- 8 Fellows of the American Geophysical Union
- 14 Fellows of the Geological Society of America
- 4 Fellows of the American Meteorological Society and 1 Rossby Medal recipient
- 2 Alexander Agassiz Medal recipients
- 1 Prince Albert I Medal
- 1 Balzan Prize recipient
- 1 Ian McHarg Medal in Geoinformatics from European Geosciences Union
- 15 Degree Programs (BA, BS, MS, MGeo, PhD)
- >$2 Billion in total funding since School inception
New Infrastructure at SOEST
- Renovated Pauley Laboratory at Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology; move-in 2015
- New UH Marine Center at Pier 35; move-in 2015
- Transmission Electron Microscope and Fixed-wavelength Ion Laser Lab; 2014
- 6km depth capable ROV; 2013
- C-MORE Hale; 2012
(Page last updated 05 Mar 2024.)