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Wyatt Burkley
Infrastructure for a Dataset to Improve Tagging and Mapping of Low-Flying Aircraft via Acoustic and Radio Broadcast Data
MS Plan B Project, December 2023
Committee: Eva-Marie Nosal (Chair), Deniz Gedikli, Milton Garces
Zachary Niezgodski
Feasibility of Retrofitting Tinian Breakwater in CNMI
MS Plan B Project, November 2023
Committee: Kwok Fai Cheung (Chair), Jessica H. Podoski, David A. Smith
Kyle Pappas
Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis of an Oscillating Wave Surge Energy Converter using LS-Dyna
MS Plan A Project, November 2023
Committee: Deniz Gedikli (Chair), Patrick S. Cross, Zhenhua Huang
Malia Selman
Analysis of XBeach non-hydrostatic model capability in processing SWAN spectral input
MS Plan B Project, August 2023
Committee: Kwok Fai Cheung (Chair), Justin Stopa, David Smith
Jonathan Chase
Using Nonhydrostatic XBeach to Simulate Wave Transformations in Fringing Reef Environments
MS Plan A Thesis, August 2023
Committee: Zhenhua Huang (Chair), Kwok Fai Cheung, Ben Jones
Jonathan Chapman
Estimating Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer Stratification with Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
MS Plan B Project, December 2022
Committee: Justin Stopa (Chair), Kwok Fai Cheung, Jonghyun Harry Lee
John Melve
A Wave-Flume Study of the Dispersion of Tsunami-Induced Debris: Freight Containers on a Moored Container Ship
MS Plan B Project, August 2022
Committee: Zhenhua Huang (Chair), Deniz Gedikli, Hyoungsu Park
Jacob Foster
Direction of Arrival Estimation of Acoustic Signals from a 2-Element Hydrophone Array
MS Plan B Project, August 2022
Committee: Eva-Marie Nosal (Chair), Bruce Howe, Robert Bassett
Andrew Storey
Seasonal Wave Climate Anomalies on the North Shore Indicative of Erosion Conditions
MS Plan A Thesis, May 2022
Committee: Justin Stopa (Chair), Zhenhua Huang, Justin Goo, Lauren Molina
Manabe, Kei
Detecting Spinner Dolphin (Stenella longirostris) Clicks in Noisy and Low Sampling Rate Hydrophone Recordings
MS Plan A Thesis, December 2021
Committee: Eva-Marie Nosal (Chair), Bruce Howe, Marc Lammers
Tumino Di Costanzo, Giannicola
Modeling of Hurricane Waves for Design of Coastal Infrastructure
MS Plan B Paper, August 2021
Committee: Kwok Fai Cheung (Chair), Justin Stopa, David Smith
Mrozewski, Stefan
Simulation and Validation of the Effects of Thermally Buoyant Flow on Subsea Laser Transmission
MS Plan B Paper, August 2021
Committee: Mike Krieg (Chair), Zhenhua Huang, Dayan Vithanage
Kalksma, Julianne
Morphodynamic Changes due to Calm-Moderate Wave Forcing: A case study of Waikiki Beach
MS Plan A Thesis, August 2021
Committee: Justin Stopa (Chair), Chip Fletcher (Co-Chair), Zhenhua Huang
Erickson, Andi
Extreme wave height estimation from a global wave hindcast ensemble
MS Plan B Paper, May 2021
Committee: Justin Stopa (Chair), Kwok Fai Cheung, Phillip Thompson
Morrow, Cameron
A Fatigue Analysis of the No-WEC Mooring System at the U.S. Navy Wave Energy Test Site off O`ahu, Hawai`i
MS Plan A Thesis, December 2020
Committee: Zhenhua Huang (Chair), Patrick Cross, Justin Stopa, Zhuoyuan Song
Sun, Lin
Relationships Between Tsunami Size and Earthquake Magnitude Improved by Fault Parameters
MS Plan A Thesis, August 2020
Committee: Kwok Fai Cheung (Chair), Yoshiki Yamazaki, Gerard Fryer
Leyva, David
Uncertainties of Multi-Decadal Buoy and Altimeter Observations
MS Plan A Thesis, July 2020
Committee: Justin Stopa (Chair), Kwok Fai Cheung, Philip R. Thompson, Clarence O. Collins
Beeksma, Bradley
Hydroelasticity of the Inflatable Assault Craft during Slamming Events
MS Plan B Paper, May 2019
Committee: Dominic J. Piro (Chair), Zhenhua Huang, Kwok Fai Cheung
Sukpholtham, Sitthichat
Mapping The Ocean Sound Speed at The Aloha Cabled Observatory Using Reliable Acoustic Path Tomography
MS Plan A Thesis, May 2019
Committee: Bruce Howe (Chair), Eva-Marie Nosal, John Allen
Braman, Ryan
Resonance Patterns Along the U.S. West Coast From the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami
MS Plan B Paper, May 2018
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), Oi Chen, Eva-Marie Nosal
Hardy, Ian
Assessment of Delft3D as a Modeling Tool at Kaanapali Beach
MS Plan B Paper, December 2017
Committee: Z Huang (Chair), D Smith, C Fletcher
Uglow, Ronald
Site-specific design for modular expeditionary small boat pier, Carlson Harbor, Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands
MS Plan B Paper, December 2017
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), Z Huang, D Smith
Varamo, Vincent
Reliable Acoustic Path Tomography at the ALOHA Cabled Observatory
MS Plan A Thesis, May 2017
Committee: B Howe (Chair), Z Huang, E-M Nosal
Manglona, Paul A.
Field Manual for Evaluating Usability of Ports and Harbors for United States Naval Vessels During Humanitarian Missions
MS Plan B Paper, December 2016
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), Zhenhua Huang, John C. Wiltshire
Hillenhagen, Florian
Numerical Modeling of Surfactant-Oil-Mixtures in Sea Water
MS Plan B Paper, December 2016
Committee: Gérard Nihous (Chair), Stephen M. Masutani, Zhenhua Huang
Curley, Daniel
Evaluation of Design Methods for Modular Expeditionary Small Boat Pier
MS Plan B Paper, December 2016
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), Zhenhua Huang, John C. Wiltshire
Rocha, Courtney L.
Response of the Global Wave Climate to El Niño Southern Oscillation
MS Plan B Paper, August 2016
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), Zhenhua Huang, John C. Wiltshire
Queima, Andreia Monterio
Optimization of Multi-Purpose Artificial Surfing Reef Geometry
MS Plan B Paper, June 2016
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), Gérard Nihous, Zhenhua Huang
Koons, Jonathan
Mooring Procedures and the Use of High Modulus Synthetic Fiber Lines in the United States Navy
MS Plan B Paper, December 2015
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), Zhenhua Huang, Gérard Nihous
Abrouch, Ghizlane
Application of an Integral Buoyant Jet Model to Describe the Effluent Discharge from an OTEC Pilot Plant
MS Plan B Paper, August 2015
Committee: Gerard Nihous (Chair), Bruce Howe, John Wiltshire
Wesley, Matthew
Bottom-Discontinuous Riemann Solver for Modeling of Wave Overtopping
MS Plan A Thesis, August 2015
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), Marcelo Kobayashi, Zhenhua Huang
Stephenson, Alexander
Implementation of CMS for Fringing Reef Environments
MS Plan B Paper, May 2015
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), Oceana Francis, Zhenhua Huang
Linsley, Derek
Critical Design Review of the Iroquois Point Beach Stabilization Project
MS Plan B Paper, May 2015
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), Oceana Francis, Zhenhua Huang
Silver, Kara
A Passive Acoustic Automated Detector for Sei and Fin Whale Calls
MS Plan B Paper, November 2014
Committee: Eva-Marie Nosal (Chair), Bruce Howe, John Wiltshire
Carmichael, Allan
Experimental Evaluation of Jet Assisted Trenching in Submerged Compacted Sand
MS Plan B Paper, May 2014
Committee: Brian Bingham (Chair), K.F. Cheung, Bruce Howe
Frederick, Michael
Hydrodynamic Modeling of Pelamis® P1-750 Wave Energy Converters using WAMIT™ Software
MS Plan B Paper, April 2014
Committee: G. Nihous (Chair), R.C. Ertekin, John Wiltshire
Schwartz, Andrew
Coupled Dynamics of a 5 MW OTEC Platform and Cold Water Pipe
MS Plan B Paper, April 2014
Committee: R.C. Ertekin (Chair), G. Nihous, H.R. Riggs
Miyakita, Shino
Effect of the Properties of Porous Media on Hydrate Stability
MS Plan B Paper, April 2014
Committee: Stephen Masutani (Chair), G. Nihous, John Wiltshire
Anderson, James
Modeling a Two Body Wave Energy Converter
MS Plan B Paper, August 2013
Committee: G. Nihous (Chair), Bruce Howe, B. Dandridge Greeson
Barnes, Austin
Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning to Investigate Changes in Beach Morphology During Swell Events
MS Plan A Thesis, December 2013
Committee: Benjamin Brooks (Chair), J.M. Becker, M.A. Merrifield, Eva-Marie Nosal
Miyamoto, Adam
Coral Reef Rehabilitation using Wind Powered Electrochemical Substrate Depositions as a Potential Mitigation Option for Offshore Renewable Energy Projects in Hawaii
MS Plan B Paper, August 2013
Committee: G. Nihous (Chair), John Wiltshire, Cynthia Hunter
Nolte, Jerica
In-Ocean Experiments of a Wave Energy Conversion Device with a Drogue and Wave Power Calculations
MS Plan A Thesis, August 2013
Committee: R.C. Ertekin (Chair), G. Nihous, H.R. Riggs
Young, Max
Feasibility Study of a Manipulator-Held Hydraulic Coring Rig
MS Plan B Paper, April 2013
Committee: John Smith (Chair), Bruce Howe, John Wiltshire
Anast, Peter
Performance Trends of Hagen-Cockerell Raft Wave Energy Converters using WAMITTM Software
MS Plan B Paper, February 2013
Committee: Gerard Nihous (Chair), R. Cengiz Ertekin, John Wiltshire
Morita, Matthew
Impact of sea level rise on tsunami inundation on Oahu south shore
MS Plan B Paper, November 2012
Committee: Kwok Fai Cheung (Chair), Eva-Marie Nosal,Gerard Nihous
Casilio, John
Thermal analysis of ROV electromechanical cables during anticipated operational phases
MS Plan B Paper, November 2012
Committee: Bernard D. Greeson (Chair),John Wiltshire, Ronald Knapp
Duarte Quiroga, Pablo
Effect of Bed-Form Roughness on Long-Wave Transformations over Fringing Reefs
MS Plan A Thesis, May 2012
Committee: Kwok Fai Cheung (Chair), Geno Pawlak, Ian Robertson
Field, Charles
Seakeeping Analysis of Ride Quality Improvements to an Ultra Deep Vee Hull
MS Plan B Paper, April 2012
Committee: Kwok Fai Cheung (Chair), Gerard Nihous, Brian Bingham
Tuthill, Lauren
Dynamics of Cross Shore Exchange on a Tropical Forereef
MS Plan A Thesis, March 2012
Committee: Geno Pawlak (Chair), Mark Merrifield, Eva-Marie Nosal
Keller, Vanna
Numerical Model of a Wave Energy Conversion Device
MS Plan A Thesis, December 2011
Committee: R. Cengiz Ertekin (Chair), Gerard Nihous, H.R. Riggs
Eisen, Blue
A Passive Acoustic Detector For Central Pacific Minke Whale Calls Using Spectrogram Cross-Correlation
MS Plan B Paper, October 2010
Committee: Eva-Marie Nosal (Chair), Bruce Howe, Brian Bingham
Arinaga, Randi Aulii Akime
Global Wind and Wave Atlas from Ten Years of Final Tropospheric Analysis and Hindcast Wavewatch III Data
MS Plan A Thesis, August 2010
Committee: Kwok Fai Cheung (Chair), Yi-Leng Chen, Mark A. Merrifield
Heitmann, Troy
Morphodynamic Classification Of Beaches In Tropical Environments
MS Plan A Thesis, May 2010
Committee: Kwok Fai Cheung (Chair), Charles Fletcher, Geno Pawlak
Vaganov, Victoria
Utilizing Tidal Current Power in Cook Strait New Zealand
MS Plan B Paper, May 2010
Committee: Alex Malahoff (Chair), Gerard Nihous, John Wiltshire
Vito Pisciotto, Nicholas
Wind Sea Versus Swell Hind Cast for Global and Hawaii Regional Wave Modeling
MS Plan B Paper, May 2010
Committee: Kwok Fai Cheung (Chair), Yi-Leng Chen, Gerard Nihous
Wilkinson, David P.
Methodology and Design of a Variable Buoyancy Device to Eliminate the use of Drop Weights for Deployable Oceanographic Instrumentation
MS Plan B Paper, August 2009
Committee: John Wiltshire (Chair), Dan Greeson, Jeff Drazen
Shu, Shi
Dispersion of the 2006 Kuril Islands Tsunami on the South Shore of O’ahu, Hawai’i
MS Plan A Thesis, August 2009
Committee: Kwok Fai Cheung (Chair), Eva-Marie Nosal, Geno Pawlak
Quintero, Miguel
Model Testing of Ship Dynamics in the Surf Zone
MS Plan A Thesis, August 2009
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), B.D. Greeson, E.-M. Nosal
Bablinskas, Krystin K.
Design and Analysis of a Hybrid AUV-Glider Undersea Vehicle for Research and Exploration
MS Plan A Thesis, May 2009
Committee: J. Wiltshire (Chair), G. Pawlak, B.D. Greeson
Kubic, Charlie
Evaluation of Dynamic Analysis Methods for Seismic Design of Drydocks
MS Plan B Paper, December 2008
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), R.H. Knapp, I.N. Robertson
Namekar, Shailesh
Artificial Neural Network for Tsunami and Runup Forecast
MS Plan A Thesis, December 2008
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), G. Pawlak, J.C. Wiltshire
Wong, Gregory Edward
Comparison of Inboard Versus Outboard Counter Rotating Surface Piercing Propellers via Prototype Tests
MS Plan A Thesis, December 2008
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), G. Pawlak, J.C. Wiltshire, Y.-t. Lee
Yan, Lei
Resonance in Hawaii Waters from the 1996 Andreanov and 2003 Rat Island Tsunamis
MS Plan A Thesis, December 2008
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), J.W. Wiltshre, E.M. Nosal
Dempsey, Ty J.
Feasibility Study of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Technology for the Island of Pohnpei, Micronesia
MS Plan B Thesis, August 2008
Committee: H. Krock (Chair), D. Rezachek, J. Van Ryzin
Mohamed, Abdulla
Characterization of Tsunami-Like Bores in Support of Loading on Structures
MS Plan A Thesis, August 2008
Committee: G. Pawlak (Chair), I. Robertson, K.F. Cheung
Craw, Megan
Probabilistic Approach for Tsunami Inundation Mapping
MS Plan B Paper, May 2008
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), G. Pawlak, I. Robertson
Sites, Eric
Evaluations of the Motions and Connection Loads of the Hawaii Superferry and Unloading Barge at Kawaihae Harbor, Hawaii
MS Plan B Paper, May 2008
Committee: R.C. Ertekin (Chair), K.F. Cheung, H.R. Riggs
Goo, Justin Avery
Validation of Wave Transformation Models for Tropical Coastal Environments
MS Plan A Thesis, December 2007
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), M.A. Merrifield, G. Pawlak
Stopa, Justin Edward
Effect of Wind Resolution on Spectral Wave Modeling in the Hawaii Region
MS Plan A Thesis, December 2007
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), Y.-L. Chen, M.A. Merrifield
Mi, Jane
Evaluation and Review of local tsunami evacuation of the Hawaiian Islands.
MS Plan B Paper, December 2006
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), S.L. Croix, H.J. Krock
Sanchez, Alex
Tsunami forecast using an adaptive inverse algorithm for the Peru-Chile subduction zone
MS Plan A Thesis, November 2006
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), G. Pawlak, I. Robertson
Higa, Scott
Feasibility Study of Seawater Air Conditioning In California
MS Plan B Paper, August 2006
Committee: D. Rezachek (Chair), H.J. Krock, K.F. Cheung
Long, Chen
An Efficient Parallel Scheme And its Applications in CFD Problems
MS Plan B Paper, August 2006
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), D. Yun, H.J. Krock
Looney, Chris
Investigation of the Use of Alphaflex / High Density Polyethylene Composites as suitable Materials for Large Diameter Deep Ocean Cold Water Pipes
MS Plan A Thesis, August 2006
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), K.F. Cheung, D. Rezachek
Wycklendt, Andrew
A Real-World AUV Simulation Environment
MS Plan A Thesis, December 2005
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), S. Choi, G. Pawlak
Carter, Richard
Wave Energy Converter Situated Beneath the Waves
MS Plan A Thesis, December 2005
Committee: R.C. Ertekin (Chair), K.F. Cheung, G. Pawlak
Merritt, Daniel
Botcam-Design, Testing, and Development of a Fully Automated Stereo-Video Bottom Camera Bait Station for Ecosystem of Bottom Fish Species
MS Plan A Thesis, December 2005
Committee: J. Wiltshire (Chair), G. Pawlak, C. Kelley
Hansen, Demont
Implementation of a virtual Buoy Network For the Island of Oahu Utilizing Nested Third Generation Wind Wave Models
MS Plan A Thesis, August 2005
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), G. Pawlak, H.J. Krock
Crabtree, Robert
Hindcast Modeling of Storm Surge and Waves in the Gulf Coast Region
MS Plan A Thesis, August 2005
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), H.J. Krock, M. Merrifield
Nunes, Vasco
Survey and Statistical Parameterization of Bed Roughness of a Coral Reef
MS Plan A Thesis, August 2005
Committee: G. Pawlak (Chair), K.F. Cheung, M. Merrifield
Kincaid, James I.
Identification of the Sand Island Sewage Outfall Plume Off the Southern Shore of Oahu Using CTD Casts
MS Plan B Paper, May 2005
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), K.F. Cheung, G. Pawlak
Cheifet, Jordan
Durability, Repair, and Service Life of Concrete in Marine Environments
MS Plan B Paper, May 2005
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), G. Fischer, H.J. Krock
Yang, Jinghai
Time Domain, Nonlinear Theories on Ship Motions
MS Plan B Paper, August 2004
Committee: R.C. Ertekin (Chair), K.F. Cheung , G. Pawlak
Yamazaki, Yoshiki
Forecast of Tsunamis From the Japan-Kuril-Kamchatka Source Region
MS Plan A Thesis, August 2004
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), H.J. Krock, G. Pawlak
Zhou, Hongqiang
Hydrodynamic Response of an Advanced Marine Vehicle in Waves
MS Plan B Paper, December 2003
Committee: R.C. Ertekin (Chair), K.F. Cheung, H.R. Riggs
Hahn, Eric
Coastal Engineering Reconnaissance and Planning in Support of Major Amphibious Operations
MS Plan B Paper, December 2003
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), J. Wiltshire, G. Pawlak
Woo, Kristen
Advanced Marine Vehicle Products Database a Preliminary Design Tool
MS Plan A Thesis, August 2003
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), H.J. Krock, J. Wiltshire
Winsley, Jon
Review and Design of NOAA Fisheries Honolulu Laboratory Underwater Imaging Tow Vehicles
MS Plan B Paper, August 2003
Committee: J. Wiltshire (Chair), J.R. Smith, H.J. Krock
Douyere, Yann M. J.
Analysis of Harbor Oscillation with a Boussinesq Model
MS Plan A Thesis, August 2003
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), H.J. Krock, M.A. Merrifield
Ramsey, Melanie D.
Basic Component Design of Research Submersibles
MS Plan B Paper, May 2003
Committee: A. Malahoff (Chair), R.H. Knapp, H.J. Krock
Blinde, Geoffrey
Static and Dynamic Analyses of a Swath Ship Structure
MS Plan B Paper, May 2003
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), R. Knapp, H.J. Krock
Bregman, Ronald U.
Status and Assessment of Ocean Energy Resources Systems
MS Plan B Paper, August 2002
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), K.F. Cheung, R. Knapp
Patterson, Ennis E.
Analysis of District Cooling in Hawaii Using Seawater from Deep Source: An Engineering and Economic Feasibility Study
MS Plan A Thesis, May 2002
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), S. Masutani, R. Knapp
Rojas, Raymond
Development of A Comprehensive Storm Wave Inundation Model
MS Plan A Thesis, November 2001
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), H.J. Krock, M.H. Teng
Hutto, Lara
A Comprehensive Guide to Shipboard Waste: Environment Consequences, Regulations, and Management Options
MS Plan A Thesis, May 2001
Committee: A. Malahoff (Chair), J. Wiltshire, R. Babcock
Gregory, Todd
Transfer and Transportation of a High Pressure/ Temperature Hydrothermal Fluid Sample
MS Plan A Thesis, May 2001
Committee: A. Malahoff (Chair), H.J. Krock, R.Babcock
Velasco, Victor
Evaluation and Cost Comparison of Anti Siltation Systems and Traditional Dredging Methods
MS Plan B Paper, December 2000
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), H. Brandes, H.J. Krock
Romanoski, Lisa
Bioreactor Toolkit
MS Plan B Paper, December 2000
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), J.C. Radway, R. Babcock
Yang, Liqun
A Circulation Study of Hawaiian Fishponds
MS Plan B paper, August 2000
Committee: R.C. Ertekin (Chair), M.A. Merrifield, R. Pfund
Martino, Chris
Modeling of Hurricane Waves in Hawaiian Water
MS Plan A Thesis, August 2000
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), M.A. Merrifield, M. Teng
Bossuyt, Arnaud
Seamless Sampler for Use in Underwater Vents
MS Plan A Thesis, August 2000
Committee: A. Malahoff (Chair), H.J. Krock, R. Babcock
Caron, Chad
Numerical Study of the 1946 Alaskan Tsunami and Run-up in Hilo Bay, Hawaii
MS Plan A Thesis, August 2000
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), M.A. Merrifield, M. Teng
[ Top of Page ]
Das, Suvabrata
Fine Element Analysis of Helically-Served Cables at Large Lay Angles
MS Plan A Thesis, December 1999
Committee: R.H. Knapp (Chair), H.J. Krock, I.N. Robertson, W. Stuiver
Bitragunta, Krishna
Elimination of Irregular Frequencies using a Partial-Lid Approach
MS Plan A Thesis, August 1999
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), L. Seidl, M. Merrifield
Teates, Michael
Review of Shoaling and Maintenance of Shoreline Harbors along the California Coast
MS Plan B Paper, December 1998
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), H.J. Krock, M. Merrifield
Miller, Patricia
Evaluating Existing Cross-Shore Sediment Transport Models for a Steep, Porous Beach; Waimea Bay Beach, Hawaii
MS Plan B Paper, August 1998
Committee: J. Becker (Chair), M. Merrifield, K.F. Cheung
Ericksen, Todd
The design and motion response of the Ceros Synthetic Aperture Sonar Towfish
MS Plan B Paper, August 1998
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), Margo Edwards, Mark Rognstad, K. F. Cheung
Zaleski, Alexander
Wave Driven Flow in a Reef Channel
MS Plan B Paper, August 1998
Committee: M. Merrifield (Chair), H.J. Krock, C. Fletcher
Van Stiphout, Antonius
Wave Transformation Study of Waikiki Beach
MS Plan B Paper, May 1998
Committee: M. Merrifield (Chair), J. Becker, K.F. Cheung
Dai, Jun
Engineering Characterization of Tropical Island Beaches
MS Plan A Thesis, December 1997
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), M. Cruickshank, H.J. Krock, M.A. Merrifield
Kwon, Seok Jae
Plume Rise and Initial Dilution Determination for the Sand Island and Honouliuli Outfalls
MS Plan B Paper, December 1997
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), K.F. Cheung, C.C.K. Liu
Grandelli, Patrick D.R.
Preliminary Design of an Integrated Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Clean Power Plant on New Providence Island, Bahamas
MS Plan A Thesis, August 1997
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), K.F. Cheung and P.K. Takahashi
Goody, Christopher
A Feasibility and Design Considerations Study for a Small Craft Retractable Hydrofoil
MS Plan B Paper, December 1996
Committee: L.H. Seidl (Chair), M.A. Merrifield, R.H. Knapp
Alling, Joseph
Timber vs. Composite/Plastic Pile Fender Systems in Pearl Harbor: Maintenance Cost Comparison
MS Plan B Paper, December 1996
Committee: K.F. Cheung (Chair), H.-J. Krock, A. Singh
Gallion, Eddie
Non-Defense Applications of SOSUS/IUSS
MS Plan B Paper, December 1995
Committee: M.A. Merrifield (Chair), J.M. Becker, K.F. Cheung, F.K. Duennebier
Bozak, Ronald
Creating Sub-sea Structures Using Electrolysis in Seawater in Hawaii
MS Plan B Paper, August 1995
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), F.T. Mackenzie, M.A. Merrifield
Lipp, David
Changes in Beach Profiles Due to Wave Reflections off Sea Walls at Lanikai, Hawaii
MS Plan A Thesis, August 1995
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), K.F. Cheung, C.H. Fletcher, M.A. Merrifield
Tangirala, Arvind
Efficient 3-D Hydroelastic Analysis of Very Large Floating Structures
MS Plan A Thesis, May 1995
Committee: R.C. Ertekin (Chair), J.M. Becker, M.A. Merrifield, H. R. Riggs
Ching, Benton Y.Y.
Shore Protection For a Property Located at Waialua, Oahu
MS Plan B Paper, May 1995
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), H.J. Krock, K. Bridges
Williams, Michael J.
Use of Sea Water For Air Conditioning Hotel Spaces
MS Plan B Paper, May 1994
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), M.J. Cruickshank, F. Gerritsen
Smith, David A.
Hydraulic Model Investigation of The Proposed Improvement of Kuhio Beach
MS Plan B Paper, May 1994
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), C. Fletcher, F. Gerritsen/K.F. Cheung
Roddier, Dominique G.-H.
Diffraction And Refraction of Solitons Around A False Wall
MS Plan A Thesis, May 1994
Committee: R.C. Ertekin (Chair), P. Muller, K. Bathen, H. Loomis
Matsuoka, Koji
The Hydrodynamic Forces And Motions Of Boxed Shaped Floating Bodies With Shallow-Draft in Regular Waves
MS Plan B Paper, May 1994
Committee: L.H. Seidl (Chair), W. Stuiver, H.J. Krock
Griffith, Christopher J.
A Comprehensive Look At Pile Driven Plate Anchors And Their Use At Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
MS Plan B Paper, May 1994
Committee: L.H. Seidl (Chair), F. Gerritsen/K.F. Cheung, M. Cruickshank
Barry, James H.
Wave Transformations Over a Shoal
MS Plan A Thesis, May 1994
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), M. Cruickshank, R.C. Ertekin, H. Loomis
Wohlmut, Kevin A.
An Examination of Desing Sea State for HIMB Labs, Coconut Island
MS Plan B Paper, December 1993
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), P. Helfrich, C. Bretschneider
Chandrasekera, Carmela
Relationship of Edge Waves to Beach Cusps at Waimanalo
MS Plan B Paper, December 1993
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), M. Teng, H.J. Krock
Agrawal, Jagottam D.
Storm Surge Calculation for Hurricane INIKI
MS Plan B Paper, August 1993
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), C.L. Bretschneider, C. Fletcher
Liu, Xiaoqing (Charles)
Feasibility Study of a Remotely Operated Vehicle in the Deep Sea Slant Drilling Project
MS Plan A Thesis, December 1992
Committee: R.C. Ertekin (Chair), R. Knapp, L.H. Seidl, G.A. Wilkins
Kelly, William (Bill) V.
SWATH Vessel Design at the University of Hawaii
MS Plan B Paper, December 1992
Committee: L.H. Seidl (Chair), R. Knapp, M. St. Denis
Zhai, Xiaohuang (Lance)
Wave Pump for Upwelling
MS Plan B Paper, August 1992
Committee: L.H. Seidl (Chair), F. Gerritsen, D.E. Avery
Watson, Kevin L.
An Integrated Ship Design Package for Microcomputers
MS Plan B Paper, August 1992
Committee: R.C. Ertekin (Chair), A. Oloufa, M. St. Denis
Sundararaghavan, Hari
Dispersion of Waste Water in Open Coastal Waters Using Finite Element Method
MS Plan B Paper, August 1992
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), H. Loomis, G.L. Dugan
Weil, David K.
Computational Design of an OTEC Plant for Diego Garcia
MS Plan A Thesis, May 1992
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), J. Van Ryzin, C.L. Bretschneider
Wang, Suqin
Analysis of Wave Action on Floating Structures
MS Plan B Paper, May 1992
Committee: L.H. Seidl (Chair), M. St. Denis, P.K. Takahashi
Huang, Liang
Investigation of Forces and Motions of a Platform Coupled with a Pipe
MS Plan A Thesis, May 1992
Committee: R.C. Ertekin (Chair), H. Loomis, H.R. Riggs
Xu, Yingfan
Scattering of Surface Waves by Submerged and Bottom Obstacles: Wave Energy Focusing
MS Plan A Thesis, December 1991
Committee: R.C. Ertekin (Chair), F. Gerritsen, P. Cheng
Padmanabhan, Bala M.
Upending and Setdown Simulation and Hydrodynamics of a Conical Gravity Platform
MS Plan A Thesis, December 1991
Committee: R.C. Ertekin (Chair), H. Loomis, A. Oloufa
Kinsella (Cripe), Shannon
Characteristics of Littoral Transport for a Tropical Latitude Island
MS Plan B Paper, December 1991
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), W. Coulbourn, H.J. Krock, K.H. Bathen
Liu, George Z.
Resistance Analysis for SWATH Ship with Twin-Strut, Single-Strut and Lower Hull Only
MS Plan A Thesis, December 1991
Committee: L.H. Seidl (Chair), M. St. Denis, R. Knapp
Resnick, Andrew M.
A Conceptual Study of an Ocean Thermal Energy Powered Liquid Hydrogen Production Plan
MS Plan B Paper, December 1991
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), L.H. Seidl, J. Craven
Koshizawa, Osamu
Study of Currents and Density Profile Dynamics in the Vicinity of Barbers Point to Sand Island
MS Plan B Paper, December 1991
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), F. Gerritsen, C.C.K. Liu
Xu, Jianlu
Quasi-3D Numerical Model of Near-Shore Circulation and Sediment Transport and its Application to Waikiki Beach Restoration
MS Plan B Paper, August 1991
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), H. Loomis, M.J. Cruickshank
Wang, Minglun
A Hybrid Approach to the Hydroelastic Analysis of Very Large Floating Structures
MS Plan A Thesis, August 1991
Committee: R.C. Ertekin (Chair), L.H. Seidl, H.R. Riggs
Sun, Xifan
Some Theoretical and Numerical Studies on Cnoidal-Wave-Diffraction Problems
MS Plan A Thesis, August 1991
Committee: R.C. Ertekin (Chair), H. Loomis, J.A. Williams
Mahesh, Harihara
Dynamic Modeling and Coordinated Control of An Underwater Robotic Vehicle
MS Plan A Thesis, August 1991
Committee: M. Cruickshank (Chair), R.C. Ertekin, H.J. Krock, J. Yuh
Harrigan, June F.
Optimization of Mixing of A Cold Water Jet Discharging Into Hawaiian Ocean Surface Waters: An Application of OTEC to Primary Productivity Enhancement
MS Plan A Thesis, December 1990
Committee: K.H. Bathen (Chair), R.C. Ertekin, P. Takahashi
Leraand, Tore K.
An element for Static Analysis of Flexible Cables
MS Plan B Paper, December 1990
Committee: H.R. Riggs (Chair), R.C. Ertekin, L.H. Seidl
Suarez, Melissa M.
Study of Current Near the Honouliuli WWTP, Barbor’s Point Ocean Outfall
MS Plan B Paper, May 1990
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), K.H. Bathen, E. Firing, E. Noda
Downs, Tim J.
Conceptual Design Considerations for Very Large Scale Offshore OTEC Water Containment
MS Plan B Paper, May 1990
Committee: L.H. Seidl (Chair), K.H. Bathen, P. Takahashi
[ Top of Page ]
Chian, Chimin
Simulation of Solitary Wave Runup and Computation of Armor-Unit Stability by a Boundary Element Method
MS Plan A Thesis, December 1989
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), R.C. Ertekin, H. Loomis, J.A. Williams
Kong, Dung
Design and Construction of the Concrete Canoe “Overnight Sensation”
MS Plan B Paper, May 1989
Committee: R.C. Ertekin (Chair), F. Gerritsen, H.R. Riggs
Qian, Zhengmin
Numerical Grid Generation and Nonlinear Waves Generated By a Ship in a Shallow – Water Channel
MS Plan A Thesis, December 1988
Committee: R.C. Ertekin (Chair), F. Gerritsen, H. Loomis, P. Cheng
Rosti, Peter
Evidence of a Baroclinic Internal Wave of Tidal Frequency at Keahole Point, Hawaii
MS Plan B Paper, December 1988
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), F. Gerritsen, J.M. Price
Madan, Anish
Design of a 100 Year Cyclone and a Protection Dike for Krishna Delta
MS Plan B Paper, August 1988
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), C.L. Bretschneider, R.C. Ertekin, J.A. Williams
De Hert, Danny O.A.
A Survey of SWATH Hull Forms According to Certain Design Parameters
MS Plan B Paper, May 1988
Committee: L.H. Seidl (Chair), R.C. Ertekin, R. Knapp
Chitrapu, Srinivasamurthy A.
Wave-and-Current-Induced Viscous Drift Forces on Floating Platforms
MS Plan A Thesis, May 1988
Committee: R.C. Ertekin (Chair), L.H. Seidl, F. Gerritsen, R.A. Grace
Oney, Stephen K.
Molecular Diffusion of Oxygen and Nitrogen in Seawater
MS Plan A Thesis, May 1988
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), F. Sansone, F. Gerritsen
Lee, Joong Woo
A Finite Element Simulation of Wave Approaching A Coastal Area
MS Plan B Paper, May 1987
Committee: H. Loomis (Chair), F. Gerritsen, P. Cheng
Joshi, Vilas B.
Preliminary Investigations and Recommendations Regarding Erosion at Kahala Beach, Honolulu
MS Plan B Paper, December 1985
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), H.J. Krock, D. Cox
Mocke, Gary P.
The West Beach Marina Study – A Critical Evaluation and Analysis of Some Relevant Parameters
MS Plan B Paper, August 1985
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), H.J. Krock, D. Cox
Gomez, Gregorio P.
Coastal Protection Design Consideration for Spotted Modular Detached Low-Crested Breakwater System
MS Plan A Thesis, May 1985
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), H.J. Krock, D.E. Cox, D. Griffin
De Jesus, Tina C.
Currents and Mixing Measurements Techniques for the Sand Island Ocean Outfall
MS Plan B Paper, December 1984
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), F. Gerritsen, R.A. Grace
Thampi, K. Sreekumar
Dynamic Positioning of an OTEC Plant Using Environmental Forces
MS Plan B Paper, August 1984
Committee: J. Craven (Chair), L.H. Seidl, B. Gallagher
Cabrera, Ramon G.
Boundary Integral Methods for the Calculation of Wave Loads on Large Floating Structures
MS Plan B Paper, December 1984
Committee: L.H. Seidl (Chair), H. Loomis, H. Gersch
Andres, Jose M.
Forces Exerted by Shallow Water Waves on a Submarine Pipeline Oriented at an Angle to the Flow
MS Plan A Thesis, August 1984
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), J. Craven, B. Gallagher
Vidal, Mauro G.
A Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Cable Dynamics
MS Plan B Paper, August 1984
Committee: L.H. Seidl (Chair), J. Craven, T. Lee, R. Knapp
Zapka, Manfred J.
Sand Island Sediment Accumulation Study
MS Plan B Paper, May 1984
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), T. Lee, R.A. Grace
Wilkie, James L.
Hull Definition and Numerical Prediction of Resistance and Ship Motions for a Small Swath Vessel
MS Plan B Paper, December 1983
Committee: L.H. Seidl (Chair), R. Knapp, J. Craven, H.J. Krock
Hewlett, John C.
The Effect of Wave Groups on Dynamic Set-Up
MS Plan A Thesis, December 1983
Committee: J. Craven (Chair), W. Bakker, T. Lee, B. Gallagher
Lynn, Diann K.
Marine Salvage: Generic Mission ProFiles and Basic Techniques
MS Plan B Paper, August 1983
Committee: L.H. Seidl (Chair), J. Craven, T. Roelofs
Ishii, Brian T.
An Industrial Complex for a Manganese Preprocessing, Mariculture and a 400 Megawatt OTEC Facility on an ASP Platform
MS Plan B Paper, December 1982
Committee: L.H. Seidl (Chair), F. Gerritsen, F. Munchmeyer
Judge, Timothy J. (Deceased)
Data Acquisition & Data Quality Determination for the Ala Moana Feef Set-up & Wave Height Attenuation Project
MS Plan B Paper, August 1982
Committee: H.J. Krock (Chair), T. Lee, B. Gallagher
Trindade, Jorge J.
Numerical Model for the Computation of Wave transformation and Longshore Transport Rate on an Open Coastline
MS Plan B Paper, May 1982
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), R. Grace, H. Loomis, K. Bathen
Mitchell, James A.
An Air Supported Platform for an OTEC
MS Plan B Paper, May 1982
Committee: L.H. Seidl (Chair), T. Lee, F. Munchmeyer
Gupta, Satish
Theoretical and Experimental Study of Berm Structure as an Effective Measure to Reduce Runup
MS Plan B Paper, May 1981
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), T. Lee, H.J. Krock, J. Williams
Sullivan, Patrick K.
Evaluation of Non-Destructive Techniques for Measuring Corrosion Film kinetics of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Heat Exchanger Material A15052-H34
MS Plan B Paper, May 1981
Committee: K. Bathen (Chair), R. Dorrestein, B. Liebert
Kaul, Hira L.
Computation of Wave Attenuation and Wave Set-Up Due to Wind Generated Waves
MS Plan B Paper, December 1980
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), C.L. Bretschneider, J. Williams, R. Dorrestein
Sanchez, Enrique M.
Comparative Study of the Present Methods of Rubble Mound Breakwater Design
MS Plan B Paper, December 1980
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), C.L. Bretschneider, K. Bathen, H. Loomis
Nakazaki, Eiji
The Determination of Friction Factors Over Natural Terrain From Wind Measurements
MS Plan B Paper, August 1980
Committee: C.L. Bretschneider (Chair), F. Gerritsen, C. Adams
Jagannathan, Sridhar
Cumulative Distribution of Forces on Structures Subjected to the Combined Action of Currents and Random Waves for Keahole Point, Hawaii OTEC Site
MS Plan B, August 1980
Committee: C.L. Bretschneider (Chair), F. Gerritsen, H. Loomis
Hee, Roger K.
Flushing of a Marina by Means of a Wave Trap
MS Plan B Paper, May 1980
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), J. Williams, K.H. Bathen
Gross, Kevin T.
Marine Corrosion of Aluminum Alloys Proposed for Use as Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Heat Exchanger Tubing Material Using AC Complex Plane Analysis
MS Plan B Paper, May 1980
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), K.H. Bathen,, B.E. Liebert
Gascogne, Pierre B.
Adaptation of a Power Plant Basin for Aquaculture
MS Plan B Paper, May 1980
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), G. Venezian, B. Gallagher
Luke, Russel K.H.
Wave-Induced Water Motion Near the Seafloor
MS Plan B Paper, May 1980
Committee: E. Noda (Chair), B. Gallagher, F. Gerritsen, R. Grace
[ Top of Page ]
Engle, Allen H.
Feasibility Study for an Undersea Laboratory
MS Plan B Paper, May 1979
Committee: J.P. Craven (Chair), J. Larsen-Basse, F. Gerritsen
Evans, Donald E.
Wave-Induced Instability of Small Concrete Cubes on the Ocean Floor
MS Plan B Paper, May 1979
Committee: R.A. Grace (Chair), F. Gerritsen, E. Noda
Brown, John A.
Application of the Air Stabilized Platform (A.S.P.) as an Offshore containership Terminal
MS Plan B Paper, May 1979
Committee: L.H. Seidl (Chair), F. Gerritsen, J. Williams
Wentland, David A.
Field Observations and Theoretical Analysis of Wave Set-up on Ala Moana Reef
MS Plan B Paper, December 1978
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), H. Loomis, T. Lee, G. Niemeyer
Brower, Lawrence E.
Numerical Analysis of Wave Attenuation in a Breaking Wave Regime with Special Emphasis on Friction
MS Plan B Paper, December 1978
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), T. Lee, J. Williams, K. Keller
Matsumoto, Haruyoshi
The Measurements of Acoustical Bottom Loss at Normal Incidence (Including the Results Off the Waianae Coast of Oahu)
MS Plan B Paper, August 1978
Committee: A. Parvulescu (Chair), G. Sutton, G. Venezian, M. Odegard
Rowland, Adrian H.
A Study of the Measurement of Near Bottom, Wave Induced Flow Parameters
MS Plan B Paper, May 1978
Committee: R.A. Grace (Chair), F. Gerritsen, C.L. Bretschneider
Miller, Michael W.
Investigation Into the Heave and Pitch Response of A SWATH Ship
MS Plan B Paper, December 1977
Committee: L.H. Seidl (Chair), C.L. Bretschneider, G. Wilkins
Pant, Pramod K.
Integral Equation Approach to the Scattering of Waves by a Group of Vertical Cylinders
MS Plan B Paper, August 1977
Committee: G. Venezian (Chair), C.L. Bretschneider, P. Cheng
Thatcher, Herbert V.H.
Rock Bolting in Coral: An Experiment
MS Plan A Thesis, August 1977
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), S. Smith, T. Lee
Watanabe, Ronald K.
The Generation of Small Levels of Electrical Energy from Ocean Waves
MS Plan B Paper, August 1977
Committee: M. St. Denis (Chair), L.H. Seidl, T. Roelofs, F. Munchmeyer, C.L. Bretschneider
Rocheleau, Richard E.
Evaluation of Extreme Wind and Wave Climate in Hawaii with Specific Application to Keahole Point
MS Plan B Paper, August 1977
Committee: C.L. Bretschneider (Chair), F. Munchmeyer, K. Bathen
Tamaye, Elaine E.
A Data Recovery System Featuring as In-Situ Retrievable Instrumental Rig
MS Plan B Paper, August 1977
Committee: K. Bathen (Chair), F. Munchmeyer, C.L. Bretschneider, R. Grace
Phromprasert, Kasem
Improvement of Songkhla Harbor and Some Related Coastal Engineering Problems
MS Plan B Paper, May 1977
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), J. Larsen-Basse, K. Bathen
Endo, Hideichi
Numerical Calculation of Singular Integrals for the Hydrodynamic Mass in Heave of a Cylinder Floating on Water of Finite Depth
MS Plan B Paper, May 1977
Committee: L.H. Seidl (Chair), R. Knapp, M. St. Denis, G. Venezian
Zee, Gabriel T.Y.
Inertia and Drag Coefficients for a Submerged Sphere
MS Plan A Thesis, December 1976
Committee: R.A. Grace (Chair), G. Venezian, L.H. Seidl
Hall, William M.
Investigation of a Mobile Pontoon Breakwater
MS Plan B Paper, December 1976
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), N.N. Nielsen, T.T. Lee, L.H. Seidl
James, Allan L.
Drift Forces on Moored Vessels of Minimum Draft Clearance
MS Plan B Paper, December 1976
Committee: L.H. Seidl (Chair), R. Knapp, M. St. Denis, T. Lee
Petters, Richard A.
Evaluation of an Integral Equation Approach for the Wave Diffraction Potential on Axial Symmetric Shapes
MS Plan B Paper, December 1976
Committee: L.H. Seidl (Chair), G. Venezian, R.A. Grace
Nicinski, Steven A.
An Ocean Experiment: Forces on a Pipe & Stability of Cubic Particles Under Ocean Wave Attack
MS Plan B Paper, December 1976
Committee: R.A. Grace (Chair), G. Venezian, J. Fox
Lau, Nelson K.H.
Acquisition System for Deep Ocean Mining Environmental Baseline Studies
MS Plan B Paper, December 1976
Committee: K. Bathen (Chair), P. Yuen, M. St. Denis
Wybro, Pieter G.
On the Determination of Tsunami Inundation Forces for the State of Hawaii
MS Plan A Thesis, December 1976
Committee: C.L. Bretschneider (Chair), L. Spielvogel, L. Seidl, F. Gerritsen
Nakajima, Toshio
A Study of the Moored Platform “Aquapolis”
MS Plan A Thesis, December 1976
Committee: M. St. Denis (Chair), L. Seidl, A.S. Furumoto, J. Craven, C.L. Bretschneider
Castiel, Joseph
Breaking Wave Forces on Submarine Pipelines
MS Plan B Paper, May 1976
Committee: R.A. Grace (Chair), J. Burgess, C.L. Bretschneider, T. Lee
Ekama, Maarten C.
A Further Evaluation of the Environmental Impact of an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Plant of the Water Off Keahole Point, Kona, Hawaii
MS Plan B Paper, December 1975
Committee: K. Bathen (Chair), R.A. Grace, C.L. Bretschneider, T. Lee
Hertel, Mark A.
Determination of Design Water Level Over a Reef
MS Plan B Paper, August 1975
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), B. Gallagher, C.L. Bretschneider
Cullison, Geoffrey D.
Stabilization of Ocean Cables
MS Plan B Paper, August 1975
Committee: R.A. Grace (Chair), L.H. Seidl, F. Gerritsen
Scott, Bruce B.
Preliminary Design of an Offshore Breakwater as Protection from Hurricane Wave at Anna Maria Key, Gulf Coast, Florida
MS Plan B Paper, August 1975
Committee: C.L. Bretschneider (Chair), G. Dugan, F. Gerritsen
Cherry, John M.
Land Reclamation Off Sand Island: An Ocean Engineering Analysis
MS Plan B Paper, August 1975
Committee: C.L. Bretschneider (Chair), F. Gerritsen, G. Dugan
Pyles, Troy K.
Preliminary Offshore Breakwater and Littoral By-Passing System Design for the Ventura Marina in California
MS Plan A Thesis, August 1975
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), G. Dugan, C.L. Bretschneider
Wilson, Douglas C.
High Hydrostatic Pressure Curing of Cement Mortar and Mortar and its Application to Concrete Curing
MS Plan B Paper, August 1975
Committee: J. Craven (Chair), F. Gerritsen, M. Manghnani
Merchant, Richard J.
Application of Theoretical Techniques to Computations of Coastal Currents Effecting Proposed Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
MS Plan B Paper, May 1975
Committee: K. Bathen (Chair), G. Dugan, F. Gerritsen, E. Noda
LeGrand, Jacques
On Wave Induced Water Particle Kinematics
MS Plan B Paper, December 1974
Committee: R.A. Grace (Chair), C.L. Bretchneider, L.H. Seidl
Arnold, William J.
Theoretical Developments and Design Criteria for the Parametric Array
MS Plan B Paper, December 1974
Committee: A. Parvulescu (Chair), N.T. Gaarder, J.P. Craven
Wong, Daniel Y.Y.
Behavior of Haleiwa Harbor During Storm of January 7, 1974
MS Plan B Paper, May 1974
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), F. Munchmeyer, T. Lee, J.T. O’Brien
Stearns, Marcus H.
A Review of Submarine Pipeline Burial
MS Plan B Paper, May 1974
Committee: R.A. Grace (Chair), J. Williams, F. Gerritsen
Shin, Yung Sup M.N.
On the Motion of the Semi-Submerged Ship
MS Plan B Paper, May 1974
Committee: G. Venezian (Chair), F. Munchmeyer, L. Seidl, M. St. Denis
Hammerwold, Terry
Beach Cusps
MS Plan B Paper, May 1974
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), R. Tait, T. Lee
Vasanthakumar, Pavagada
Comparative Study of U.S. Ports Administration & Evaluation of the Need for Deep Water Port in U.S.
MS Plan B Paper, December 1973
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), M. Lepine, K. Bathen
Liu, Bokor D.
Design of Fixed Offshore Structures for the Taiwan Area
MS Plan B Paper, December 1973
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), M. St. Denis, M. Go
Fei, James R.
Destroyer Overhaul Repair Planning Pre-Overhaul Test and Inspection Program
MS Plan B Paper, December 1973
Committee: J.P. Craven (Chair), M. St. Denis, J. Larsen-Basse
Ribakoff, Stephen B.
The Use of Acrylics in the Design of Submersibles
MS Plan B Paper, August 1973
Committee: J. Craven (Chair), G. Wilkins, M. St. Denis
Rocheleau, Robert Y.
Measurement of Wave Induced Bottom Particle Kinematics and Comparison with Any Theory Predictions
MS Plan B Paper, May 1973
Committee: J. Williams (Chair), G. Venezian, C.L. Bretschneider
Morimoto, Koji
Feasibility Study of Container Crane Relocation by Offshore Deck Cargo Barge
MS Plan B Paper, May 1973
Committee: G. Venezian (Chair), M. St. Denis, F. Munchmeyer
Fain, Donald Max M.
Theoretical Analysis of Wave Set-up and Resulting Currents on Kewal
MS Plan B Paper, May 1973
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), G. Venezian, B. Gallagher
Yap, Emerson J.
Helium Speech in a Hyperbaric Environment
MS Plan B Paper, December 1972
Committee: A. Parvulescu (Chair), C.L. Bretschneider, J. O’Reilley
Crane, Jerald K.
History of the Marine Structures on Waikiki Beach and Their Effects Upon the Beach
MS Plan B Paper, December 1972
Committee: C.L. Bretschneider (Chair), R. Tait, T. Lee
Kondo Kikuchi, Takeo
Model for Inter-Island Marine Transportation System with Technological Innovation for the State of Hawaii
MS Plan B Paper, December 1972
Committee: J. Craven (Chair), F. Gerritsen, A. Furumoto
Allen, William J.
Sand Mechanics of a Crater-Dredge System
MS Plan B Paper, December 1972
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), J. Evans, R. Tait, C.L. Bretschneider
Smith, James M.
Computerized Structural Design of the SSP
MS Plan B Paper, December 1972
Committee: J. Craven (Chair), G.A. Wilkins, L.H. Seidl
Green, Maurice Jr. D.
Position Control of the Floating City
MS Plan B Paper, August 1972
Committee: J.P. Craven (Chair), G. Venezian, G. Wilkins, J. O’Brien
Hollman, John H.
Side Looking Sonar with Synthetic Aperture
MS Plan B Paper, August 1972
Committee: A. Parvulescu (Chair), J. Burgess, G. Venezian
Sullivan, Scott P.
Circulation Analysis of the Embayment to be Formed by the Reef Runway at Honolulu International Airport
MS Plan B Paper, December 1971
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), R.A. Grace, J. Williams
Nishioka, Roy
Thermal Effluent Distribution in Honolulu Harbor
MS Plan B Paper, December 1971
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), L.H. Seidl, R.A. Grace
Ireland, Richard D.
Literature Survey of Corrosion Fatigue and Related Experimentation with 1018 Steel
MS Plan B Paper, December 1971
Committee: R.A. Grace (Chair), D. Jones, L.H. Seidl
Gremse, Francis J.
Sediment Transport Due to the Interaction of Currents and Waves
MS Plan B Paper, December 1971
Committee: R. Tait (Chair), G. Venezian, F. Gerritsen, T. Lee
Sklarz, Michael A.
A Survey of Some Modern Theories on Turbulence
MS Plan B Paper, August 1971
Committee: M. St. Denis (Chair), F. Gerritsen, R. Tait
Nayak, Upendra B.
The Use of Hydraulic Model for the Study of Circulation Patterns in the Vicinity of Island of Oahu
MS Plan B Paper, May 1971
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), B. Gallagher, G. Venezian
Lundy, Bruce
Dynamics of a Mooring Line Correlation of Computer to Model Results
MS Plan B Paper, December 1970
Committee: L.H. Seidl (Chair), F. Gerritsen, G. Venezian
Levin, James
Field Observation & Theoretical Analy. of Currents on the Inner Reef from Kewalo Channel to Ala Moana Park
MS Plan A Thesis, December 1970
Committee: F. Gerritsen (Chair), T. O’Brien, J. Andrews
Fallon, Anthony R. (Deceased)
Laboratory Studies of a Discontinuous Wave Absorber
MS Plan B Paper, December 1970
Committee: J.A. Williams (Chair), W.M. Adams, E.E. Allmendinger
Rysdyk, Roger F.
Titanium and its Consideration for Use in Ocean Engineering Applications
MS Plan B Paper, August 1970
Committee: A. Parvulescu (Chair), J. Larsen-Badse, L. Seidl
Kern, David E.
A Study of Sand Movement in the Halekulani Sand Channel off Waikiki, Hawaii
MS Plan B Paper, August 1970
Committee: G. Venezian (Chair), R. Moberly, F. Gerritsen
Silveria, William (Bill) A.
A Finite Difference Method for the Solution of Problems in Incompressible Laminar Flow
MS Plan B Paper, May 1970
Committee: G. Venezian (Chair), H. Hamada, M. St. Denis
Lally, David A.
A Proposed Airborne Radiometric Method of Obtaining Wave Data
MS Plan B Paper, May 1970
Committee: M. St. Denis (Chair), R.A. Grace, L.H. Seidl
Koenig, Henry L.
Design of an Ocean Structure for Experiments on Wave Pipeline Interaction
MS Plan B Paper, May 1970
Committee: R.A. Grace (Chair), J. Fox, G. Venezian
[ Top of Page ]
Cygan, Henry F. Jr.
An Investigation of Harbor Surge at Hilo, Hawaii
MS Plan A Thesis, December 1969
Committee: W.M. Adams (Chair), H.G. Loomis, G.R. Miller, C.L. Bretschneider
Lee, James B.
A Powering Study of the Submersible “KUMUKAHI”
MS Plan B Paper, December 1969
Committee: M. St. Denis (Chair), W. Stuiver, G. Venezian, G. Fahlman
Muller, Justus A.
An Economic Analysis of a Water Transportation System
MS Plan B Paper, December 1969
Walker, James R. (Deceased)
Estimation of Ocean Wave Induced Particle Velocities from the Time History of a Bottom Mounted Pressure Transducer
MS Plan A Thesis, May 1969
Committee: W.M. Adams (Chair), J.A. Williams, G.R. Miller
Luthy, Richard G.
The Extraction of Minerals from Sea Water
MS Plan B Paper, May 1969
Committee: J.C. Burbank (Chair), K.M. Htun, K.E. Chave
Muellenhoff, William P.
Geo-Work-Boat the Preliminary Design of an Ambient Pressure Submersible for Geological Research
MS Plan B Paper, May 1969
Committee: E.E. Allmendinger (Chair), K.J. Roy, M. St. Denis
Soo, Milton Y.H.
Spherical Glass Hull for Deep Submersibles
MS Plan B Paper, December 1968
Committee: K.M. Htun (Chair), C.L. Bretschneider, E.E. Allmendinger, J.A. Williams
Casciano, Frederick M.
Experimental Investigation of Ocean Wave Induced Forces on a Bottom Mounted Sphere
MS Plan A Thesis, August 1968
Committee: R.A. Grace (Chair), J.S. Fox, J.M. Jordaan
Bell, William H.
Tidal Calibration of Oceanographic Models with More than One Ocean Approach
MS Plan B Paper, May 1968
Committee: J.M. Jordaan (Chair), H. Hwang, B. Gallagher
Kartha, Krishna T.D.
A Comparison of Ocean Wave & Microseism Spectra
MS Plan B Paper, May 1968
Committee: J.M. Jordaan (Chair), A.S. Furumoto, J.A. Williams
Padilla, Joseph R.
Some Design Considerations for Submarine Pipelines
MS Plan B Paper, May 1968
Committee: J.M. Jordaan (Chair), C.L. Bretschneider, J. Williams
Dalrymple, Robert A.
Shore Protection Works for Storm Surge
MS Plan B Paper, May 1968
Committee: J. Larsen-Badse (Chair), J. Jordaan, C.L. Bretschneider
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