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Seminar: Development of the World’s First Integrated SMART Cable Sensor System for Natural Disaster Monitoring and Critical Infrastructure Resiliency

Holmes Hall 247 2540 Dole St, Honolulu, HI, United States

Matthew J. Fouch, Ph.D. President Subsea Data Systems, Inc. *In-person (HOLM 247) & via zoom* Zoom link Meeting ID: 963 5962 3640 Passcode: OREseminar We have developed a new technology that will revolutionize the utility of new subsea telecommunication cables, which transmit over 95% of all international Internet traffic and $10+B financial transactions daily. The goal is to grow a global subsea network capable of monitoring earthquakes, tsunami, and global climate change, while simultaneously improving critical infrastructure stability and national security. Integrating environmental sensors, including seismic, pressure, temperature, and eventually other sensors, will enable real-time data collection for