Complete Publication List

110. Gemba, K. L., N. C. Durofchalk, D. R. Dall’Osto, R. K. Andrew, P. Leary, B. M. Howe, K. B. Smith; Basin scale coherence of Kauai-Beacon m-sequence transmissions received at Wake Island and Monterey, CA. JASA Express Lett, 1 August 2023; 3 (8): 080801.

109. Rowe, C. A, B. M. Howe, M. J. Fouch, M. Angove, J. Aucan, C. R. Barnes, N. Bayliff, N. C. Becker, F. Carrilho, B. Fry, H. A. Janiszewski, A. Jamelot, L. S. L. Kong, S. T. Lentz, D. S. Luther, G. Marinaro, L. Matias, A. Salaree, A. E. Sakya, T. Thiele, F. Tilmann, C. von Hildebrandt-Andrade, L. M. Wallace, S. Weinstein, W. S. D. Wilcock, J. Barros, SMART Cables Observing the Oceans and Earth, Marine Technology Society journal, 2022, Vol.56 (5), p.13-25

108. Graupe, C., L. J. Van Uffelen, P. F. Worcester, M. A. Dzieciuch, and B. M. Howe, An Automated Framework for Long-Range Acoustic Positioning of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, J. Acous. Soc. Am, 152,3, pp 1615-1626,, September 2022.

107. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Howe contributor, Shaping Our Digital Future: Asia-Pacific Digital Transformation Report,, 2022.

106. Smith, L. M., L. Cimoli, D. LaScala-Gruenewald, M. Pachiadaki, B. Brennan, H. Pillar, J. E. Stopa, S. Baumann-Pickering, S. E. Beaulieu, K. L. C. Bell, H. Harden-Davies, K. M. Gjerde, P. Heimbach, B. Howe, F. Janssen, L. A. Levin, H. A. Ruhl, A. Soule, K. Stocks, M. F. Vardaro, D. J. Wright. The Deep Ocean Observing Strategy: Addressing Global Challenges in the Deep Sea Through Collaboration. Marine Tech. Soc. J., pp. 50-66, 2022. doi: 10.4031/MTSJ.56.3.11

105. Ma, B. B., B. D. Dushaw, and B. M. Howe. Rainfall at Sea: Using the Underwater Sounds of Raindrops as a Rain Gauge for Weather and Climate, Acoustics Today, Vol. 18, issue 2, pp 62-71, 2022.

104. IOC-UNESCO. State of the Ocean Report 2022, pilot edition. Paris, IOC-UNESCO. (IOC Technical Series, 173). 2022.

103. Howe, B. M., M. Angove, J. Aucan, C. R. Barnes, J. Barros, N. Bayliff, N. C. Becker, F. Carrilho, M. Fouch, B. Fry, A. Jamelot, H. Janiszeweski, L. S. L. Kong, S. Lentz, D. S. Luther, G. Marinaro, L. M. Matias, C. A. Rowe, A. Salaree, A. E. Sakya, T. Thiele, F. J. Tilmann, C. von Hillebrandt-Andrade, L. Wallace, S. A. Weinstein, W. Wilcock. SMART Subsea Cables for Observing the Earth and Ocean, Mitigating Environmental Hazards, and supporting the Blue Economy. Front. Earth Sci. 9:775544. doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.775544, 2022.

102. Salaree, A., B. M. Howe, Y. Huang, S. Weinstein, A. E. Sakya, A numerical study of SMART Cables potential in marine hazard early warning for the Sumatra and Java regions, Pure Appl. Geophys. 2022.

101. Ainslie, M. A., R. K. Andrew, B. M. Howe, and J. A. Mercer, Temperature-driven seasonal and longer term changes in spatially averaged deep ocean ambient sound at frequencies 63–125 Hz, J. Acous. Soc. Am., 149 , 2531-2545 (2021)

100. Sharma, S. K., B. M. Howe, A. K. Misra, M. R. Rognstad, J. N. Porter, T. E. Acosta-Maeda, and M. J. Egan, Underwater Time-Gated Standoff Raman Sensor for In Situ Chemical Sensing, Applied Spectroscopy, Appl Spectrosc. 2021 Mar 12:37028211001923. doi: 10.1177/00037028211001923, 2021.

99Howe, B. M., B. Arbic. J. Aucan, C. Barnes, N. Bayliff, N. Becker, R. Butler, L. Doyle, S. Elipot, G. C. Johnson, F. Landerer, S. Lentz, D. Luther, J. Mariano, K. Panayotou, C. Rowe, R. Scholl, Y. T. Song, M. Thomas, P. Thomas, F. Tillman, T. Weber, S. Weinstein, The SMART Cables Joint Task Force, SMART Cables for Observing the Global Ocean: Science and Implementation, Frontiers in Marine Science, OceanObs’19 Special Issue, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00424, 2019.

98Howe, B. M., J. Miksis-Olds, E. Rehm, H. Sagen, P. F. Worcester, and G. Haralabus, Observing the Oceans Acoustically, Frontiers of Marine Science, OceanObs’19 Special Issue, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00426, 2019.

97. Levin L. A., B. J. Bett, A. R. Gates, P. Heimbach, B. M. Howe, F. Janssen, A McCurdy, H. A. Ruhl, P. Snelgrove, K. I. Stocks, D. Bailey, S. Baumann-Pickering, C. Beaverson, M. C. Benfield, D. J. Booth, M. Carreiro-Silva, A. Colaço, M. C. Eblé, A. M. Fowler, K. M. Gjerde, D. O. B. Jones, K. Katsumata, D. Kelley, N. Le Bris, A. P. Leonardi, F. Lejzerowicz, P. I. Macreadie, D. McLean, F. Meitz, T. Morato, A. Netburn, J Pawlowski, C. R. Smith, S. Sun, H. Uchida, M. F. Vardaro, R. Venkatesan and R. A. Weller, Global Observing Needs in the Deep Ocean. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:241. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00241, 2019.

96. Taniguchi, N., C.‐F. Huang, M. Arai, B. M Howe, Variation of Residual Current in the Seto Inland Sea Driven by Sea Level Difference Between the Bungo and Kii Channels, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 123, 4, pp 2921-2933,, 2018.

95. Lentz, S., and B. M. Howe, Scientific Monitoring And Reliable Telecommunications (SMART) Cable Systems: Integration of Sensors into Telecommunications Repeaters, OCEANS-MTS/IEEE Kobe Techno-Oceans (OTO), DOI: 10.1109/OCEANSKOBE.2018.8558862,   2018

94. Chen, M., F. Syamsudin, A. Kaneko, N. Gohda, B. M Howe, H. Mutsuda, A.Hanifa Dinan, H. Zheng, C-F Huang, N. Taniguchi, X. Zhu, Y. Adityawarman, C. Zhang, and J. Lin, Real-Time Offshore Coastal Acoustic Tomography Enabled With Mirror-Transpond Functionality, IEEE J. of Oceanic Engineering, DOI: , 2018.

93. Baggeroer, A. B., B. M. Howe, P. N. Mikhalevsky, J. A. Orcutt, and Henrik Schmidt, Ocean Observatories: An Engineering Challenge, The Bridge, National Academy of Engineering, 48, 3, pp 17-34, 2018.

92Howe, B. M., and E. McRae (2017), Deep trouble! Common problems for ocean observatories, Eos, 98,, Published on 22 May 2017.

91. Zhao, X., C. Yardim, D. Wang, and B. M. Howe, Estimating Range-Dependent Evaporation Duct Height. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 34, 1113–1123,, 2017.

90. Tilmann, F., B. M. Howe, and R. Butler (2017), Commercial underwater cable systems could reduce disaster impact, Eos, 98, Published on 23 March 2017.

89. Van Uffelen, L. J., E H Roth, B. M. Howe, E. M. Oleson, and Y. Barkley, A Seaglider-Integrated Digital Monitor for Bioacoustic Sensing, IEEE J. Ocean. Eng.,, 2017.

88. Zhang, C., A. Kaneko, X.-H. Zhu, and B. M. Howe, Acoustic measurement of the net transport through the Seto Inland Sea, Acoust. Sci. Tech. 37, 1, 10-20, doi:10.1250/ast.37.10, 2016.

87. Andrew, R. K., B. M. Howe, and J. A. Mercer, Decadal trends in low-frequency ambient ocean noise for seven sites in the North Pacific ocean, J. Underwater Acoustics., 66, pp 1-27, October, 2016.

86Howe, B. M., J. Aucan, and F. Tilmann, Submarine cable systems for future societal needs, Eos, 97, Published on 09 August 2016.

85. Oswald, J. N., H. Ou, W. W. L. Au, B. M. Howe, and F. Duennebier, Listening for whales at the Station ALOHA Cabled Observatory. Listening in the Ocean, M. Lammers and W. Au., eds., Springer Science+Business Media. New York. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3176-7_9, 2016.

85. Oswald, J. N., H. Ou, W. W. L. Au, B. M Howe, and F. Duennebier, Listening for whales at the Station ALOHA Cabled Observatory. Listening in the Ocean, M. Lammers and W. Au., eds., Springer Science+Business Media. New York.
doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3176-7_9, 2016.

84. Zhang, C., A. Kaneko, X.-H. Zhu, Howe, B. M., and N. Gohda, Acoustic measurement of the net transport through the Seto Inland Sea, Acoust. Sci. Tech., 37, 10–20, doi:10.1250/ast.37.10, 2016.

83. Alford, M. A., T. McGinnis, and Howe, B. M., An inductive charging and real-time communications system for profiling moorings, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technology, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-15-0103.1, 2015.

82. Van Uffelen, L.J., Howe, B. M.,, E.M. Nosal, G.S. Carter, P.F. Worcester, and M.A. Dzieciuch, Localization and subsurface position error estimation of gliders using broadband acoustic signals at long range, IEEE J. Ocean. Eng., doi: 10.1109/JOE.2015.2479016, 2015.

81. Howe, B. M., F. K. Duennebier, R. Lukas, The ALOHA Cabled Observatory, in Seafloor Observatories: A new vision of the Earth from the Abyss, Eds. P. Favali, L. Beranzoli and A. De Santis, Springer-Praxis Publishing, pp. 439-463, DOI: I10.1007/978-3-642-11374-1, 2015.

80. Chen, Y., B. M. Howe, and C. Yang, Actively Controllable Switching for Tree Topology Seafloor Observation Networks, IEEE J. Oceanic Engineering, 10.1109/JOE.2014.2362830, 2014.

79. B. M. Howe, A Deep Cabled Observatory: Biology and Physics in the Abyss, Eos, Trans. AGU, 95(47), 429-430, 2014. DOI: 10.1002/2014EO470001

78. Song, H. C., B. M. Howe, M. G. Brown, and R. K. Andrew, Diversity-based acoustic communication with a glider in deep water, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Express Letters, 135, 1023–1026, (2014), DOI:

77. Ardhuin, F., T. Lavanant, M. Obrebski, L. Marie, J. Y. Royer, J. F. d’Eu, B. M. Howe, R. Lukas, and J. Aucan, A numerical model for ocean ultra low frequency (UFL) noise: wave-generated acoustic-gravity and Rayleigh modes, J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,134, 3242-3259 (2013), DOI:

76. Chandrayadula, T. K., K. E. Wage, P. F. Worcester, M. A. Dzieciuch, J. A. Mercer, R. K. Andrew, and B. M. Howe, Reduced rank models for travel time estimation of low mode signals, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 134, 3332-3346 (2013), DOI:

75. Chandrayadula, T. K., J. A. Colosi, P. F. Worcester, M. A. Dzieciuch, J. A. Mercer, R. K. Andrew, and B. M. Howe, Observations and transport theory analysis of low frequency, acoustic mode propagation in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean, J. Acoust. Soc. of Am., 134, 3144-3160 (2013), DOI:

74. Stephen, R. A., S. T. Bolmer, M. A. Dzieciuch, P. F. Worcester, R. Andrew, J. A. Mercer, J. A. Colosi, and B. M. Howe, Deep seafloor arrivals in long range ocean acoustic propagation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 134, 3307-3317 (2013), DOI:

73. Taniguchi, N., C.-F. Huang, A. Kaneko, C.-T. Liu, B. M. Howe, Y.-H. Wang, Y. Yang, J. Lin, X.-H. Zhu, and N. Gohda, Measuring the Kuroshio current with ocean acoustic tomography, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 134, 3272-3281 (2013), DOI:

72. Udovydchenkov, I. A., M. G. Brown, T. F. Duda, P. F. Worcester, M. A. Dzieciuch, J. A. Mercer, Rex K. Andrew, B. M. Howe, J. A. Colosi, Weakly dispersive modal pulse propagation in the North Pacifi c Ocean, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 134, 3386-3394 (2013), DOI:

71. Van Uffelen, L. J., E. M. Nosal, B. M. Howe, and G. S. Carter, P. F. Worcester, M. A. Dzieciuch, K. D. Heaney, R. L. Campbell, and P. S. Cross, Estimating uncertainty in subsurface glider position using transmissions from fixed acoustic tomography sources, J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,134, 3260-3271 (2013), DOI:

70. Worcester, P. F., R. K. Andrew, A. B. Baggeroer, J. A. Colosi, G. L. D’Spain, M. A. Dzieciuch, K. D. Heaney, B. M. Howe, J. N. Kemp, J. A. Mercer, R. A. Stephen, and L. J. Van Uffelen, The North Pacific Acoustic Laboratory (NPAL) deep-water acoustic propagation experiments in the Philippine Sea, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 134, 3359-3375 (2013), DOI:

69. Udovydchenkov, I. A., R. A. Stephen, T. F. Duda. S. T. Bolmer, P. F. Worcester, M. A. Dzieciuch, J. A. Mercer, R. K. Andrew, and B. M. Howe, Bottom interacting sound at 50 km range in a deep ocean environment, J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,132(4):2224-31, 2012.

68. Udovydchenkov, I. A., M. G. Brown, T. F. Duda, J. A. Mercer, R. K. Andrew, P. F. Worcester, M. A. Dzieciuch, B. M. Howe, and J. A. Colosi, Modal analysis of the range evolution of broadband wavefields in the North Pacific Ocean: low mode numbers. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 131(6):4409-27, 2012.

67. Howe, B. M., F. K. Duennebier, R. Butler, R. B. Lukas, Scientific uses of submarine cables: Evolutionary development leading to the ALOHA Cabled Observatory, Mains’l Haul, J. Pacific Maritime History, 48, 100-119, 2012.

66. Bingham, B., N. Kraus, B. M. Howe, L. Freitag, K. Ball, P. Koski, and E. Gallimore, Passive and active acoustics using an autonomous wave glider, J. of Field Robotics, DOI: 10.1002/rob.21424, 2012.

65. Alford, M. H., R. Lukas, B. M. Howe, A. Pickering, and F. Santiago-Mandujano, Moored observations of episodic abyssal flow and mixing at station ALOHA, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L15606, DOI: 10.1029/2011GL048075, 2011

64. Andrew, R.K., B. M. Howe, J.A. Mercer, Long-time trends in ship traffic noise for four sites off the North American West Coast, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 129 (2), 642–651, 2011.

63. Andrew, R. K., M. R. Zarnetske, B. M. Howe, and J. A. Mercer, Ship-Suspended Acoustical Transmitter Position Estimation and Motion Compensation, IEEE J. Oceanic Engineering, 35 (4),797-810, 2010.

62. Dushaw, B., W. Au, A. Beszczynska-Möller, R. Brainard, B. Cornuelle, T. Duda, M. Dzieciuch, A. Forbes, L. Freitag, J. Gascard, A. Gavrilov, J. Gould, B. Howe, J. Jayne, S., Johannessen, O., Lynch, J., Martin, D., Menemenlis, D., Mikhalevsky, P., Miller, S. Moore, W. Munk, J. Nystuen, R. Odom, J. Orcutt, T. Rossby, H. Sagen, S. Sandven, J. Simmen, E. Skarsoulis, B. Southall, K. Stafford, R. Stephen, K. Vigness Raposa, S. Vinogradov, K. Wong, P. Worcester, and C. Wunsch, A Global Ocean Acoustic Observing Network, in Proceedings of OceanObs’09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society (Vol. 2), Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009, Hall, J., Harrison, D.E. & Stammer, D., Eds., ESA Publication WPP-306, DOI: 10.5270/OceanObs09.cwp.25, 2010.

61. Howe, B. M. , Y. Chao , P. Arabshahi, S. Roy, T. McGinnis and A. Gray(2010). A Smart Sensor Web for Ocean Observation: Fixed and Mobile Platforms, Integrated Acoustics, Satellites and Predictive Modeling, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 3, 4, 507-521, DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2010.2052022 2010.

60. Luby, J., J. M. Stevenson, V. K. McDonald, B. J. Granger, P. Sullivan, R. G. Jones, A. Huizinga, W. S. Hodgkiss, B. Howe, R. T. Miyamoto, M. Grund, G. Anderson, M. Hazen, P. Hursky, M. B. Porter, and M. R. Anderson, An at-sea,autonomous, closed-loop concept study for detecting and tracking submerged objects, J. Underwater Acous.(USN), 59(4), 671-689, 2009.

59. Stephen, R. A., S. T. Bolmer, M. A. Dzieciuch, P. F. Worcester, R. K. Andrew, L. J. Buck, J. A. Mercer, J. A. Colosi, and B. M. Howe, Deep seafloor arrivals: An unexplained set of arrivals in long-range ocean acoustic propagation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 126 (2),599–606, 2009.

58. Colosi, J. A., J. Xu, P. F. Worcester, M. A. Dzieciuch, W. H. Munk, B. M. Howe, and J. A. Mercer, Temporal and vertical scales of acoustic fluctuations for 75-Hz, broadband transmissions to 87-km range in the eastern North Pacific Ocean, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 126 (3), 1069-1083, 2009.

57. Grigorieva, N. S., G. M. Fridman, J. A Mercer, R. K. Andrew, M. A. Wolfson, B. M. Howe and J. A. Colosi, The interference component of the acoustic field corresponding to the Long-Range Ocean Acoustic Propagation Experiment, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 125, 1919–1929, DOI: 10.1121/1.3082112, 2009.

56. Dushaw, B. D., P. F. Worcester, W. H. Munk, R. C. Spindel, J. A. Mercer, B. M. Howe, K. Metzger, Jr., T. G. Birdsall, R. K. Andrew, M. A. Dzieciuch, B. D. Cornuelle, and D. Menemenlis, A decade of acoustic thermometry in the North Pacific Ocean, J. Geophys. Res., 114, C07021, 24pp., doi:10.1029/2008JC005124, 2009.

55. Mercer, J. A., J. A. Colosi, B. M. Howe, M. A. Dzieciuch, R. Stephen, and P. F. Worcester, LOAPEX: The Long-range Ocean Acoustic Propagation Experiment, IEEE J. Oceanic Engineering, 34, 1–11, 2009.

54. Moore, S. E., B. M. Howe, K. M. Stafford, and M. L. Boyd, Including whale call detection in standard ocean measurements: applications of acoustic Seagliders, J. Marine Technology Society, 41, 53-57, 2008.

53. Miller, A. J., D. J., Neilson, D. S. Luther, M. C. Hendershott, B. D. Cornuelle, P. F. Worcester, M. A. Dzieciuch, B. D. Dushaw, B. M. Howe, J. C. Levin, H. G. Arango, and D. B. Haidvogel, Barotropic Rossby wave radiation from a model Gulf Stream, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L23613, doi:10.1029/2007GL031937, 2007.

52. Howe, B. M., and T. Chereskin, Oceanographic Measurements, Springer Handbook of Experimental Measurements, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Chapter 18, pp 1179-1217, DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-30299-5_18, 2007.

51. Chan, T., B. M. Howe, C.C. Liu, H. Kirkham, Fault Location for the NEPTUNE Power System, IEEE Transactions On Power Systems, 22, 2, 522-531, May 2007.

50. Schneider, K., C-C. Liu, and B. M. Howe, Topology Error Identification for the NEPTUNE Power System, IEEE Trans. Power Systems, 20, 1224–1232, 2005.

49. El-Sharkawi, M. A., A. Upadhye, S. Lu, H. Kirkham, B. M. Howe, T. McGinnis, and P. Lancaster, North East Pacific Time-integrated Undersea Networked Experiments (NEPTUNE): Cable Switching and Protection, IEEE J. Ocean. Engr., 30, 243–240, 2005.

48. Andrew, R., B. M. Howe, J. A. Mercer and the NPAL Group: J. A. Colosi, B. D. Cornuelle, B. D. Dushaw, M. A. Dzieciuch, B. M. Howe, J. A. Mercer, W. H. Munk, R. C. Spindel, and P. F. Worcester), Transverse horizontal spatial coherence of deep arrivals at megameter ranges, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 117, 1511–1526, 2005.

47. Voronovich, A. G., V. E. Ostashev, and the NPAL Group: J. A. Colosi, B. D. Cornuelle, B. D. Dushaw, M. A. Dzieciuch, B. M. Howe, J. A. Mercer, W. H. Munk, R. C. Spindel, and P. F. Worcester, Horizontal refraction of acoustic signals retrieved from North Pacific Acoustic Laboratory billboard array data, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 117, 1527–1537, 2005.

46. Colosi, J. A., A. B. Baggeroer, B. D. Cornuelle, M. A. Dzieciuch, W. H. Munk, P. F. Worcester, B. D. Dushaw, B. M. Howe, J. A. Mercer, R. C. Spindel, T. G. Birdsall, K. Metzger, and A. M. G. Forbes, Analysis of multipath acoustic field variability and coherence in the finale of broadband basin-scale transmissions in the North Pacific Ocean, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 117, 1538–1564, 2005.

45. Wage, K. E., M. A. Dzieciuch, P. F. Worcester, B. M. Howe, and J. A. Mercer, Mode coherence at megameter ranges in the North Pacific Ocean, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 117, 1565–1581, 2005.

44. Baggeroer, A. B., E. K. Scheer, and the NPAL Group: J. A. Colosi, B. D. Cornuelle, B. D. Dushaw, M. A. Dzieciuch, B. M. Howe, J. A. Mercer, W. H. Munk, R. C. Spindel, and P. F. Worcester. Statistics and vertical directionality of low-frequency ambient noise at the North Pacific Acoustics Laboratory site, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 117, 1643-1643, 2005.

43. Roux, P., W. A. Kupreman, and the NPAL Group: J. A. Colosi, B. D. Cornuelle, B. D. Dushaw, M. A. Dzieciuch, B. M. Howe, J. A. Mercer, W. H. Munk, R. C. Spindel, and P. F. Worcester, Extracting coherent wave fronts from acoustic ambient noise in the ocean, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 116, 1995–2003, 2004.

42. Howe, B. M., and J. H. Miller, Acoustic sensing for ocean research, J. Mar. Tech. Soc., 38, 144–154, 2004.

41. Howe, B. M., Ocean observatories, acoustics, and the future, J. Mar. Acoustics Soc. Japan, 31, 39–51, 2004.

40. Burtenshaw, J. C., E. M. Oleson, J. A. Hildebrand, M. A. McDonald, R. K. Andrew, B. M. Howe,, and J. A. Mercer (2004) Acoustic and satellite remote sensing of blue whale seasonality and habitat in the Northeast Pacific, Deep Sea Research II, 51:967-986.

39. Schunk, R. W., L. Scherliess, J. J. Sojka, D. C. Thompson, D. N. Anderson, M. Codrescu, C. Minter, T. J. Fuller-Rowell, R. A. Heelis, M. Hairston, and B. M. Howe, Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements (GAIM), Radio Science, 39, RS1S02, DOI: 10.1029/2002RS002794, 2004.

38. Voronovich, A. G., V. E. Ostashev, and the NPAL group (J. A. Colosi, B. D. Cornuelle, B. D. Dushaw, M. A. Dzieciuch, B. M. Howe, J. A. Mercer, R. C. Spindel, and P. F. Worcester), Experimental Investigation of the Horizontal Refraction of Acoustic Signals in the Ocean, Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 38, 716-719, 2002.

37. Howe, B. M., H. Kirkham, and V. Vorpérian, Power system considerations for undersea observatories, IEEE J. Ocean. Engr., 27, 267-274, 2002.

36. Andrew, R. K., B. M. Howe, J. A. Mercer, and M. A. Dzieciuch, Ocean ambient sound: Comparing the 1960s with the 1990s for a receiver off the California coast, Acoust. Res. Lett. On-line, 3(2), 65-70, 2002.

35. B. Dushaw, G. Bold, C.-S. Chiu, J. Colosi, B. Cornuelle, Y. Desaubies, M. Dzieciuch, A. Forbes, F. Gaillard, J. Gould, B. Howe, M. Lawrence, J. Lynch, D. Menemenlis, J. Mercer, P. Mikhalevsky, W. Munk, I. Nakano, F. Schott, U. Send, R. Spindel, T. Terre, P. Worcester, C. Wunsch, Observing the ocean in the 2000’s: A strategy for the role of acoustic tomography in ocean climate observation, Proceedings, First International Conference on the Ocean Observing System, San Rafael, France, 18 22 October 1999, in Observing the Oceans in the 21st Century, edited by C. J. Koblinsky and N. R. Smith, 391-418 (GODAE Project Office and Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia, 2001).

34. Pinkel, R., W. Munk, P. Worcester, B. D. Cornuelle, D. Rudnick, J. Sherman, J. H. Filloux, B. D. Dushaw, B. M. Howe, T. B. Sanford, C. M. Lee, E. Kunze, M. C. Gregg, J. B. Miller, J. M. Moum, D. R. Caldwell, M. D. Levine, T. Boyd, G. D. Egbert, M. A. Merrifield, D. S. Luther, E. Firing, R. Brainard, P. Flament, and A. D. Chave, Ocean mixing studied near Hawaiian Ridge, Eos Trans. AGU, 81, 545 and 553, 2000.

33. Delaney, J. R., G. R. Heath, A. D. Chave, B. M. Howe, H. Kirkham, NEPTUNE: Real-time ocean and earth sciences at the scale of a tectonic plate, Oceanography, 13, 71-83, 2000.

32. Curtis, K. R., B. M. Howe, and J. A. Mercer, Low frequency ambient sound in the North Pacific: Long time series observations, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 106, 3189-3200, 1999.

31.Mercer, J. A., B. D. Dushaw, B. M. Howe, and R. C. Spindel, Acoustic monitoring in the Northeast Pacific at megameter ranges (U), U. S. Navy J. Underwater Acoust., 49, 781-788, 1999 (SECRET 4850).

30. Howe, B. M., and D. Rouseff, Acoustical tomography, Encyclopedia of Applied Physics, edited by G. Trigg and E. H. Immergut, addendum update 1, 345-350 (Wiley-VCH Publications, New York, 1999).

29. Colosi, J., E. K. Scheer, S. M. Flatté, B. D. Cornuelle, M. A. Dzieciuch, W. H. Munk, P. F. Worcester, B. M. Howe, J. A. Mercer, R. C. Spindel, K. Metzger, and T. Birdsall, Comparison of measured and predicted acoustic fluctuations for a 3250 km propagation experiment in the eastern North Pacific Ocean, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 105, 3202-3218, 1999.

28. Worcester, P. F., B. D. Cornuelle, M. A. Dzieciuch, W. H. Munk, J. A. Colosi, B. M. Howe, J. A. Mercer, A. B. Baggeroer, and K. Metzger, A test of basin-scale acoustic thermometry using a large-aperture vertical array at 3270-km range in the eastern North Pacific Ocean, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 105, 3185-3201, 1999.

27. Dushaw, B. D., B. M. Howe, J. A. Mercer, and R. C. Spindel, Multimegameter-range acoustic data obtained by bottom-mounted hydrophone arrays for measurement of ocean temperature, IEEE J. Ocean. Eng., 24, 202-214, 1999.

26. Colosi, J. A., and the ATOC Group: A. B. Baggeroer, T. G. Birdsall, C. Clark, B. D. Cornuelle, D. Costa, B. D. Dushaw, M. A. Dzieciuch, A. M. G. Forbes, B. M. Howe, D. Menemenlis, J. A. Mercer, K. Metzger, W. Munk, R. C. Spindel, P. F. Worcester, and C. Wunsch, A review of recent results on ocean acoustic wave propagation in random media: Basin scales, IEEE J. Ocean. Eng., 24, 138-155, 1999.

25. ATOC Consortium: A. B. Baggeroer, T. G. Birdsall, C. Clark, J. A. Colosi, B. D. Cornuelle, D. Costa, B. D. Dushaw, M. Dzieciuch, A. M. G. Forbes, C. Hill, B. M. Howe, J. Marshall, D. Menemenlis, J. A. Mercer, K. Metzger, W. Munk, R. C. Spindel, P. F. Worcester, and C. Wunsch, Reply to ‘Heat content changes in the Pacific Ocean’ by Kelly et al. Science, 284, 1735a, 1999.

24. ATOC Consortium: A. B. Baggeroer, T. G. Birdsall, C. Clark, J. A. Colosi, B. D. Cornuelle, D. Costa, B. D. Dushaw, M. Dzieciuch, A. M. G. Forbes, C. Hill, B. M. Howe, J. Marshall, D. Menemenlis, J. A. Mercer, K. Metzger, W. Munk, R. C. Spindel, P. F. Worcester, and C. Wunsch, Ocean climate change: Comparison of acoustic tomography, satellite altimetry, and modeling, Science, 281, 1327-1332, 1998.

23. Howe, B. M., K. Runciman, and J. A. Secan, Tomography of the ionosphere: Four-dimensional simulations, Radio Sci., 33, 109-128, 1998.

22. Dushaw, B. D., G. D. Egbert, P. F. Worcester, B. D. Cornuelle, B. M. Howe, and K. Metzger, A TOPEX/POSEIDEN global tidal model (TPXO.2) and barotropic tidal currents determined from long-range acoustic transmissions, Prog. Oceanogr., 40, 337-367, 1997.

21. Dushaw, B. D., P. F. Worcester, B. D. Cornuelle, B. M. Howe, and D. S. Luther, Barotropic and baroclinic tides in the central North Pacific Ocean determined from long-range reciprocal acoustic transmissions, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 25, 631-647, 1995.

20. Fremouw, E. J., J. A. Secan, R. M. Bussey, and B. M. Howe, A status report on applying discrete inverse theory to ionospheric tomography, Intl. J. Imaging Syst. Technol., 5, 97-105, 1994.

19. Jones, R. M., B. M. Howe, J. A. Mercer, R. C. Spindel, and T. M. Georges, Nonperturbative ocean acoustic tomography inversion of 1000-km pulse propagation in the Pacific Ocean, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 96, 3054-3063, 1994.

18. Dushaw, B. D., P. F. Worcester, B. D. Cornuelle, and B. M. Howe, Variability of heat content in the central north Pacific in summer 1987 determined from long-range acoustic transmissions, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 23, 2650-2666, 1994.

17. Dushaw, B. D., P. F. Worcester, B. D. Cornuelle, and B. M. Howe, Barotropic currents and vorticity in the Northcentral Pacific in summer 1987 determined from long-range reciprocal acoustic transmissions, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 3263-3272, 1994.

16. The AMODE Group (T. G. Birdsall, J. D. Boyd, B. D. Cornuelle, B. M. Howe, R. A. Knox, J. A. Mercer, K. Metzger, R. C. Spindel, and P. F. Worcester), Moving ship tomography in the northwest Atlantic Ocean, EOS Trans. AGU., 75, 17, 21, and 23, 1994.

15. Worcester, P. W., B. D. Cornuelle, J. H. Hildebrand, W. S. Hodgekiss, Jr., T. F. Duda, J. Boyd, B. M. Howe, J. A. Mercer, and R. C. Spindel, A comparison of measured and predicted broadband arrival patterns in travel time-depth coordinates at 1000-km range, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 95, 16,365-16,378, 1994.

14. Cornuelle, B. D., P. F. Worcester, J. H. Hildebrand, W. S. Hodgkiss, Jr., T. F. Duda, J. Boyd, B. M. Howe, J. A. Mercer, and R. C. Spindel, Ocean acoustic tomography at 1000-km range using wavefronts measured with a large aperture vertical array, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 16,365-16,378, 1993.

13. Dushaw, B. D., P. F. Worcester, B. D. Cornuelle, and B. M. Howe, On equations for the speed of sound in seawater, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 93, 255-275, 1993.

12. Fremouw, E. J., J. A. Secan, and B. M. Howe, Application of the stochastic inverse to ionospheric tomography, Radio Sci., 27, 721-732, 1992.

11. Duda, T. F., S. M. Flatté, J. A. Colosi, B. D. Cornuelle, J. A. Hildebrand, W. L. Hodgkiss, Jr., P. F. Worcester, B. M. Howe, J. A. Mercer, and R. C. Spindel, Measured wavefront fluctuations in 1000-km pulse propagation in the Pacific Ocean, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 92, 935-955, 1992.

10. Howe, B. M. and D. Rouseff, Acoustical Tomography, in Encyclopedia of Applied Physics,
edited by G. Trigg, 1, 89-108 (VCH Publications, New York, 1991).

9. Howe, B. M., and W. H. Munk, Deep-sea moorings in a tidal current, Deep Sea Res., 35, 111-
119, 1988.

8. Cornuelle, B., and B. M. Howe, High spatial resolution in vertical slice ocean acoustic tomography, J. Geophys. Res., 92, 11,680-11,692, 1987.

7. Howe, B. M., Multiple receivers in single vertical slice ocean acoustic tomography experiments, J. Geophys. Res., 92, 9479-9486, 1987.

6. Howe, B. M., P. F. Worcester, and R. C. Spindel, Ocean acoustic tomography: Mesoscale velocity, J. Geophys. Res., 92, 3785-3805, 1987.

5. Stoughton, R. B., S. M. Flatté and B. M. Howe, Acoustic measurements of internal-wave rms displacement and rms horizontal current off Bermuda in late 1983, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 7721-7732, 1986.

4. Howe, B. M., Ocean acoustic tomography: Mesoscale velocity, Ph.D. Thesis, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, 1986.

3. Worcester, P. F., R. C. Spindel, and B. M. Howe, Reciprocal acoustic transmissions: Instrumentation for mesoscale monitoring of ocean currents, IEEE J. Ocean. Engr., OE-10, 123-137, 1985.

2. Durst, F., B. M. Howe, and G. Richter, Laser-Doppler measurement of crosswind velocity, Appl. Opt., 21, 2596-2607, 1982.

1. Howe, B. M., A. J. Chambers, S. P. Klotz, T. K. Cheung, and R. L. Street, Comparison of profiles and fluxes of heat and momentum above and below an air-water interface, Trans. ASME, J. Heat Transf., 104, 34-39, DOI:10.1115/1.3245064, 1982.

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