The SOEST logo and name mark are set in Pantone 307C.
Approximations of this color in other common formats include:
- RGB = 0, 107, 166
- CMYK = 100, 22, 2, 18
- Hex = #006ba6
- Websafe = #006699
Below are the compressed and expanded SOEST logo and name mark treatments that are to be used in all SOEST presentations and materials. Legacy SOEST logos are no longer being used. If you need a different file type, resolution, or format, please contact Brooks Bays. Thank you!
This standard oval logo is available as a 1000 pixel wide JPG, a 2000 pixel wide JPG, or a vector EPS with preview and without preview. Right-click on the file name and save the file.
This horizontal logo-textline treatment is available as a 1000 pixel wide JPG, a 4000 pixel wide JPG, and as a vector EPS with preview and without preview. Right-click on the file name and save the file.
UH graphic standards and UH Mānoa logo
Please visit the UH Graphic Standards site for information about using the UH logo system, and download files on the Seals and Signatures page.