Before shipping, please complete the UHMC Scientific Shipping Form. If you are unable to complete the online Google form please fill out this PDF copy and send it directly to Shore Support. All deliveries should be clearly marked as follows:
Principal Investigator or Point of Contact SHIP CRUISE ID OR PROJECT NAME C/O UH MARINE CENTER 965 N Nimitz Hwy HONOLULU, HI 96817
To further inquire about shipping to the UHMC, please contact Shore Support.
Please Note:
At the end of the expedition, it is very important that at least one responsible party remain at the end port to ensure that all samples and other materials that need to be shipped out have been accepted by the shipping company. The UHMC cannot be responsible for any rejected shipments, because the UHMC cannot vouch for the contents and packaging of scientific shipments. Any shipment that is rejected will need to be taken care of by the responsible party.
When filling out shipping forms, the SENDER’S name should be the responsible science party’s name and NOT the University of Hawaiʻi Marine Center. Please make sure to include the account number that should receive shipping charges.
It is also required that the scientific party is responsible for proper disposal of any unused or waste chemicals at the end of the cruise.