Agrihan Island

[ Bathymetry | Backscatter | Optical Validation | Geomorphology ]

Agrihan is a dormant volcanic island located at latitude 18 46’N, longitude 145 40’E, approximately 390 km north of Saipan. It is 10 km long and 7 km wide with an area of approximately 47 km2 and a maximum elevation of 965 m. It is the highest point in CNMI and the largest single volcano.

Click thumbnail maps below to explore PIBHMC’s data sets.


Small Agrihan 10 meter grid image.

Small Agrihan 10 meter grid image.

Benthic Habitat Data


Zipped data files contain 1) grid data file (GMT or ASCII), 2) high-res JPG of image, and 3) explanatory metadata text file (identical to linked file listed below).
* Ikonos imagery & USGS Digital Ortho Quarter Quads NOT included with download.

10m grid data
2m WV-2 derived depths data files

For Agrihan Island Backscatter Data, please vist here.

  • View: Metadata
    2003 | Map
  • Download: Shapefiles, JPG & metadata

Zipped data files contain 1) Arc ASCII file, 2) layer (.lyr) file for symbology, 3) high-res JPG of image, and 4) explanatory metadata text file (identical to linked file listed below).

10m grid data