Digital PIBHMC Data Catalog
*Note, the catalogs may not list all data at different times due to many updates.
PIBHMC Work Practices
All of these documents are in PDF format unless otherwise noted.
- Single Beam Error Analysis
- Mobile Fauna Analysis Overview
- Synthesis and Planning Overview
- Multibeam Acquisition Overview
- Multibeam Bathymetry Processing Overview
- Multibeam Backscatter Processing Overview
- Synthesis and Planning Overview
- Towed-diver surveys, a method for mesoscale spatial assessment of benthic reef habitat: a case study at Midway Atoll in the Hawaiian Archipelago.Kenyon, et. al. Proceedings Coastal Zone Asia-Pacific Conference 2004.
- Optical Analysis Overview
- Benthic Habitat Classification Scheme (webpage)
- Integrating Benthic Habitat Mapping Data into a Geographic Information System
- Derived Bathymetry of Nearshore Benthic Habitats Overivew
Survey Systems
- Hydrographic Surveying Using the SAIC ISS-2000 System, Simmons, et. al., Proceedings of the US. Hydrographic Conf. 2001.
- Generic Sensor Format Specification
- R/V AHI Safety and Operations Manual
- AHI Multibeam Systems Block Diagram
- Hi’ialakai System Calibration, Feb 2005
- Hi’ialakai Systems Integration, April 2005
Methodological Developments
- A Methodology for Classification of Benthic Features using WorldView-2 Imagery. Watkins, R. Nov. 2015
- Terrain Metrics and Landscape Characterization from Bathymetric Data: SAGA GIS Methods and Command Sequences. Watkins, R. Oct. 2015
- Depth Derivation Using Multispectral WorldView-2 Satellite Imagery., Ehses J., Rooney J. June 2015
- Exploring the use of a towed video camera as a tool for assessing fish-habitat associations., Donham, E. 2010.
- Developing the SeaBED AUV as a Tool for Conducting Routine Surveys of Fish and thier Habitat in the PacificClarke M.E., Whitmire C, Fruh E, Anderson J, Rooney J, Taylor J, Singh H . 2010 (1 MB PDF)
- Surface Areas and Ratios from Elevation Grids, v 1.2, Jenness, 2003.
- Lundblad et al., 2006, A benthic terrain classification scheme for American Samoa, Marine Geodesy, 29(2):89 – 111.
- Bathymetric Position Index Technique, Lundblad Thesis, 2004.
- Predicted Seafloor Facies of Central Santa Monica Bay, California, Dartnell, P. and Gardner, J., USGS Open-File Report 2004-1081, 2004.
- Predicting Seafloor Facies from Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Data, Dartnell, P. and Gardner, J.V., Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. Vol. 70, No.9, pp 1081-1091, 2004.
Other Publications
- Expanding Benthic Habitat Mapping: West Hawai‘i Habitat Focus Area Suka, Rhonda R.; DesRochers, Annette. 2018 New
- Expanding Benthic Habitat Mapping: West Maui Priority Area Suka, Rhonda R.; DesRochers, Annette. 2018 New
- An analysis of linkages between reef fish assemblages and benthic habitat characteristics in the Main Hawaiian Islands Gorospe, D Kelvin. Acoba, S. Tomoko. 2017
- Acoustic characterization of mesophotic coral reef ecosystems of West Hawai’i Suka, Rhonda R. ; Rooney, John J. B. (John Joseph Bowman) ; DesRochers, Annette. 2017 >
- A preliminary analysis examining linkages between reef fish assemblages and benthic habitat characteristics in Tutuila, American Samoa. Gorospe, K.D., Acoba, T., Rooney, J. Oct. 2015
- Linkages Raw Data. The csv files include all the raw data used for carrying out the same analysis in the report.
- Mesophotic coral ecosystems – potential candidates as essential fish habitat and habitat areas of particular concern. Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center Administrative Report H-13-02, 53 p. , Blyth-Skyrme VJ, Rooney JJ, Parrish FA, Boland RC 2013.
- Coral Reef Conservation Program(CRCP) Mapping Achievements and Unmet Needs,Miller, J; Battista, T., Pritchett, A; Rohmann, S; Rooney, J 2011.
- Hydrographic Survey W00158 Atlantic Hydrographic Branch Acceptance Letter, Miller J., Eggleston, S. 2011.
- Current Application and Future Needs of Seabed Mapping Program., Blyth-Skyrme, V.. 2011.
- Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems in the Hawaiian Archipelago Rooney J, Donham E, Montogmery A, Spalding H, Parrish F, Boland R, Fenner D, Gove J, Vetter O. 2010 (1 MB PDF)
- Mesophotic Communities of the Insular Shelf at Tutuila, American Samoa Bare A, Grimshaw K, Rooney J, Sabater M, Fenner D, Carroll B 2010. (1MB PDF)
- Geomorphology of Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems: Current Perspectives on Morp… Locker S, Armstrong R, Battista T, Rooney J, Sherman C, Zawada D 2010. (2 MB PDF)
- NWHI Joint Symposium Presentation: Groundtruthing variations in backscatter intensity…. Weiss J, Rooney J, Chojnacki J,Grimshaw K, Miller J, Ferguson S 2008. (91 MB PPS)
- Geology and Geomorpholgy of Coral Reefs of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Rooney J, Wessel P, Hoeke R, Weiss J, Baker J, Parrish F, Fletcher CH, Chojnacki J, Garcia M, Brainard R, Vroom P. 2008. (3.04 MB PDF)
- Coral Reef Mapping in the U.S.-Affiliated Pacific IslandsEEZ Information from Coral Research. Miller, Joyce E. 2008. (10.4 MB PPT)
- Seafloor Characterization using multibeam, backscatter, and optical data at French Frigate Shoals, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Weiss, Johnathan, Joyce E. Miller, and John Ronney. 2008. (6.88 MB PDF)
- Remote Sensing of Shallow Water Bathymetry for Integration with Multibeam SONAR Data. Hochberg, Eric J., Susan Vogt, Joyce E. Miller, and Kyle Hogrefe. 2007. (poster, 35 MB PDF)
- Controls on back-arc crustal accretion: insights from the Lau, Manus, and Mariana basins, in Intra-oceanic subduction systems: tectonic and magmatic processes. Martinez, F., and B. Taylor 2003, edited by R.D. Larter and P.T. Leat, pp. 19-54, Geological Society, London.(17MB PDF)
- Shallow Seafloor Mapping in the Mariana Archipelago for Coral Reef Ecosystem Research. Weiss et al. Joint NSF-MARGINS and IFREE Workshop: Subduction Factory Studies in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc System: Results and Future Plans, November 2007. (poster, 2.1 MB PDF)
- Seafloor Characterization Using Multibeam and Optical Data at French Frigate Shoals, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Weiss et al. 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Abstract submitted Nov 2007. (22 KB DOC)
- (Password Protected) Main Hawaiian Islands Collection: Multibeam Bathymetry, Backscatter, and Optical Validation Maps. v.1, 2007. (67 MB PDF)
- Northwest Hawaiian Islands Collection: Multibeam Bathymetry, Backscatter, and Optical Validation Maps. v.1, 2007. (102 MB PDF)
- The Geomorphology, Habitats, and Mapping of the Hawaiian Archipelago. Miller and Rooney. Hawaii Association for Marine Education and Research (HAMER) Meeting, August 2007. (12 MB Powerpoint)
- MARAMP 2007 Preliminary Results: DRAFT Bathymetric Maps. June 2007. (11 MB PDF)
- Mariana Islands Collection: Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Maps. v.1, 2007. (103 MB PDF)
- American Samoa Collection: Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Maps.2006. (86 MB PDF)
- Wet DEMs – Lessons Learned Working with Bathymetric Data in the Hawaiian Islands. Lundblad and Breman. ESRI Regional Users Group Meeting 2007. (15 MB PowerPoint)
- The Predictive Accuracy of Shoreline Change Rate Methods and Alongshore Beach Variation on Maui, Hawaii. Genz et al. Journal of Coastal Research, January 2007. (3 MB PDF)
- GIS Day 2006 (Kona, Hawaii) Lundblad. November 2006.(12.2 MB PowerPoint)
- Bathymetric and 3-D Maps of the U.S. Pacific Remote Islands: Collaborative Mapping in the Pacific. Miller et al. (17.7 MB PowerPoint)
- So Much Ocean, So Little Time: Optical Validation of Essential Fish Habitat in the Pacific Islands Region. Rooney. NMFS, August 2006. (4 MB PDF)
- Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Products for Benthic Habitat Mapping — There’s No Silver Bullet. Miller. NMFS, August 2006. (14.8 MB Powerpoint)
- NOAA Seafloor Mapping and Characterization in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Miller et al. Oceans 2006. (poster, 31.8 MB PDF)
- The Influence of Wave Energy on Spatial Variation in Coral Reef Morphology: Midway Atoll. Chojnacki et al. Oceans 2006. (poster, 7.4 MB PDF)
- Seafloor Characterization using High-Resolution Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter at French Frigate Shoals, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Weiss et al. Oceans 2006. (7 MB PDF)
- Benthic Habitat Mapping to Meet Management Needs: A Case Study from Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Rooney et al. Oceans 2006. (6.4 MB PDF)
- Characterization of benthic habitat for Saipan Anchorage Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Rooney J, Parke M, Lundblad E, Chojnacki JD, Holst S, Miller J, Laughlin JL. 2005. (8.5 MB PDF)
- Mapping Paciic Island Coral Reef Ecosystems with Multibeam and Optical Surveys: Introducing the Benthic Terrain Modeler to Automate Terrain Classification. Lundblad et al. Coastal GeoTools 2005. (4.7 MB PDF)
- Collaborative Nautical Charting and Scientific Seabed Mapping Missions: A Case Study in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Evans et al. Sea Technology, June 2004. (0.8 MB PDF)
- Seafloor Texture Analysis of Saipan Anchorage Bathymetry using LocalFourier Histogram (LFH) Texture Features. G. R. Cutter Jr. October 2004. (13.4 MB PDF)
- A Time/Effort Comparison of Automatic and Manual Bathymetric Processing in Real-Time Mode. Calder, B. and S. Smith, Proceedings of the US Hydrographic Conference 2003. (2.5 MB PDF)
- Pacific Moderate Depth Mapping Implementation Plan, 2003. (10.3 MB PDF)