2017 SOEST Open House

2017 SOEST Open House

  • Friday, October 20, 8:30 am – 2 pm
  • Saturday, October 21, 10 am – 2 pm

UPDATE: See our gallery of photos from SOEST 2017 Open House featuring ORE-related exhibits. Thanks to those who contributed in sharing our excitement for science and engineering with the next generation! Photo credits: Kei Manabe

The SOEST Open House presents a diverse array of entertaining and educational hands-on activities and demonstrations, which highlight the research conducted by our faculty, students, and staff. Stay tuned to this website for more information about exhibits that will be offered!

Your students and families will learn about volcanoes, tsunamis, El Niño, planetary exploration, hurricanes, coastal erosion, and marine ecosystems, to mention just a few topics, through a variety of videos, posters, and interactive demonstrations. They will visit state-of-the-art laboratories and hear about cutting-edge research from the scientists who are making the new discoveries!


2017 SOEST Open House
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