Selected Journal Publications (since 1992)
Jump to: 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992
Gruden P, Nosal E-M, Oleson E (2021). Tracking time differences of arrivals of multiple sources in the presence of clutter and missed detections. J. Acous. Soc. Am. 150(5), 3399-3416. DOI: 10.1121/10.0006780
Ainslie, M. A., R. K. Andrew, B. M. Howe, and J. A. Mercer (2021). Temperature-driven seasonal and longer term changes in spatially averaged deep ocean ambient sound at frequencies 63–125 Hz, J. Acous. Soc. Am., 149 , 2531-2545,
Sharma, S. K., B. M. Howe, A. K. Misra, M. R. Rognstad, J. N. Porter, T. E. Acosta-Maeda, and M. J. Egan (2021) Underwater Time-Gated Standoff Raman Sensor for In Situ Chemical Sensing, Applied Spectroscopy, Appl Spectrosc. Mar 12:37028211001923. doi: 10.1177/00037028211001923, 2021.
Barkley Y, Nosal E-M, Oleson E (2021). Model-based localization of deep-diving cetaceans using towed line array acoustic data. J. Acous. Soc. Am. 150 (2) 1120-1132. DOI: 10.1121/10.0005847
Madhusudhana S, Y Shiu, H Klinck, E Fleishman, X Liu, E-M Nosal, T Helble, D Cholewiak, D Gillespie, A Širović, MA Roch (2021). Improve automatic detection of animal call sequences with temporal context. Journal of Royal Society Interface 18: 20210297.
Lee, C.H. and Huang, Z.H. (2021). Effects of grain size on subaerial granular landslide and resulting impulse waves: experiment and multi-phase flow simulation. Landslides, in-press.
Huang, Z.H. and Huang, S.J. (2021). Two-phase flow simulations of fixed 3D oscillating water columns using OpenFOAM: a comparison of two methods for modeling quadratic power takeoff. Ocean Engineering 232: 108600
Lee, C.H. & Huang, Z.H. (2021). Multi-phase flow simulation of impulsive waves generated by a sub-aerial granular landslide on an erodible slope. Landslides 18:881–895.
Larson, K.M., Lay, T., Yamazaki, Y., Cheung, K.F., Ye, L., Williams, S.D.P., and Davis, J.L. (2021). Dynamic sea level variation from GNSS: 2020 Shumagin earthquake tsunami resonance and Hurricane Laura. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(4), e2020GL091378.
Li, H., E.D. Gedikli, R. Lubbad (2021). Laboratory study of wave-induced flexural motion of ice floes,Cold Regions Science and Technology,
A. Moss, M. Krieg, and K. Mohseni. Modeling and Characterizing a Fiber-Reinforced Dielectric Elastomer Tension Actuator. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Accepted/In Press, 2021.
Bosserelle, C., Williams, S., Cheung, K.F., Lay, T., Yamazaki, Y., Simi, T., Roeber, V., Lane, E., Paulik, R., and Simanu, L. (2020). Effects of source faulting and fringing reefs on the 2009 South Pacific tsunami inundation in southeast Upolu, Samoa. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125(12), e2020JC016537.
Li, N., Cheung, K.F., and Cross, P. (2020). Numerical wave modeling for operational and survival analyses of wave energy converters at the US Navy Wave Energy Test Site. Renewable Energy, 161, 240-256.
Li, H., E.D. Gedikli, R. Lubbad (2020). Exploring time-delay-based numerical differentiation using principal component analysis,Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
Gedikli, E. D., D. Chelidze and J. Dahl (2020). Empirical mode analysis identifying hysteresis in vortex-induced vibration of a bending dominated flexible cylinder. The International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering.
Li, H., E.D. Gedikli, R. Lubbad (2020). Laboratory study of wave-induced ice-ice collisions us- ing robust principal component analysis and sensor fusion. Cold Regions Science and Technology
Li, H., E.D. Gedikli, R. Lubbad (2020). Laboratory study of wave-induced ice-ice collisions using robust principal component analysis and sensor fusion. Cold Regions Science and Technology
Huang, Z.H., Huang, S.J. & Xu, C.H. (2020). Characteristics of the flow around a circular OWC-type wave energy converter supported by a bottom-sitting C-shaped structure. Applied Ocean Research 101, 102228, 2020.
Hardy, I., Huang, Z.H., Smith, D. & Fletcher, C.H. (2020). Numerical Modeling of Beach Morphological Change: A Case (3) Study of Kaanapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii. International Journal of Ocean and Coastal Engineering 3 (01n02), 2050002, 2020.
Liu, C.R. & Huang, Z.H. (2020). A Flexible Membrane Breakwater with a Piezoelectric Layer for Providing Harborage and Wave-Energy Conversion. Journal of Coastal Research 36 (1), 148-156, 2020.
Krieg and K. Mohseni. Transient Pressure Modeling in Jetting Animals. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 494:110237, 2020.
Sholl, A. Moss, M. Krieg, and K. Mohseni. Controlling the deformation space of soft membranes using fiber reinforcement. International Journal of Robotics Research, 0278364919897134, 2020.
Shiu Y, Palmer KJ, Roch MA, Fleishman E, Liu X, Nosal E-M, Helble T, Cholewiak D, Gillespie D, Klinck H (2020). Deep neural networks for automated detection of marine mammal species. Scientific Reports 10(1):607.
Li P, Liu X, Palmer K, Fleishman E, Gillespie D, Nosal E-M, Shiu Y, Klinck H, Cholewiak D, Helble T, Roch M (2020). Learning Deep Models from Synthetic Data for Extracting Dolphin Whistle Contours. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2020 Glasgow, UK.
Dodet, G., J.-F. Piolle, Y. Quilfen, S. Abdalla, M. Accensi, F. Ardhuin, E. Ash, J.-R. Bidlot, C. Gommenginger, G. Marechal, M. Passaro, G. Quartly, J. E. Stopa, B. Timmermans, I. Young, P. Cipollini, C. Donlon, (2020). The Sea State CCI dataset v1: towards a Sea State Climate Data, Record based on satellite observations, Earth System Science Data Discussions, 2020, pgs 1-28, doi: 10.5194/essd-2019-253.
Quach, B., Y. Glaser, J. E. Stopa, A. Mouche, P. Sadowski, (2020). Deep Learning for Predicting Significant Wave Height from Synthetic Aperture Radar, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, pgs 1-9 doi:10.1109/TGRS.2020.3003839
Cheng, S., J. E. Stopa, F. Ardhuin, H. H. Shen, (2020). Spectral attenuation of ocean waves in pack ice and its application in calibrating viscoelastic wave-in-ice models, The Cryosphere, 14(6) doi:10.5194/tc-14-2053-2020.
Li, L. and Cheung, K.F. (2019). Numerical dispersion in non-hydrostatic modeling of long-wave propagation. Ocean Modelling, 138, 68-87.
Wood, N., Jones, J., Yamazaki, Y., Cheung, K.F., Brown, J., and Abdollahian, N. (2019). Population vulnerability to tsunami hazards informed by previous and projected disasters: a case study of American Samoa. Natural Hazards, 95(3), 505-528.
Howe, B. M., B. Arbic. J. Aucan, C. Barnes, N. Bayliff, N. Becker, R. Butler, L. Doyle, S. Elipot, G. C. Johnson, F. Landerer, S. Lentz, D. Luther, J. Mariano, K. Panayotou, C. Rowe, R. Scholl, Y. T. Song, M. Thomas, P. Thomas, F. Tillman, T. Weber, S. Weinstein, The SMART Cables Joint Task Force, SMART Cables for Observing the Global Ocean: Science and Implementation, Frontiers in Marine Science, OceanObs’19 Special Issue, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00424, 2019.
Howe, B. M., J. Miksis-Olds, E. Rehm, H. Sagen, P. F. Worcester, and G. Haralabus, Observing the Oceans Acoustically, Frontiers of Marine Science, OceanObs’19 Special Issue, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00426, 2019.
Levin L. A., B. J. Bett, A. R. Gates, P. Heimbach, B. M. Howe, F. Janssen, A McCurdy, H. A. Ruhl, P. Snelgrove, K. I. Stocks, D. Bailey, S. Baumann-Pickering, C. Beaverson, M. C. Benfield, D. J. Booth, M. Carreiro-Silva, A. Colaço, M. C. Eblé, A. M. Fowler, K. M. Gjerde, D. O. B. Jones, K. Katsumata, D. Kelley, N. Le Bris, A. P. Leonardi, F. Lejzerowicz, P. I. Macreadie, D. McLean, F. Meitz, T. Morato, A. Netburn, J Pawlowski, C. R. Smith, S. Sun, H. Uchida, M. F. Vardaro, R. Venkatesan and R. A. Weller, Global Observing Needs in the Deep Ocean. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:241. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00241, 2019.
Lee,C.H., Xu, C.H. & Huang, Z.H. (2019). A three-phase flow simulation of local scour caused by a submerged wall jet with a water-air interface. Advances in Water Resources 129, 373-384, 2019.
Liu, C.R. & Huang, Z.H.,(2019). A mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation of nonlinear wave interaction with a fluid-filled membrane breakwater. Ocean Engineering 178, 423-434, 2019.
Xu, C.H. & Huang, Z.H. (2019). Three-dimensional CFD simulation of a circular OWC with a nonlinear power-takeoff: Model validation and a discussion on resonant sloshing inside the pneumatic chamber. Ocean Engineering 176, 184-198, 2019.
Huang, Z.H., Xu,C.H. & Huang, S.J. (2019). A CFD simulation of wave loads on a pile-type oscillating-water-column device. Journal of Hydrodynamics 31 (1), 41-49, 2019.
Xu, C.H., Huang, Z.H. & Yao, Y. (2019). A wave-flume study of scour at a pile breakwater: Solitary waves. Applied Ocean Research 82, 89-108, 2019.
Young J, Høst-Madsen A, Nosal E-M (2019). Deinterleaving of Mixtures of Renewal Processes. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 67(4), 885-898.
Wang, C., P. Tandeo, A. Mouche, J. E. Stopa, V. Gressani, N. Longepe, D. Vandemark, R. C. Foster, B. Chapron, (2019). Classification of the global Sentinel-1 SAR vignettes for ocean surface process studies, Remote Sensing of Environment, 234, 111457, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2019.111457.
Stopa, J. E., (2019). Seasonality of wind speeds and wave heights from 30 years of satellite altimetry. Advances in Space Research, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2019.09.057
Wang, C., A. Mouche, P. Tandeo, J. E. Stopa, N. Longpepe, G. Erhard, R. C. Foster, D. Vandemark, B. Chapron, (2019). A labelled ocean SAR imagery dataset of ten geophysical phenomena from Sentinel‐1 wave mode. Geoscience Data Journal, 00: 1– 11. doi: 10.1002/gdj3.73
Morim, J., Hemer, M., Wang, X. L., Cartwright, N., Trenham, C., Semedo, A., Young, I., Bricheno, L., Camus, P., Casas-Prat, M., Erikson, L., Mentaschi, L., Mori, N., Shimura, Y., Timmermans, B., Aarnes, O., Breivik, O., Behrens, A., Dobrynin, M., Menendez, M., Staneva, J., Wehner, M., Wolf, J., Kamranzad, B., Webb, A., Stopa, J., Andutta, F., (2019). Robustness and uncertainties in global multivariate wind-wave climate projections, Nature Climate Change, 9(9), pg 711- 718. doi: 10.1038/s41558-019-0542-5
Stopa, J. E., Ardhuin, F., Stutzmann, E., & Lecocq, T. (2019). Sea state trends and variability: Consistency between models, altimeters, buoys, and seismic data (1979–2016). Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124, 3923– 3940. doi:10.1029/2018JC014607
Li, H., A. Mouche, H. Wang, J. E. Stopa and B. Chapron, (2019) Polarization Dependence of Azimuth Cutoff From Quad-Pol SAR Images, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2019.2929835
Li, H., Chapron, B., Mouche, A. A., & Stopa, J. E. (2019). A new ocean SAR cross‐spectral parameter: Definition and directional property using the global Sentinel‐1 measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124, 1566– 1577. doi: 10.1029/2018JC014638
Ardhuin, F., J. E. Stopa, B. Chapron, F. Collard, R. Husson, R. E. Jensen, J. Johannessen, A. Mouche, M. Passaro, G. D. Quartley, V. Swail, I. Young, (2019). Observing sea states. Frontiers in Ocean Science: Ocean Observation, April 2019, doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00124
Li, H., A. Mouche, J. E. Stopa, (2019). Impact of sea state of wind retrieval from Sentinel-1 wave mode data. IEEE Journal of Select Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 12(2), doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2019.2893890.
Marcos, M., G. Woppelmann, A. Matthews, R. M. Ponte, F. Birol, F. Ardhuin, G. Coco, A. Santamaria-Gomez, V. Ballu, L. Testut, D. Chambers, J. E. Stopa, (2019). Coastal sea level and related fields from existing observing systems, Surveys in Geophysics, doi:10.1007/s10712-019-09513-3
Aucan, J., R. K. Hoeke, C. D. Storlazzi, J. E. Stopa, M. Wandres, and R. Lowe, (2019). Waves do not contribute to global sea-level rise, Nature Climate Change, 9(2), doi:10.1038/s41558-018-0377-5
Stopa, J. E., A. Semedo, J. Staneva, M. Dobrynin, A. Behrens, G. Lemos, (2019). A sampling technique to compare climate simulations with sparse satellite observations: Performance and evaluation of CMIP5 EC-Earth forced dynamical wave climate ensemble with altimeter observations. Ocean Modelling, 134(2), 18-29, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2018.12.002.
Bai, Y., Yamazaki, Y., and Cheung, K.F. (2018). Amplification of drawdown and runup over Hawaii’s insular shelves by tsunami N-waves from mega Aleutian earthquakes. Ocean Modeling, 124, 61-74.
Bai, Y., Ye, L., Yamazaki, Y., Lay, T., and Cheung, K.F. (2018). The 4 May 2018 Mw 6.9 Hawaii Island earthquake and implications for tsunami hazards. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(20), 11,040-11,049.
Bai, Y. and Cheung, K.F. (2018). Linear shoaling of free-surface waves in multi-layer non-hydrostatic models. Ocean Modeling, 121, 90-104.
Bai, Y., Yamazaki, Y., and Cheung, K.F. (2018). Convergence of multi-layer nonhydrostatic models in relation to Boussinesq-type equations. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 14(2), 06018001-1.
Lay, T., Ye, L., Bai, Y., Cheung, K.F., and Kanamori, H. (2018). The 2018 Mw 7.9 Gulf of Alaska earthquake: multiple fault rupture in the Pacific plate. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(18), 9542-9551.
Li, N., Yamazaki, Y., Roeber, V., Cheung, K.F., and Chock, G. (2018). Probabilistic mapping of storm-induced coastal inundation for climate change adaption. Coastal Engineering, 133, 126-141.
Yamazaki, Y., Cheung, K.F., and Lay, T. (2018). A self-consistent fault-slip model for the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(2), 1425-1458.
Bai Y and Cheung KF (2018). Linear shoaling of free-surface waves in multi-layer non-hydrostatic models. Ocean Modelling, 121, 90-104.
Bai Y, Yamazaki Y, and Cheung KF (2018). Convergence of multi-layer nonhydrostatic models in relation to Boussinesq-type equations. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 14(2), 06018001-1
Li N, Yamazaki Y, Roeber V, Cheung KF, and Chock G (2018). Probabilistic mapping of storm-induced coastal inundation for climate change adaption. Coastal Engineering, 133, 126-141.
Yamazaki Y, Cheung KF, and Lay T (2018). A self-consistent fault-slip model for the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123, in press.
Taniguchi, N., C.‐F. Huang, M. Arai, B. M Howe, Variation of Residual Current in the Seto Inland Sea Driven by Sea Level Difference Between the Bungo and Kii Channels, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 123, 4, pp 2921-2933,, 2018.
Lentz, S., and B. M. Howe, Scientific Monitoring And Reliable Telecommunications (SMART) Cable Systems: Integration of Sensors into Telecommunications Repeaters, OCEANS-MTS/IEEE Kobe Techno-Oceans (OTO), DOI: 10.1109/OCEANSKOBE.2018.8558862, 2018
Chen, M., F. Syamsudin, A. Kaneko, N. Gohda, B. M Howe, H. Mutsuda, A.Hanifa Dinan, H. Zheng, C-F Huang, N. Taniguchi, X. Zhu, Y. Adityawarman, C. Zhang, and J. Lin, Real-Time Offshore Coastal Acoustic Tomography Enabled With Mirror-Transpond Functionality, IEEE J. of Oceanic Engineering, DOI: , 2018.
Baggeroer, A. B., B. M. Howe, P. N. Mikhalevsky, J. A. Orcutt, and Henrik Schmidt, Ocean Observatories: An Engineering Challenge, The Bridge, National Academy of Engineering, 48, 3, pp 17-34, 2018.
Lee,C.H., Huang,Z.H. & Yu, M.L. (2018) Collapse of submerged granular columns in loose packing: Experiment and two-phase flow simulation. Physics of Fluids 30 (12), 123307, 2018.
Huang, Z.H. & Lee, C.H. (2018). Modeling of fluid-solid two-phase geophysical flows. In Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics for Emerging Engineering Processes-Eulerian vs. Lagrangian (Ed. Kim, A.), IntechOpen. 2018.
Xu,C.H. & Huang, Z.H. (2018) A dual-functional wave-power plant for wave-energy extraction and shore protection: A wave-flume study. Applied Energy 229, 963-976, 2018.
Yao, Y., Huang,Z.H., He, W. & Monismith, S.G. (2018). Wave-induced setup and wave-driven current over Quasi-2DH reef-lagoon-channel systems. Coastal Engineering 138, 113-125, 2018.
Cao,D.P., Jian, W., Huang, Z.H. & Lo, E.Y.M. (2018). Prediction of Wave Runup on Columns of Two Semi-submersibles Models. Journal of Coastal Research, 1031-1035,2018.
Yao, Y., Huang, Z.H. & Lo, E.Y.M.(2018). Experimental Study on Floating Debris Generated by Solitary Waves Running up a Composite Beach. Journal of Coastal Research, 851-855,2018.
Yu,M.L., Lee,C.H. & Huang, Z.H. (2018). Impulsive Waves Generated by the Collapse of a Submerged Granular Column: A Three-Phase Flow Simulation with an Emphasis on the Effects of Initial Packing Condition. Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami 12 (2), 1840001, 2018.
Lee, C.H. & Huang, Z.H. (2018). A two-phase flow model for submarine granular flows: With an application to collapse of deeply-submerged granular columns. Advances in Water Resources 115, 286-300, 2018.
Nihous, G.C. (2018). “A preliminary investigation of the effect of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) effluent discharge options on global OTEC resources,” Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol. 6, doi:10.3390/jmse6010025, 10 p.
Jia Y, Nihous GC, Rajagopalan K (2018). An evaluation of the large-scale implementation of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) using an ocean general circulation model with low-complexity atmospheric feedback effects. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol. 6, doi:10.3390/jmse6010012, 28 p.
Scherrer S, Rideout BP, Giorli G, Nosal E-M, Weng KC (2018). Depth- and range-dependent variation in the performance of aquatic telemetry systems: Understanding and predicting the susceptibility of acoustic tag–receiver pairs to close proximity detection interference. PeerJ 6:e4249; DOI 10.7717/peerj.4249
Liu, C.R., Huang, Z.H. & Chen, W.P. (2017). A numerical study of a submerged horizontal heaving plate as a breakwater. Journal of Coastal Research 33(4):917–930. doi:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-16-00152.1
Zhao, X.Z., Chen, Y., Huang, Z.H., and Gao, Y.Y. (2017). A numerical study of tsunami wave run-up and impact on coastal cliffs using a CIP-based model. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 17, 641-655. doi:10.5194/nhess-2017-37
He, F. and Huang, Z.H. (2017). Characteristics of orifices for modeling nonlinear power take-off in wave-flume tests of oscillating water column devices. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering). 18(5),329-345. doi:10.1631/jzus.A1600769
Jian, W., Cao, D.P., Lo, E.Y.M., Huang, Z.H., Chen, X.B., Cheng, Z.P., Gu, H., and Li, B.B. (2017). Wave runup on a surging vertical cylinder in regular waves. Applied Ocean Research 63, 229-241. doi:10.1016/j.apor.2017.01.016
Bai Y, Lay T, Cheung KF, and Ye L (2017). Two regions of seafloor deformation generated the tsunami for the 13 November 2016, Kaikoura, New Zealand earthquake. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(13), 6597-6606.
Lay T, Ye L, Bai Y, Cheung KF, Kanamori H, Freymueller J, Steblov GM, and Kogan MG (2017). Rupture along 400 km of the Bering Fracture Zone in the Komandorsky Islands Earthquake (Mw 7.8) of 17 July 2017. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(24), 12,161–12,169.
Ye L, Lay T, Bai Y, Cheung KF, and Kanamori H (2017). The 2017 Mw 8.1 Chiapas, Mexico earthquake: energetic slab detachment. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(23), 11,824–11,832.
Fang H, H Dai, Z Huang, L Wang (2017). Nonlinear Dynamics of a Fluid-Conveying Pipe Under the Combined Action of Cross-Flow and Top-End Excitations. Applied Ocean Research, Volume 62, January 2017, Pages 199-209.
Jian W, D Cao, EY Lo, Z Huang, X Chen, Z Cheng, H Gu, Binbin Li (2017). Wave Runup on a Surging Vertical Cylinder in Regular Waves. Applied Ocean Research, Volume 63, February 2017, Pages 229- 241.
Lynett PJ, Gately K, Wilson R, Montoya L, Arcas D, Aytore B, Bai Y, Bricker JD, Castro MJ, Cheung KF, David CG, Dogan GG, Escalante C, González-Vida JM, Grilli ST, Heitmann TW, Horrillo J, Kânoğlu U, Kian R, Kirby JT, Li W, Macías J, Nicolsky DJ, Ortega S, Pampell-Manis A, Park YS, Roeber V, Sharghivand N, Shelby M, Shi F, Tehranirad B, Tolkova E, Thio HK, Velioğlu D, Yalçıner AC, Yamazaki Y, Zaytsev A, Zhang YJ (2017). “Inter-model analysis of tsunami-induced coastal current.” Ocean Modelling, 114, 14-32.
Gemba K., Nosal E.-M., Reed T., (2017). Estimating and Removing Colorations from the Deconvolved Impulse of an Underwater Acoustic Channel. JASA 141 (1), EL 6-10
Howe, B. M., and E. McRae (2017), Deep trouble! Common problems for ocean observatories, Eos, 98,, Published on 22 May 2017.
Zhao, X., C. Yardim, D. Wang, and B. M. Howe, Estimating Range-Dependent Evaporation Duct Height. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 34, 1113–1123,, 2017.
Tilmann, F., B. M. Howe, and R. Butler (2017), Commercial underwater cable systems could reduce disaster impact, Eos, 98, Published on 23 March 2017.
Van Uffelen, L. J., E H Roth, B. M. Howe, E. M. Oleson, and Y. Barkley, A Seaglider-Integrated Digital Monitor for Bioacoustic Sensing, IEEE J. Ocean. Eng.,, 2017.
Bai, Y. and Cheung, K.F. (2016). “Hydrostatic Versus Non-Hydrostatic Modeling of Tsunamis with Implications for Insular Shelf and Reef Environments.” Coastal Engineering, 117, 23-43.
Bai, Y. and Cheung, K.F. (2016). “Linear and Nonlinear Properties of Reduced Two Layer Models for Non-Hydrostatic Free Surface Flow.” Ocean Modeling, 107, 64-81.
He, F. Li, M.J., and Huang, Z.H. (2016). “An Experimental Study of Pile-Supported OWC-Type Breakwaters: Energy Extraction and Vortex Induced Energy Loss.” Energies 9(7), 540. DOI: 10.3390/en9070540
Huang, G.X., Huang, Z.H., and Law, A.W.K. (2016). “Analytical Study on Drift of Small Floating Objects Under Regular Waves.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics. Volume: 142 Issue: 6 Article Number: 06016002
Lay, T., Li, L., and Cheung, K.F. (2016). “Modeling Tsunami Observations to Evaluate a Proposed Late Tsunami Earthquake Stage for the 16 September 2015 Illapel, Chile, Mw 8.3 Earthquake.” Geophysical Research Letters, 43(15), 7902-7912.
Li, L., Cheung, K.F., Yue, H., Lay, T., and Bai, Y. (2016). “Effects of Dispersion in Tsunami Green’s Functions and Implication for Joint Inversion with Seismic and Geodetic Data: A Case Study of the 2010 Mentawai Mw 7.8 Earthquake.” Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 11182-11191.
Liu, C.R., Huang, Z.H., and Chen, W.P., (2016). “A Numerical Study of a Submerged Heaving Plate as a Breakwater.” Journal of Coastal Research. Accepted. DOI: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-16-00152.1
Oswald, J.N., H. Ou, W. W. L. Au, B. M. Howe, F. Duennebier, (2016). “Listening for Whales at the Station ALOHA Cabled Observatory.” Listening in the Ocean M. Lammers and W. Au. Springer Science+Business Media. New 10.1007/978-1-4939-3176-7_9.
Ye, L., Kanamori, H., Avouac, J.P., Li, L., Cheung, K.F., and Lay, T. (2016). “The 16 April 2016, Mw 7.8 (Ms 7.5) Ecuador Earthquake: A Quasi-Repeat of the 1942 Ms 7.5 Earthquake and Partial Re-Rupture of the 1906 Ms 8.6 Colombia-Ecuador Earthquake.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 454, 248-258.
Zheng, K., Zhao B. B., Duan, W. Y., Ertekin, R. C., and Chen, X. B. (2016), “Simulation of evolution of gravity wave groups with moderate steepness”, Ocean Modelling, Vol. 98, February, pp. 1-11, SOEST No. 9560.
Zhao, B. B., Ertekin, R. C., Duan, W. Y., and Webster, W. C. (2016), “New Internal-Wave Model in a Two-Layer Fluid”, J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng., Vol. 142, Iss. 3, May, SOEST No. 9540.
Zhang, C., Kaneko, A., Zhu, X.-H., Howe, B. M., and Ghoda, N. (2016), “Acoustic measurement of the net trans- port through the Seto Island Sea”, Acoust. Sci. Tech., Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 10-20.
Andrew, R. K., B. M. Howe, and J. A. Mercer, Decadal trends in low-frequency ambient ocean noise for seven sites in the North Pacific ocean, J. Underwater Acoustics., 66, pp 1-27, October, 2016.
Howe, B. M., J. Aucan, and F. Tilmann, Submarine cable systems for future societal needs, Eos, 97, Published on 09 August 2016.
Oswald, J. N., H. Ou, W. W. L. Au, B. M. Howe, and F. Duennebier, Listening for whales at the Station ALOHA Cabled Observatory. Listening in the Ocean, M. Lammers and W. Au., eds., Springer Science+Business Media. New York. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3176-7_9, 2016.
Zhang, C., A. Kaneko, X.-H. Zhu, B. M. Howe and N. Gohda, Acoustic measurement of the net transport through the Seto Inland Sea, Acoust. Sci. Tech. 37, 10–20, doi:10.1250/ast.37.10, 2016.
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Stopa, J.E. and Cheung, K.F. (2014). Periodicity and pattern of ocean wind and wave climate. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119(8), 5563–5584.
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Carter, R.W. and Ertekin, R.C. (2014), “Focusing of Wave-Induced Flow through a Submerged Disk with a Tubular Opening,” Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 47, August, pp. 110-124, DOI: SOEST No. 9164.
Hayatdavoodi, M., Seiffert, B. and Ertekin, R.C. (2014), “Experiments and Computations of Solitary-Wave Forces on a Coastal-Bridge Deck. Part II: Plate with Girders,” Coastal Engineering, Vol. 88, June, pp. 210-226, DOI: SOEST No. 9159.
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Ertekin, R.C. and Xia, D. (2014), “Hydroelastic response of a floating runway to cnoidal waves,” Physics of Fluids, AIP, Vol., 26, No. 2, February, pp. 027101-1 to 0127101-16. DOI: SOEST No. 9156.
Korde, U. A. and Ertekin, R.C. (2014) “On wave energy focusing and conversion in open water,” Renewable Energy, Vol. 62, February, pp. 84-99. DOI: SOEST No. 9154.
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B. M. Howe, A Deep Cabled Observatory: Biology and Physics in the Abyss, Eos, Trans. AGU, 95(47), 429-430, 2014. DOI: 10.1002/2014EO470001
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Nihous, G.C. (2014). “Maximum wave power absorption by slender bodies of arbitrary cross sections in oblique seas,” Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 47, pp. 17-27.
Rajagopalan, K. and Nihous, G.C. (2014). “Predictions of water-column properties under widespread artificial upwelling scenarios in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre using an ocean general circulation model,” Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 285-304.
Ardhuin, F., Lavanant, T., Obrebski, M., Marie, L., Royer, J.Y., d’Eu, J.F., Howe, B.M., Lukas, R., and Aucan, J. A numerical model for ocean ultra low frequency noise: wave-generated acoustic-gravity and Rayleigh modes, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., accepted April 9, 2013.
Bai, Y. and Cheung, K.F. (2013). Dispersion and nonlinearity of multi-layer non-hydrostatic free-surface flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 726, 226-260.
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Chandrayadula, T. K., J. A. Colosi, P. F. Worcester, M. A. Dzieciuch, J. A. Mercer, R. K. Andrew, and B. M. Howe, Observations and transport theory analysis of low frequency, acoustic mode propagation in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean, J. Acoust. Soc. of Am., 134, 3144-3160 (2013), DOI:
Cheung, K.F., Bai, Y., and Yamazaki, Y. (2013). Surges around the Hawaiian Islands from the 2011 Tohoku tsunami. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118(10), 5703-5719, doi: 10.1002/jgrc.20413.
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Stephen, R. A., S. T. Bolmer, M. A. Dzieciuch, P. F. Worcester, R. Andrew, J. A. Mercer, J. A. Colosi, and B. M. Howe, Deep seafloor arrivals in long range ocean acoustic propagation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 134, 3307-3317 (2013), DOI:
Stopa, J.E., Cheung, K.F., Tolman, H.L., and Chawla, A. (2013). Patterns and cycles in the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis wind and wave data. Ocean Modelling, 70, 207-220.
Stopa, J.E., Filipot, J.-F., Li, N., Cheung, K.F., Chen, Y.-L., and Vega, L. (2013). Wave energy resources along the Hawaiian Islands chain. Renewable Energy, 55, 305-321.
Taflandis, A.A., Kennedy, A.B., Westerink, J.J., Smith, J.M., Cheung, K.F., Hope, M., and Tanaka, S. (2013). Rapid assessment of wave and surge risk during landfalling hurricanes: a probabilistic approach. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 139(3), 171-182.
Taniguchi, N., C.-F. Huang, A. Kaneko, C.-T. Liu, B. M. Howe, Y.-H. Wang, Y. Yang, J. Lin, X.-H. Zhu, and N. Gohda, Measuring the Kuroshio current with ocean acoustic tomography, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 134, 3272-3281 (2013), DOI:
Udovydchenkov, I. A., M. G. Brown, T. F. Duda, P. F. Worcester, M. A. Dzieciuch, J. A. Mercer, Rex K. Andrew, B. M. Howe, J. A. Colosi, Weakly dispersive modal pulse propagation in the North Pacifi c Ocean, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 134, 3386-3394 (2013), DOI:
Van Uffelen, L. J.,Nosal, E.M., Howe, B.M., Carter, G.S., Worcester, P.F., Dzieciuch, M.A., Heaney, K.D., Campbell, R.L. and Cross, P.S. Estimating uncertainty in subsurface glider position using transmissions from fixed acoustic tomography sources, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., accepted April 9, 2013.
Worcester, P. F., R. K. Andrew, A. B. Baggeroer, J. A. Colosi, G. L. D’Spain, M. A. Dzieciuch, K. D. Heaney, B. M. Howe, J. N. Kemp, J. A. Mercer, R. A. Stephen, and L. J. Van Uffelen, The North Pacific Acoustic Laboratory (NPAL) deep-water acoustic propagation experiments in the Philippine Sea, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 134, 3359-3375 (2013), DOI:
Yamazaki, Y., Cheung, K.F., and Lay, T. (2013). Modeling of the 2011 Tohoku near-field tsunami from finite-fault inversion of seismic waves. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 103(2b), 1444-1455.
Rajagopalan, K. and Nihous, G.C. (2013). “An assessment of global Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion resources under broad geographical constraints,” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Vol. 5, 063124, 11 p.
Nihous, G.C. (2013). “Maximum wave power absorption by flexible line attenuators,” Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 43, pp. 68-70.
Rajagopalan, K. and Nihous, G.C. (2013). “An assessment of global Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) resources with a high-resolution Ocean General Circulation Model,” Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 135, 041202, 9 p.
Bingham, B., Kraus, N., Howe, B.M. Freitag,L., Ball, K., Koski, P., and Gallimore, E.,(2012). Passive and active acoustics using an autonomous wave glider J. of Field Robotics,DOI: 10.1002/rob.21424.
Das, S. and Cheung, K.F.(2012). Hydroelasticity of marine vessels advancing in a seaway.Journal of Fluids and Structures,34271-290.
Das, S. and Cheung, K.F.(2012). Scattered waves and motions of marine vessels advancing in a seaway. Wave Motion, 49(1), 181-197.
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Howe, B. M., Duennebier, F.K., Butler, R., Lukas, R.B.,(2012). Scientific uses of submarine cables: Evolutionary development leading to the ALOHA Cabled Observatory, Mains’l Haul, J. Pacific Maritime History, 48, 100-119.
Kennedy, A.B., Westerink, J.J., Smith, J.M., Hope, M.E., Hartman, M., Taflanidis, A.A., Tanaka, S., Westerink, H, Cheung, K.F., Smith, T., Hamann, M., Minamide, M., Ota, A. (2012). Tropical cyclone inundation potential on the Hawaiian Islands of Oahu and Kauai.Ocean Modelling,52, 54-68.
Nihous, G.C. (2012). Wave power extraction by arbitrary arrays of non-diffracting oscillating water columns, Ocean Engineering, 51, 94-105.
Olsen, M.J., Cheung, K.F., Yamazaki, Y., Butcher, S., Garlock, M., Yim, S., McGarity, S., Robertson, I.N., Burgos, L., and Young, Y.L. (2012). Damage assessment of the 2010 Chile earthquake and tsunami using ground-based LiDAR.Earthquake Spectra,28(S1), 179-197.
Roeber, V. and Cheung, K.F.(2012). Boussinesq-type model for wave transformation over fringing reefs. Coastal Engineering, 70, 1-20.
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Stopa, J.E., Cheung, K.F., Garcés, M.A., and Badger, N. (2012). Atmospheric Infrasound from nonlinear wave interactions during Hurricanes Felicia and Neki of 2009. Journal of Geophysical Research,117, C12017, Doi: 10.1029/2012JC008257.
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Udovydchenkov, I. A., M. G. Brown, T. F. Duda, J. A. Mercer, R. K. Andrew, P. F. Worcester, M. A. Dzieciuch, B. M. Howe, and J. A. Colosi, Modal analysis of the range evolution of broadband wavefields in the North Pacific Ocean: low mode numbers. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 131(6):4409-27, 2012.
Jia, Y., Nihous, G.C., and Richards, K.J. (2012). “Effects of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion systems on near and far field seawater properties – A case study for Hawaii,” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Vol. 4, 063104, doi: 10.1063/1.4766820, 13 p.
Alford, M. H., Lukas, R., Howe, B.M. Pickering, A., and Santiago-Mandujano, F., (2011). Moored observations of episodic abyssal flow and mixing at station ALOHA, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L15606, DOI: 10.1029/2011GL048075.
Andrew, R.K., Howe, B.M., Mercer, J.A. (2011) Long-time trends in ship traffic noise for four sites off the North American West Coast, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 129(2), 642-651.
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Lay, T., Ammon, C.J., Kanamori, H., Yamazaki Y., Cheung, K.F., and Hutko, A.R. (2011). The 25 October 2010 Mentawai tsunami earthquake (Mw 7.8) and the tsunami hazard presented by shallow megathrust ruptures. Geophysical Research Letters, 38(6), L06302, Doi: 10.1029/2010GL046552.
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Nihous, G.C.,(2011). Assessment of the evolution of water-column stratification following the hypothetical implementation of widespread controlled upwelling in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering, 9(3), 175-189.
Nihous, G.C. (2011). Gulf of Mexico aftermath, Nature Geoscience, 4, 141-142, doi: 10.1038/ngeo1098.
Padmanabhan, B. and Ertekin, R.C. (2011). Interaction of waves with a steady intake/discharge flow emanating from a 3D Body, J. Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Trans. of ASME, 133-4, November, pp. 041101-1 – 041101-10, SOEST No. 8133.
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Stopa, J.E., Cheung, K.F., and Chen, Y.-L. (2011). Assessment of wave energy resources in Hawaii. Renewable Energy, 36(2), 554-567.
Andrew, R. K., Zarnetske, M.R., Howe, B. M. and Mercer, J.A., (2010). Ship-Suspended Acoustical Transmitter Position Estimation and Motion Compensation, IEEE J. Oceanic Engineering, 35 (4),797-810.
Howe, B. M. , Chao, Y. , Arabshahi, P. , Roy, S. , McGinnis, T. and Gray, A., (2010). A Smart Sensor Web for Ocean Observation: Fixed and Mobile Platforms, Integrated Acoustics, Satellites and Predictive Modeling, Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE Journal of, V. PP, I. 99, pp 1-15, doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2010.2052022.
Kim, J.W., Ertekin, R.C. and Bai, K.J., (2010). Linear and Nonlinear Wave Models based on Hamilton’s Principle and Stream Function Theory: CMSE and IGN, J. Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Trans. of ASME, 132, May, pp. 021102-1 – 021102-6, SOEST No. 7478.
Roeber, V., Yamazaki, Y., and Cheung, K.F. (2010). Resonance and impact of the 2009 Samoa tsunami around Tutuila, American Samoa. Geophysical Research Letters, 37(21), L21604, Doi: 10.1029/2010GL044419.
Roeber, V., Cheung, K.F., and Kobayashi, M.H. (2010). Shock-capturing Boussinesq-type model for nearshore wave processes. Coastal Engineering, 57(4), 407-423.
Nihous, G.C.,(2010). Mapping available Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion resources around the main Hawaiian Islands with state-of-the-art tools,” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2, 043104,doi:10.1063/1.3463051,p. 9 .
Yoza, B.A., Nihous, G.C., Takahashi, T.K., Golmen, L.G., War, J.C., Otsuka, K., Ouchi, K., and S.M. Masutani,(2010). Deep Ocean Water Resources in the 21st Century, Marine Technology Society Journal, 44(3), 80-87.
Nihous, G.C., (2010). Notes on the temperature dependence of carbon isotope fractionation by aerobic CH4 oxydizing bacteria, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 46(2), 133-140.
Nihous, G.C., (2010). A Combinatorial Proof of a Novel Binomial Identity, The Mathematical Scientist, 35, 54-56.
Nihous, G.C., K. Kuroda, J.R. Lobos-González, R.J. Kurasaki, and S.M. Masutani, (2010). An analysis of gas hydrate dissociation in the presence of thermodynamic inhibitors,” Chemical Engineering Science, 65, 1748-1761.
Wu, Y.Y. and Cheung, K.F. (2010). Two-parameter homotopy method for nonlinear equations. Numerical Algorithms, 53(4), 555-572.
Colosi, J. A., Xu, J., Worcester, P.F., Dzieciuch, M.A., Munk, W.H.,Howe, B.M.,, and Mercer, J.A., (2009). Temporal and vertical scales of acoustic fluctuations for 75-Hz, broadband transmissions to 87-km range in the eastern North Pacific Ocean, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 126, 1069–1083, DOI: 10.1121/1.3177259.
Das, S. and Cheung, K.F. (2009). Coupled boundary element and finite element model for fluid-filled membrane in gravity waves. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 33(6), 802-814.
Dushaw, B. D., Worcester, P.F., Munk, W.H., Spindel, R.C., Mercer, J.A., Howe, B.M., Metzger, K.Jr., Birdsall, T.G., Andrew, R.K., Dzieciuch, M.A., Cornuelle, B. D. and Menemenlis, D. (2009). A decade of acoustic thermometry in the North Pacific Ocean, J. Geophys. Res., 114, C07021, 24pp, doi:10.1029/2008JC005124.
Namekar, S., Yamazaki, Y., and Cheung, K.F. (2009). Neural network for tsunami and runup forecast. Geophysical Research Letters, 36(8), L08604, Doi: 10.1029/2009GL037184.
Nihous, G.C., (2009). A generalization of the Monty Hall Problem,” The Mathematical Scientist, 34, 94-98.
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Nihous, G.C., C.K. Kinoshita and S.M. Masutani, (2009). A determination of the activity of water in water-alcohol mixtures using Mobile Order Thermodynamics,” Chemical Engineering Science, 64(11), 2767-2771.
Luby, J., J. M. Stevenson, V. K. McDonald, B. J. Granger, P. Sullivan, R. G. Jones, A. Huizinga, W. S. Hodgkiss, B. Howe, R. T. Miyamoto, M. Grund, G. Anderson, M. Hazen, P. Hursky, M. B. Porter, and M. R. Anderson, (2009). An at-sea,autonomous, closed-loop concept study for detecting and tracking submerged objects, J. Underwater Acous.(USN), 59(4), 671-689.
Stephen, R. A., S. T. Bolmer, M. A. Dzieciuch, P. F. Worcester, R. K. Andrew, L. J. Buck, J. A. Mercer, J. A. Colosi, and B. M. Howe, (2009). Deep seafloor arrivals: An unexplained set of arrivals in long-range ocean acoustic propagation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 126, 599-606.
Grigorieva, N. S., G. M. Fridman , J. A Mercer., R. K. Andrew, M. A. Wolfson, B. M. Howe and J. A. Colosi, (2009). The interference component of the acoustic field corresponding to the Long-Range Ocean Acoustic Propagation Experiment, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 125, 1919–1929, DOI: 10.1121/1.3082112.
Mercer, J. A., J. A. Colosi, B. M. Howe, M. A. Dzieciuch, R. Stephen, and P. F. Worcester, (2009). LOAPEX: The Long-range Ocean Acoustic Propagation Experiment, IEEE J. Oceanic Engineering, 34, 1–11.
Yamazaki, Y., Kowalik, Z., and Cheung, K.F. (2009). Depth-integrated, non-hydrostatic model for wave breaking and run-up. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 61(5), 473-497.
Wu, Y.Y. and Cheung, K.F. (2009). Homotopy solution for nonlinear differential equations in wave propagation problems. Wave Motion, 46(1), 1-14.
Ge, L., Cheung, K.F., and Kobayashi, M.H. (2008). Stochastic solution for uncertainty propagation in nonlinear shallow-water equations. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 134(12), 1732-1743.
Moore, S. E., B. M. Howe, K. M. Stafford, and M. L. Boyd, Including whale call detection in standard ocean measurements: applications of acoustic Seagliders, J. Marine Technology Society, 41, 53-57, 2008.
Munger, S. and Cheung, K.F. (2008). Resonance in Hawaii waters from the 2006 Kuril Islands Tsunami. Geophysical Research Letters, 35(7), L07605, Doi: 10.1029/2007GL032843.
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Riggs, H.R., Suzuki, H., Ertekin, R.C., Kim, J.W., Iijimae, K., (2008). Comparison of Hydroelastic Computer Codes Based on the ISSC VLFS Benchmark, Ocean Engineering, 35-7, May, 589-597, SOEST No. 7244.
Wu, Y.Y. and Cheung, K.F. (2008). Explicit solution to the exact Riemann problem and application in nonlinear shallow-water equations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 57(11), 1649-1668.
Xia, D., Ertekin, R.C. and Kim, J.W., (2008). Fluid-Structure Interaction between a Two-dimensional Mat-type VLFS and Solitary Waves by the Green-Naghdi Theory, Fluids and Structures, 24-4, May, 527-540, SOEST No. 7243.
Chan, T., B. M. Howe, C.C. Liu, H. Kirkham, Fault Location for the NEPTUNE Power System, IEEE Transactions On Power Systems, 22, 2, 522-531, May 2007.
Cheung, K.F., Tang, L., Donnelly, J.P., Scileppi, E., Liu, K.-B., Mao, X.Z., Houston, S.H., and Murnane, R.J. (2007). Numerical modeling and field evidence of coastal overwash in southern New England from Hurricane Bob and implications for paleotempestology. Journal of Geophysical Research,112(3), F03024, Doi: 10.1029/2006JF000612.
Cheung, K.F., Gerritsen, F., and Cleveringa, J. (2007). Morphodynamics and sand bypassing at Ameland Inlet, The Netherlands. Journal of Coastal Research, 23(1), 106-118.
Sánchez, A. and Cheung, K.F. (2007). Tsunami forecast using an adaptive inverse algorithm for the Peru-Chile source region. Geophysical Research Letters, 34(13), L13605, Doi: 10.1029/ 2007GL030158.
Howe, B. M., and T. Chereskin, (2007). Oceanographic Measurements, Springer Handbook of Experimental Measurements, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Chapter 18, pp 1179-1217, DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-30299-5_18.
Miller, A. J., D. J., Neilson, D. S. Luther, M. C. Hendershott, B. D. Cornuelle, P. F. Worcester, M. A. Dzieciuch, B. D. Dushaw, B. M. Howe, J. C. Levin, H. G. Arango, and D. B. Haidvogel, Barotropic Rossby wave radiation from a model Gulf Stream, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L23613, doi:10.1029/2007GL031937, 2007.
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Bricker, J.D., Munger, S., Wells, J.R., Pawlak, G. and Cheung, K.F., ADCP observations of edge waves off Oahu in the wake of the November 2006 Kuril Islands tsunami. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L23617, doi:10.1029/2007GL032015, 2007.
Frandsen, J.B.(2006). Free surface water wave 1-D LBGK predictions. In International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 427-437.
Kim, J.W., Kyoung, J.H., Ertekin, R.C., and Bai, K.J.(2006). Finite-Element Computation of Wave-Structure Interaction of Steep Stokes Waves and Vertical Cylinders. J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, September/October, Vol. 132, No. 5, pp. 337-347.
Wei, Y., Mao, X.Z., and Cheung, K.F.,(2006). Well-balanced finite volume model for long-wave runup. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, , 132(2), 114-124.
Yamazaki, Y., Wei, Y., Cheung, K.F., and Curtis, G.D.,(2006). Forecast of tsunamis from the Japan-Kuril-Kamchatka source region. Natural Hazards, 38(3), 411-435.
Bai, Z. and Wiltshire J.C.,(2005). Composition and useful properties of tailings of marine manganese nodules and crusts. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, Vol. 23, p. 13-24.
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Smith, D.A. and Cheung, K.F. (2005). Transport rate of calcareous sand in uni-directional flow. Sedimentology, 52(5), 1009-1020.
Wiltshire J.C., (2005). New deep sea technological developments increase the viability of marine mineral industries. Marine Technology Society Journal, Vol. 39, n. 3, p. 119-121.
Smith, D.A. and Cheung, K.F., (2004). Initiation of motion of calcareous sand. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 130(5), 467-472.
Zhou, X., Y.C. Hon, and Cheung, K.F. (2004). A grid-free, nonlinear shallow-water model with moving boundary. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 28(8), 967-973.
Cheung, K.F., Phadke, A.C., Wei, Y., Rojas, R., Douyere, Y.J.M., Martino, C.D., Houston, S.H., Liu, P.L.F., Lynett, P.J., Dodd, N., Liao, S., and Nakazaki, E. (2003). Modeling of storm-induced coastal flooding for emergency management. Ocean Engineering, 30(11), 1353-1386.
Kim, J.W., Bai, K.J., Ertekin, R.C. and Webster, W.C. (2003). A Strongly-Nonlinear Model for Water Waves in Water of Variable Depth: the Irrotational Green-Naghdi Model. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Trans. of ASME, February, Vol. 125, No. 1, pp. 25-32. SOEST No. 6056.
Liao, S.J. and Cheung, K.F. (2003). Homotopy analysis of nonlinear progressive waves in deep water. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 45(2), 105-116.
Padmanabhan, B. and Ertekin, R.C. (2003). On the Interaction of Waves with Intake/Discharge Flows Originating from a Freely-Floating Body. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Trans. of ASME, February, Vol. 125, No. 1, pp. 41-47. SOEST No. 6055.
Phadke, A.C. and Cheung, K.F. (2003). Nonlinear response of fluid-filled membrane in gravity waves. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 129(7), 739-750.
Phadke, A.C., Martino, C.D., Cheung, K.F., and Houston, S.H. (2003). Modeling of tropical cyclone winds and waves for emergency management. Ocean Engineering, 30(4), 553-578.
Smith, D.A. and Cheung, K.F. (2003). Settling characteristics of calcareous sand. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 129(6), 479-483.
Wei, Y., Cheung, K.F., Curtis, G.D., and McCreery, C.S. (2003). Inverse algorithm for tsunami forecasts. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 129(2), 60-69.
Kim, J.W.and Ertekin, R.C. (2002). Hydroelasticity of an Infinitely-Long Plate in Oblique Waves: Linear Green-Naghdi Theory,; J. Engineering for the Maritime Environment, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs, IMechE – Part M, Vol. 216, No. M2, November, pp. 179-197, SOEST No. 6054.
Smith, D.A. and Cheung, K.F. (2002). ;Empirical relationships for grain size parameters of calcareous sand,; Journal of Coastal Research, 18(1), 82-93..
Chandrasekera, C.N. and Cheung, K.F. (2001). Linear refraction-diffraction model for steep bathymetry. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering. Vol. ASCE, 127(3), UNIHI-SEAGRANT-JC-00-02; SOEST Contribution No. 5257.
Kim, J.W. Bai, K.J., Ertekin, R.C. and Webster, W.C. (2001). A derivation of the Green-Naghdi equations for irrotational flows. J. Engineering Mathematics. Vol. 40, No. 1. May, pp. 17-34. SOEST No. 5011.
MacCready, P. and Pawlak, G. (2001). Stratified Flow along a Rough Slope: Separation Drag and Wave Drag. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 31,
Phadke, A.C and Cheung, K.F. (2001). Resonance and response of fluid-filled membrane in gravity waves. Applied Ocean Research. 23(1). pp. 15-28. SOEST Contribution No. 5291.
Cheung, K.F., Phadke, A.C., Smith, D.A., Lee, S.K. and Seidl, L.H. (2000). Hydrodynamic response of a pneumatic floating platform. Ocean Engineering, 27(12), pp. 1405-1438 (SOEST Contribution No. 4864).
Kim, J.W. and Ertekin, R.C. (2000). A numerical study of nonlinear wave interaction in irregular seas: irrotational Green-Naghdi model. Marine Structures Journal, Vol. 13, Nos. 4-5, pp. 331-348. SOEST No. 5228.
Riggs, H.R., Ertekin, R.C. and Mills, T.R.J (2000). A comparative study of RMFC and FEA models for the wave-induced response of a MOB Marine Structures Journal, Vol. 13, Nos. 4-5, pp. 271-232. SOEST No. 5230.
Skourup, J., Cheung, K.F., Bingham, H.B. and Buchmann, B. (2000). Second order wave force on 3D bodies in a current. Ocean Engineering, 27(7), 707-727.
Xia, D., Kim, J.W. and Ertekin, R.C. (2000). On the hydroelastic behavior of 2-Dimensional articulated plates. Marine Structures Journal, Vol. 13, Nos. 4-5, pp. 261-278. SOEST No. 5229.
Ertekin, R.C. and Kim, J.W. (1999). Hydroelastic Response of a Floating, Mat-Type Structure in Oblique, Shallow-Water Waves. J. Ship Research, Vol. 43, No.4 , pp., SOEST No. 4778.
Hon, Y.C., Cheung, K.F., Mao, X.Z. and Kansa, E.J. (1999). Multiquadric solution for shallow water equations. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 125(5), 524-533.
Lee, S.K. and Cheung, K.F. (1999). Laminar and turbulent bottom boundary layer induced by nonlinear water waves. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 125(6), pp. 631-644, (UNIHI-SEAGRANT-JC-98-41; SOEST Contribution No. 4705).
Phadke, A.C. and Cheung, K.F. (1999). Response of a bottom mounted fluid-filled membrane in gravity waves. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 125(5), pp. 294-303 (SOEST Contribution No. 4760).
Riggs, H.R., Ertekin, R.C. and Mills, T. (1999). Impact of Stiffness on the Response of a Multi-Module Mobile Offshore Base. Int. J. Offshore and Polar Eng., June, Vol. 9 , No. 2, pp. 126-133. SOEST No. 4600.
Riggs, H.R. and Ertekin, R.C. (1999). Response Characteristics of Serially-Connected Semisubmersibles. J. Ship Research, Vol. 43, No.4, SOEST No. 4780.
Roddier, D. and Ertekin, R.C. (1999). Diffraction and Remodelization of Solitons around a False Wall. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 10, No. 7, pp. 1221-1240. UNIHI-SEAGRANT- JC-98-26. SOEST No. 4621.
Buchmann, B., Skourup, J. and Cheung, K.F. (1998). Runup on a structure due to second-order waves and a current in a numerical wave tank. Applied Ocean Research, 20(5), 297-308.
Cheung, K.F., Seidl, L.H. and Wang, S. (1998). Analysis of SWATH ship structures. Marine Technology, SNAME, 35(2), pp. 85-97 (SOEST Contribution No. 4574).
Ertekin, R.C. and Becker, J.M. (1998). Nonlinear Diffraction of Waves by a Submerged Shelf in Shallow Water. J. Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Trans. of ASME, Vol. 120, No. 4, pp. 212 – 220. UNIHI-SEAGRANT- JC-98-30. SOEST No. 4074.
Radway, J.C., E.W. Wilde, T.C. Hazen, and J.W. Santo Domingo. (1998). Evaluation of biodegradation potential of foam-embedded Burkholderia cepacia G4. Biotechnol. Lett. 20:663-666.
Weissman, J.C., Radway, J.C., E.W. Wilde and J.R Benemann. (1998). Growth and production of thermophilic cyanobacteria in a simulated thermal mitigation process. Biores. Technol. 65:87-95.
Wilde, E.W., J.C. Radway, and J.R. Benemann. (1998). Bioremoval of heavy metals by microalgae. pp. 141-168 in: M. Fingerman, R. Nagablushanam, and M. Thomson (eds.), Recent Advances in Marine Biotechnology, Vol. II. Environmental Marine Biotechnology. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi.
Becker, J.M. and Salmon, R. (1997). Eddy Formation on a Continental Slope. J. Marine Research, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 121-200.
Chandrasekera, C.N. and Cheung, K.F. (1997). An extended linear refraction-diffraction model. J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 123(5), 280-286. UNIHI-SEAGRANT-JC-97-19. SOEST Contribution No. 4456.
Kastner, J.R., Lombard, K.H. Radway, J.C., Santo Domingo, J.W., Burbage, G. and Hazen, T.C. (1997). Characterization using laser induced fluorescence and nutrient injection via barometric pumping. In: In situ and on-site bioremediation (Eds. B.C. Alleman and A. Leason), Vol. 1. Battelle Press, Columbus, OH pp 385-392.
Santo Domingo, J.W., Radway, J.C., Hazen, T.C. and Wilde, E.W. (1997). Use of respirometry to determine viability of immobilized microbial cells. Biotech. Tech. 11:571-575.
Santo Domingo, J.W., Radway, J.C., Wilde, E.W., Hermann, P. and Hazen, T.C. (1997). Immobilization of Burkholderia cepacia in polyurethane-based foams: embedding efficiency and effect on bacterial activity. J. Indust. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 18:389-395.
Sundararaghavan, H. and Ertekin, R.C. (1997). Near-Boom Oil-Slick Instability Criterion for Viscous Flows and the Influence of Free-Surface Conditions. J. Energy Resources Technology,Trans. ASME, Vol. 119, March, pp. 26-33. UNIHI-SEAGRANT-JC-97-08. SOEST Contribution No. 4167.
Wang, S.Q., Ertekin, R.C. and Riggs, H.R. (1997). Computationally Efficient Techniques in the Hydroelasticity Analysis of Very Large Floating Structures. Computers & Structures journal, Vol. 62, No. 4, pp. 603-610. SOEST Contribution No. 4121.
Cheung, K.F., Isaacson, M. and Lee, J.W. (1996). Wave diffraction around a three-dimensional three-dimensional bodies in a current. J. of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, ASME, 118(4), pp. 247-252. SOEST Contribution No. 4095.
Cheung, K.F. and Lee, J.W. (1996). Performance of a submerged wave focusing structure in a current. Int. J. of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 6(1), pp 47-52. SOEST Contribution No. 3904.
Liu, X.Q., Ertekin, R.C. and Riggs, H.R. (1996). Vibration of a Free-Free Beam under Tensile Axial Loads. J. Sound and Vibration, Vol. 190, No. 2, February, pp. 273-282. SOEST Contribution No. 3985.
Merrifield, M. A., and Pinkel, R. (1996). Upper ocean currents in the Beaufort Sea following energetic wind events. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, pp. 6577-6590.
Okihiro, M. and Guza, R.T. (1996). Observations of seiche forcing and amplification in three small harbors. J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, September, 122(5):232-238.
Padmanabhan, B. and Ertekin, R.C. (1996). Setdown of a Catenary-Moored Gravity Platform, Marine Structures, Vol. 9, No. 7, pp. 721-742. SOEST Contribution No. 3906.
Chitrapu, A.S. and Ertekin, R.C. (1995). Time-Domain Simulation of Large-Amplitude Response of Floating Platforms. Ocean Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 367-386. SOEST Contribution No. 3565.
Ertekin, R.C. and Sundararaghavan, H. (1995). The Calculation of the Instability Criterion for a Uniform Viscous-Flow Past an Oil Boom. J. Offshore Mech. & Arctic Engng., Trans. of ASME, Vol. 117, No. 1, pp. 24-29. SOEST Contribution No. 3618.
Ertekin, R.C.; Wang, S.Q.; Che, X.L. and Riggs, H.R. (1995). On the Application of the Haskind-Hanaoka Relations to Hydroelasticity Problems. Marine Structures, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 617-629. SOEST Contribution No. 3805.
Middleton, J.F. and M.A. Merrifield, Scattering of long coastal trapped waves in frictional seas. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 25, 502-512, 1995.
Okihiro, M. and Guza, R.T. (1995). Infragravity energy modulation by tides. J. Geophys. Res., 100(C8), 16,143-16,148.
Pinkel, R., Merrifield, M.A., and Ramm, H. (1995). Probing the interior of Arctic leads: Investigations using high frequency sound. J. Geophys. Res., 100, 4693-4705.
Radway, J.C., Weissman, J.C., Wilde, E.W. and Benemann, J.R. (1995). Nutrient removal by thermophilic Fischerella in a simulated algaculture process. Biores. Technol . 50:227-233.
Che, X.L., Riggs H.R. and Ertekin, R.C. (1994). Composite 2D/3D Hydroelastic Analysis Method for Floating Structures. J. Engineering Mechanics, Trans. of ASCE, Vol. 120, No. 7, July, pp. 1499-1520. SOEST Contribution No. 3287.
Ertekin, R.C. and Xu, Y.F. (1994). Preliminary Assessment of the Wave-Energy Resource Using Observed Wave and Wind Data. Energy–The International Journal, Vol. 19, No. 7, pp. 729-738. SOEST Contribution No. 3333.
Ertekin, R.C. and Padmanabhan, B. (1994). Graphical Aid in Potential-Flow Problems: Computer Program POTFLO. Computers in Education Journal, ASEE, Vol. IV, No. 4, October-December, pp. 24-31. SOEST Contribution No. 3574.
Ertekin, R.C., Liu, Y.Z. and Padmanabhan, B. (1994). Interaction of Incoming Waves with a Steady Intake-Pipe Flow. J. Offshore Mech. & Arctic Engng., Trans. of ASME, Vol. 116, No. 4, November, pp. 214-220. SOEST Contribution No. 3619.
Isaacson, M. and Cheung, K.F. (1994). Correction factors for nonlinear runup and wave forces on a large cylinder. Canadian J. of Civil Engineering, 21(5), 762-769.
Lee, J.W. and Cheung, K.F. (1994). Effect of wave focusing structures in combined waves and a current. J. of the Korean Institute of Port Research, 8(2), 67-78 (in Korean).
Merrifield, M.A. and Middleton, J.H. (1994). The influence of strongly varying topography on coastal-trapped waves at the Southern Great Barrier Reef. J. Geophys. Res., 99, 10193-10205.
Middleton, J.H. , Coutis, P., Griffin, D.A., Macks, A., McTaggart, A., Merrifield, J.A. and Nippard, G.J. (1994). Shelf/slope interactions on the Southern Great Barrier Reef. Aust. J. Mar. Freshw. Res., 45, 1-18.
Cheung, K.F., Isaacson, M. and Ng, J.Y.K. (1993). Time-domain solution for second-order wave radiation. Marine Structures, 6(2), 241-258.
Chitrapu, A.S., Ertekin, R.C. and Paulling, J.R. (1993). Viscous Drift Forces in Regular and Irregular Waves. Ocean Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 33-55. SOEST Contribution No. 3203.
Ertekin, R.C., Riggs, H.R., Che, X.L. and Du, S.X. (1993). Efficient Methods for Hydroelastic Analysis of Very Large Floating Structures. J. Ship Research, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 58-76. SOEST Contribution No. 3155.
Ertekin, R.C., Qian, Z.M., Nihous, G.C., Vega, L.A. and Yang, C. (1993). Positioning of a Floating OTEC Plant by Surface Intake Water. Int. J. Offshore & Polar Engng., Vol. 3, No. 3, September, pp. 236-239, SOEST Contribution No. 3152.
Isaacson, M., Cheung, K.F., Mansard, E. and Miles, M.D. (1993). Transient wave propagation in a laboratory flume. J. of Hydraulic Research, 31(5), 665-680.
Isaacson, M., Ng, J.Y.T. and Cheung, K.F. (1993). Second-order wave radiation of three- dimensional bodies by time-domain method. Int. J. of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 3(4), 264-272.
Isaacson, M. and Cheung, K.F. (1993). Time-domain solution for wave-current interactions with a two-dimensional body. Applied Ocean Research, 15(1), 39-52.
Okihiro, M., Guza, R.T. and Seymour, R.J. (1993). Excitation of seiche observed in a small harbor. J. Geophys. Res., 98(C10), 18,201-18,211.
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