SOEST graduate students selected as ARCS Foundation Scholars

Two SOEST graduate students have been selected as ARCS Foundation Scholars. The Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Foundation Honolulu Chapter supports exceptional graduate students through proceeds from endowed funds, donations and chapter fundraising.

Oceanography graduate student Anamica Bedi de Silva was chosen as the inaugural recipient of the George Orton and Mona Marie Elmore ARCS Award in Oceanography. The award is made possible through a newly established endowment from Mona Elmore who had a deep interest in oceanography.

“While scientists know that viruses can outnumber life in the ocean by orders of magnitude, we are only beginning to understand their effects on marine ecosystems,” said Bedi de Silva when asked about her research with assistant professor Kyle Edwards. “As marine microbes are often the target of viral infections, my research focuses on how microbes evade infection as well as the influence immunity has on shaping microbial communities.”

Earth Sciences graduate student Trista McKenzie was selected for the Toby Lee ARCS Award in Earth Sciences. McKenzie’s research with professor Henrietta Dulai focuses on groundwater discharge as a vector for anthropogenically-sourced pollutants to the coastal ocean as well as evaluates potential impacts of sea level rise on coastal water quality.

ARCS Honolulu provides financial support to outstanding University of Hawai‘i students pursuing graduate studies and conducting research in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and health. As unrestricted awards, ARCS scholarship funds may be used in any way that advances scholars’ research, including equipment, travel and educational or living expenses.

ARCS Foundation Honolulu Chapter, an all-volunteer, non-profit organization, has awarded nearly $2 million in unrestricted awards to hundreds of fledgling scientists who seek to understand our world, improve our lives, protect our environment and create new technologies. From the inner workings of living cells to the composition of the farthest galaxies, their work continues to expand our horizons.