Charter Vessel Inspection

Principle Investigators that wish to charter a vessel that is outside of the Academic Research Fleet, must have that vessel approved by the UHMC Marine Operations Superintendent for both overall safety and appropriateness of the use of that vessel for their scientific operations plan.

Administrative Fee

    The UH Marine Center will be collecting administrative fees from the charterer / PI for each separate vessel inspection / approval request. If the vessel has a current USCG issued Certificate of Inspection or USCG Aux Uninspected Passenger Vessel Examination or if the vessel does not, please refer to the Cost Recovery for Shore-side Services sheet for the most up-to-date estimate of the cost of services.

    • $570.00 for current USCG COI vessel or NAMS (National Association of Marine Surveyors) and/or SAMS (Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors) surveyor report
    • $1130.00 for non-USCG COI vessel


    Vessel operators that are approved by UHMC should carry insurance that is customary and reasonable for the duration and area of operation of the charter to indemnify and save harmless the institution in case of any damage or loss occurring either directly or indirectly as a result of the charter. Vessel operators should carry insurance that covers the vessel crew and scientific complement. Charter vessel owners must provide an Insurance Certificate that shows the type of vessel insurance (such as Hull, Protection & Indemnity and Collision Liability insurance or Protection & Indemnity) and limits of liability of such policies in effect at the time of execution of the charter.

    If the charterer / PI needs, or would like to request Contingent Crew Liability coverage for their project, they make that request by completing the Contingent Crew Liability Request Form and send it, along with a copy of the Vessel Approval Letter, to both Marine Operations Superintendent and the UHMC insurance carrier: Ivy Yasaka.

Process to Request Vessel Inspection / Approval