SOEST Contribution List (as of September 27, 2023)

11681 McKenna, M., and C. Karamperidou, 2023, The impacts of El Niño diversity on northern hemisphere atmospheric blocking, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2023GL104284.

11682 Booker, A. E., et al. [M. S. Rappe], 2023, Life strategies for Aminicenantia in subseafloor oceanic crust, ISME J., HIMB-1933 (in press).

11683 Cheeseman, T., et al. [L. Bejder, M. van Aswegen], 2023, A collaborative and near-comprehensive North Pacific humpback whale photo-ID dataset. Sci. Rep., HIMB-1934 (in press).

11684 Liu, C., et al. [F.-F. Jin, M. F. Stuecker], 2023, Hysteresis of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation to CO2 forcing, Sci. Adv. (in press).

11685 Shea, C., et al. [N. Wallsgrove, B. N. Popp], 2023, Small particles and heterotrophic protists support the mesopelagic zooplankton food web in the subarctic northeast Pacific Ocean, Limnol. Oceanogr. (accepted).

11686 Jiang, F., et al. [F.-F. Jin, M. F. Stuecker], 2023, Resolving the Tropical Pacific/Atlantic Interaction Conundrum, Geophys. Res. Lett. (in press).

11687 Ham, Y.-G., et al. [M. F. Stuecker], 2023, Anthropogenic fingerprints in daily precipitation revealed by deep learning, Nature (in press).

11688 Bergman, L. A., et al. [V. E. Assad, J. N. Perelman, J. C. Drazen], 2023, Face-down, tail-up: Unusual in situ behavior of the blackchins Neoscopelus macrolepidotus, Neoscopelus microchir, and Scopelengys tristis (Myctophiformes: Neoscopelidae), Diversity, 15 (in press).

11689 Knor, L. A., et al. [C. L. Sabine, A. E. White, J. Potemra], 2023, Quantifying net community production and calcification at Station ALOHA near Hawai‘i: Insights and limitations from a dual tracer carbon budget approach, Global Biogeochem. Cy. (accepted).

11690 Hamilton, K. 2023, The Great Smoke Pall of 1950 and other “dark days” that have blanketed eastern North America, Bull. Can. Meteorol. Oceanogr. Soc. (in press).

11691 Hu, S., et al. [F.-F. Jin, M. F. Stuecker], 2023, Seasonal dependence of Pacific-North American teleconnection associated with ENSO and its interaction with the annual cycle, J. Climate (in press).

11692 Drazen, J., et al., 2023, Near-island enhancement in mesopelagic micronekton communities off Hawaii, Deep Sea Res. I (in press).

11693 Okuhata, B., et al., 2023, Effects of multiple drivers of environmental change on native and invasive macroalgae in nearshore groundwater dependent ecosystems, Water Resour. Res. (accepted).

11694 Beyssac, O., et al. [S. K. Sharma], 2023, Petrological traverse of the olivine cumulate Séítah formation at Jezero crater, Mars: A perspective from SuperCam onboard Perseverance, J. Geophys. Res.-Planets, 128, e2022JE007638, HIGP-2474,

11695 Conner, K., et al. [S. Sharma, S. Kahng], 2023, Raman analysis of octocoral carbonate ion structural disorder along a natural depth gradient, Kona coast, Hawaii, Am. Mineral., 108(5), 999-1013, HIGP-2475,

11696 Daly, J., et al., 2023, The first proof of concept demonstration of nanowarming in coral tissues, Adv. Sustain. Syst., HIMB-1935 (in press).

11697 Chang, C.-T., et al. [J. C. Drazen, N. J. Wallsgrove, B. N. Popp], 2023, Ontogenetic and seasonal shifts in diets of sharptail mola, Masturus lanceolatus, in waters off Taiwan, Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser., doi: 10.3354/meps14356.

11698 Takahashi, N., et al. [K. J. Richards, N. Schneider, M. F. Stuecker, H. Annamalai], 2023, Observed relative contributions of anomalous heat fluxes and effective heat capacity to sea surface temperature variability, Geophys. Res. Lett. (in press).

11699 Taylor, B., E. K. Benyshek, and A. M. Goodliffe, 2023, Subduction of submarine arc volcanoes beneath the Solomon Islands arc, Geosciences (accepted).

11700 Xuan, Z. , W. Zhang, F. Jiang, M. F. Stuecker, and F.-F. Jin, 2023, Seasonal-varying characteristics of tropical Pacific westerly wind bursts during El Niño due to annual cycle modulation, Clim Dyn., IPRC-1606 (in press).

11701 Falster, G., B. Konecky, S. Coats, and S. Stevenson, 2023, Forced changes in the Pacific Walker circulation over the past millennium, Nature (in press).

11702 Tamalavage, A. E., et al. [S. Coats], 2023, Middle to late Holocene paleolimnology of a sinkhole lake in the northern Bahamas and its linkage to regional climate variability, J. Paleolimnol., (in press).

11703 McMurtry, G.M., and L.S. Dasilveira, 2023, In-situ monitoring of 3He/4He in summit gases of Kilauea Volcano (Hawaii) prior to the 2020 eruption, J. Appl. Volcanol., (in press).

11704 Hassan, M. B., et al. [E. Herrero-Bervera], 2023, A magnetic and geochemical approach to the changing sedimentation accumulation on the upper slope of the great barrier reef, northeastern Australian margin, Quat. Sci. Rev., HIG-2476 (in press).

11705 Wang, B., et. al. [Y.-M. Yang, T. Li, F.-F. Jin], 2023, Understanding the recent unprecedented increase in multiyear La Niñas, Nat. Clim. Change (accepted).

11706 Li, C., et al. [F.-F. Jin, M. F. Stuecker], 2023, ENSO skewness hysteresis and associated changes in strong El Niño under a CO2 removal scenario, npj Climate Atmos. Sci. (in press).

11707 Geng, X., M. C. Boufadel, H. Li, V. Na Nagara, and K. Lee, 2023, Impacts of evaporation-induced groundwater upwelling on mixing dynamics in shallow wetlands, Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2023GL104642,

11708 Geng, X., et al., 2023, A generic approach to construct pseudo components for oil weathering models, J. Hazard. Mater., 132160,

11709 Roach, T. N. F., et al. [C. Drury], 2023, Single-polyp metabolomics reveals biochemical structuring of the coral holobiont at multiple scales, Commun. Biol. HIMB-1936 (accepted).

11710 Mannochio-Russo, H., et al. [K. Nakayama, E. M. Nalley, J. Y. Yew, A. S. Amend, M. McFall-Ngai, N. A. Hynson, C. E. Nelson], 2023, Microbiomes and metabolomes of dominant coral reef primary producers illustrate a potential role for immunolipids in marine symbioses, Commun. Biol. (accepted).

11711 Burkhard, L. M. L., and S. A. Fagents, 2023, Exploring the initial landing site area of Dragonfly on Titan: Insights into shear failure and strike-slip faulting at Selk Crater, Icarus, ICARUS-D-23-00206R1, HIGP-2477 (accepted).

11712 Horgan, B., et al. [S.A. Fagents], 2023, Mineraology, morphology, and emplacement history of the Maaz formation on the Jezero crater floor from orbital and rover observations. J. Geophys. Res. Planets, HIGP-2478, doi:10.1029/2022JE007612 (in press).

11713 Schurmeier, L. R., et al. [S.A. Fagents], 2023, An intrusive cryomagmatic origin for northern radial labyrinth terrains on Titan and implications for the presence of crustal clathrates, Icarus, HIGP-2479, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115664 (in press).

11714 Holm-Alwmark, S., et al. [S. A. Fagents], 2023, Diverse lava flow morphologies in the stratigraphy of the Jezero Crater floor, Mars, J. Geophys. Res.-Planets, HIGP-2480, doi:10.1029/2002JE007466 (in press).

11715 Steadmon, M., K. Ngiraklang, M. Nagata, K. Masga, and K. L. Frank, 2023, Effects of water turbidity on the survival of Staphylococcus aureus in environmental fresh and brackish waters, Water Environ. Res. (accepted).

11716 Truax, K., et al. [H. Dulai, A. Misra, M. Garces], 2023, Laser induced fluorescence for monitoring environmental contamination and stress in the moss Thuidium plicatile, Plants (accepted).

11717 Guo, X., et al. [H. Annamalai], 2023, Distinct features of atmospheric rivers over the western North Pacific in post–El Niño and non-post–El Niño summers, J. Climate (accepted).

11718 Yamaguchi, R., et al. [M. F. Stuecker], 2023, Persistent ocean anomalies as a response to Northern Hemisphere heating induced by biomass burning variability, J. Climate (in press).

11719 Capotondi, A., et al. [M. F. Stuecker, B. Qiu, N. Schneider], 2023, Mechanisms of tropical Pacific decadal variability, Nat. Rev. Earth Environ. (in press).

11720 Suchocki, C., et al. [B. W. Bowen, R. J. Toonen], 2023, Geographic destiny trumps taxonomy in the roundtail chub Gila robusta species complex (Teleostei, Cyprinidae), Sci. Rep., HIMB-1937 (in press).

11721 Chen, H.-C., and F.-F. Jin, 2023, The mechanism of boreal summer SSTA phase-locking in the far eastern Pacific, npj Climate Atmos. Sci., doi: 10.1038/s41612-023-00472-6 (in press).

11722 Hoban, M. L., M. Bunce, and B. W. Bowen, 2023, Plumbing the depths with environmental DNA (eDNA): Metabarcoding reveals biodiversity zonation at 45–60 m on mesophotic coral reefs, Molec. Ecol., HIMB-1938 (accepted).

11723 Barrows, A. R., et al. [C. Caruso, C. Drury], 2023, Enhancing survivorship and growth of juvenile Montipora capitata using the Hawaiian collector urchin Tripneustes gratilla, PeerJ, HIMB-1939 (accepted).

11724 Fujieki, L., F. Santiago-Mandujano, F. Carvalho Pacheco, J. Potemra, and A. White, 2023,  Hawaii Ocean Time-series Data Report #33: 2021, 415 pp (in press).

11725 Geng, L., and F.-F. Jin, 2023, Insights into ENSO diversity from an intermediate coupled model. Part I: Uniqueness and sensitivity of the ENSO mode, J. Climate, (in press).

11726 Geng, L., and F.-F. Jin, 2023, Insights into ENSO diversity from an intermediate coupled model. Part II: Role of nonlinear dynamics and stochastic forcing, J. Climate, (in press).

11727 McClish, S., and S. Bushinsky, 2023, Majority of Southern Ocean seasonal sea ice zone bloom net community production precedes total ice retreat, Geophys. Res. Lett. (in press).

11728 Kelly, E. M., M. J. Egan, A. Colón, S. M. Angel, and S. K. Sharma, 2023, Single-grating monolithic spatial heterodyne Raman spectrometer: An investigation on the effects of detector selection, Appl. Spectrosc., HIGP-2481, doi: 10.1177/00037028231204894 (in press).

11729 Bhattacharya, T., et al. [S. Coats], 2023, California margin temperatures modulate regional circulation and extreme summer precipitation in the desert southwest, Environ. Res. Lett., (in press).

11730 Shan, K., Y. Lin, P.-S. Chu, X. Yu, and F. Song, 2023, Seasonal advance of intense tropical cyclones in a warming climate, Nature,