OCN662: Marine Hydrodynamics |
Qiu, B., S. Chen, J. Wang, and L.-L. Fu, 2024: Seasonal and fortnight variations in internal solitary waves in the Indonesian seas from the SWOT measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 129, e2024JC021086, Li, D., X. Song, H. Cao, Z. Chen, and B. Qiu, 2024: Observations of tidal modulation on diurnal vertical displacements of the oceanic transition layer. Geophys. Res. Lett., 51, e2023GL107160. Cao, H., et al., 2024: Isopycnal submesoscale stirring crucially sustaining subsurface chlorophyll maximum in ocea cyclonic eddies. Geophys. Res. Lett., 51, e2023GL105793. Wang, Y.-L., F.-F. Jin, C.-R. Wu, and B. Qiu, 2024: Northwestern Pacific Oceanic circulation shaped by ENSO. Sci. Report, 14, 11684. Wu, B., J. Gan, X. Lin, and B. Qiu, 2024: Long-term decreasing of sea level along latitude of the Luzon Strait during 1993-2020: surface versus subsurface perspectives. J. Geophys. Res., 313, e2023JC019805.
Capotondi, A., et al., 2023: Mechanisms of tropical Pacific decadal variability. Nature Rev. Earth Environ., Qiu, B., S. Chen, and E. Oka, 2023: Why did the 2017 Kuroshio Large Meander become the longest in the past 70 years? Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2023GL103548. https://doi. org/10.1029/2023GL103548. Johnson, G.C., and R. Lumpkin, et al., 2023: Global Ocean [in "State of the Climate in 2022"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 104, S146-S206, Zhang, J., Z. Zhang, and B. Qiu, 2023: Parameterizating submesoscale vertical buoyancy flux by simultaneously considering baroclinic instability and strain-induced frontogenesis. Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2022GL102292. Wang, H., B. Qiu, H. Liu, and Z. Zhang, 2023: Doubling of surface ocean meridional heat transport by non-symmetry of mesoscale eddies. Nature Commu., 14:5460, Yang, C., X. Cheng, J.-S. von Storch, J. Qin, and B. Qiu, 2023: Interbasin differences in interannual variations of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current transport. J. Geophys. Res., 312, Zhao, Z. and B. Qiu, 2023: Seasonal West-east seesaw of M2 internal tides from the Luzon Strait. J. Geophys. Res., 128, e2022JC019281, Qiu, B., 2023: Observational and theoretical studies of the North Pacific upper ocean circulation and its variability. Oceanography in Japan, 32, 67-93. Zhang, Z., Y. Liu, B. Qiu, et al., 2023: Submesoscale inverse energy cascade enhances Southern Ocean eddy heat transport. Nature Communications, 14, 1335, Capotondi, A., and B. Qiu, 2023: Decadal variability of the Pacific overturning circulation and the role of local wind forcing. J. Climate, 36, 1001-1015. Song, X., H. Cao, B. Qiu, W. Wang, and W. Yu, 2023: Subsurface imbalance stimulated in a mesoscale eddy. Part I: Observations. Deep-Sea Res., 196, Gan, B., T. Wang, L. Wu, J. Li, B. Qiu, H. Yang, and L. Zhang, 2023: A mesoscale ocean-atmosphere coupled pathway for decadal variability of the Kuroshio Extension system. J. Climate, 36, 485-510.
Torres, H.S., P. Klein, J. Wang, A. Wineteer, B. Qiu, et al., 2022: Wind work at the air-sea interface: a modeling study in anticipation of future space missions. Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 8041-8058. Qiu, B., T. Nakano, S. Chen, and P. Klein, 2022: Bi-directional energy cascades in the Pacific Ocean from equator to subarctic gyre. Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, e2022GL097713. Supporting Information. Schonau, M.C., D.L. Rudnick, G. Gopalakrishnan, B.D. Cornuelle, and B. Qiu, 2022: Mean, annual and interannual circulation and volume transport in the western tropical North Pacific from the Western Pacific Ocean State Estimates (WPOSE). J. Geophys. Res., 126, doi: 10.1029/2021JC018213. Sun, Z., Z. Zhang, B. Qiu, C. Zhou, W. Zhao, and J. Tian, 2022: Subsurface mesoscale eddies observed in the northeastern South China Sea: Dynamic features and water mass transport. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 52, 841-855. Sasaki, H., B. Qiu, P. Klein, M. Nonaka, and Y. Sasai, 2022: Interannual variations of submesoscale circulations in the subtropical Northeastern Pacific. Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, e2021GL097664. Song, X., X. Xie, B. Qiu, H. Cao, S.-P. Xie, Z. Chen, and W. Yu, 2022: Air-sea latent heat flux and anomalies induced by oceanic submesoscale processes: An observational case study. Front. Mar. Sci., 9, 850207. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.850207.
Qiu, B., and S. Chen, 2021: Revisit of the occurrence of the Kuroshio large meander south of Japan. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 51, 3679-3694. Yang, P., Z. Jing, B. Sun, L. Wu, B. Qiu, et al., 2021: On the upper-ocean vertical eddy heat transport in the Kuroshio extension. Part II: effects of air-sea interactions. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 51, 3297-3312. Qiu, B., P.L. Colin, and S. Chen, 2021: Time-varying upper ocean circulation and control of coral bleaching in the western tropical Pacific. Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, e2021GL093632. Related MITgcm web highlight: Life in Hot Water. Oka, E., H. Nishikawa, S. Sugimoto, B. Qiu, and N. Schdeider, 2021: Subtropical mode water in a recent persisting Kuroshio large-meander period: part I -- formation and advection over the entire distribution. J. Oceanogr., 77, 781-795. Chen, X., B. Qiu, S. Chen, and Y. Qi, 2021: Period-lengthening of the Mindanao Current variability from the long-term tide gauge sea level measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 126, e2020JC016932. International Altimetry Team, 2021: Altimetry for the future: Building on 25 years of progress. Adv. Space Res., 68, 319-363. Chen, S., and B. Qiu, 2021: Surface height variability in the 30-120 km wavelength band from altimetry along-track observations. J. Geophys. Res., 126, e2021JC017284. https://doi. org/10.1029/2021JC017284. Sugimoto, S., B. Qiu, and N. Schneider, 2021: Local atmospheric response to the Kuroshio Large Meander path in summer and its remote influence on the climate of Japan. J. Climate, 34, 3571-3589. Miao, M., Z. Zhang, B. Qiu, et al., 2021: On contributions of multiscale dynamic processes to the steric height in the Northeastern South China Sea as revealed by morred observations. Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, e2021GL093829. Galperin, B., S. Sukoriansky, and B. Qiu, 2021: Seasonal oceanic variability on meso- and submesoscales: a turbulence perspective. Ocean Dyn., 71, Yang, H., L. Wu, P. Chang, B. Qiu, et al., 2021: Mesoscale energy balance and air-sea interaction in the Kuroshio Extension: Low-frequency versus high-frequency variability. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 51, 895-910. Takahashi, N., T. Hayasaka, B. Qiu, and R. Yamaguchi, 2021: Observed Response of Marine Boundary Layer Cloud to the Interannual Variations of Summertime Oyashio Extension SST Front. Climate Dyn., Zhang, Z., X. Zhang, B. Qiu, et al. , 2021: Submesoscale currents in the Subtropical upper ocean observed by long-term high-resolution mooring arrays. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 51, 187-206. Yang, P., Z. Jing, B. Sun, L. Wu, B. Qiu, P. Chang, and S. Ramachadran, 2021: On the upper-ocean vertical heat transport in the Kuroshio Extension. Part I: Variability and Dynamics. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 51, 229-246.
Qiu, B., S. Chen, N. Schneider, E. Oka, and S. Sugimoto, 2020: On reset of the wind-forced decadal Kuroshio Extension variability in late 2017. J. Climate, 33, 10813-10828. Jing, Z., and Co-authors, 2020: Maintenance of mid-latitude oceanic fronts by mesoscale eddies. Sci. Adv., 6, eaba7880. Sasaki, H., B. Qiu, P. Klein, Y. Sasai, and M. Nonaka, 2020: Interannual to decadal variations of submesoscale motions around the North Pacific Subtropical Countercurrent. Fluids, 5, 116; doi:10.3390/fluids5030116. Zhang, Z., and B. Qiu, 2020: Surface chlorophyll enhancement in mesoscale eddies by submesoscale spiral bands. Geophys. Res. Lett, 47, e2020GL088820. Sun, Z., Z. Zhang, B. Qiu, et al., 2020: Three-dimensional structure and interannual variability of the Kuroshio Loop Current in the northeastern South China Sea. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 50, 2437-2455. Travis, S., and B. Qiu, 2020: Seasonal reversal of the near-surface chlorophyll response to the presence of mesoscale eddies in the South Pacific Subtropical Countercurrent. J. Geophys. Res., 125, e2019JC015752. Xia, Y., Y. Du, B. Qiu, X. Cheng, T. Wang, and Q. Xie, 2020: The characteristics of the mid-depth striations in the North Indian Ocean. Deep-Sea Res., 162, 103307. Oka, E., S. Kouketsu, D. Yanagimoto, D. Ito, Y. Kawai, S. Sugimoto, and B. Qiu, 2020: Formation of Central Mode Water based on two zonal hydrographic sections in spring 2013 and 2016. J. Oceanogr., 76, 000-000. Zhang, Y., Z. Zhang, D. Chen, B. Qiu, and W. Wei, 2020: Strengthening of the Kuroshio current by intensifying tropical cyclones. Science, 368, 988-993. Sugimoto, S., B. Qiu, and M. Omori, 2020: Marked coastal warming off Tokai attributable to Kuroshio large meander. J. Oceanogr., 76, 141-154. Zhang, Z., Y. Zhang, B. Qiu, H. Sasaki, Z. Sun, X. Zhang, W. Zhao, and J. Tian, 2020: Spatiotemporal characteristics and generation mechanisms of submesoscale currents in the northeastern South China Sea revealed by numerical simulations. J. Geophys. Res., 125, e2019JC015404. Qiu, B., S. Chen, P. Klein, H. Torres, J. Wang, L.-L. Fu, & D. Menemenlis, 2020: Reconstructing upper ocean vertical velocity field from sea surface height in the presence of unbalanced motion. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 50, 55-79.
Yamagami, Y., Y. Tozuka, and B. Qiu, 2019: Interannual variability of the Natal Pulse. J. Geophys. Res., 124, 9258-9276. Zedler, S.E., B.S. Powell, B. Qiu, and D.L. Rudnick, 2019: Energy transfer in the western tropical Pacific. Oceanography, 32(4), 136-145. Qiu, B., S. Chen, B. Powell, P.L. Colin, D.L. Rudnick, and M.C. Schonau, 2019: Nonlinear short-term upper ocean circulation variability in the tropical western Pacific. Oceanography, 32(4), 22-31. Johnston, T.M.S., and Co-authors, 2019: Flow encountering abrupt topography (FLEAT): A multiscale observational and modeling program to understand how topography affects flows in the western North Pacific. Oceanography, 32(4), 10-21. Yang, H., P. Chang, B. Qiu, Q. Zhang, L. Wu, Z. Chen, and H. Wang, 2019: Mesoscale air-sea interaction and its role in eddy energy dissipation in the Kuroshio Extension. J. Climate, 32, 8659-8676. Wu, B., X. Lin, and B. Qiu, 2019: On the seasonal variability of the Oyashio extension fronts. Climate Dyn., 53, 7011-7025. Todd, R.E., and Co-authors, 2019: Global perspectives on observing ocean boundary current systems. Front. Mar. Sci., 6, 423. Zhao, Z., J. Wang, D. Menemenlis, L.-L. Fu, S. Chen, and B. Qiu, 2019: Decomposition of the multimodal multidirectional M2 internal tide field. J. Atmos. Ocean Tech., 36, 1157-1173. Torres, H.S., P. Klein, L. Siegelman, B. Qiu, S. Chen, C. Ubelmann, J. Wang, D. Menemenlis, and L.-L. Fu, 2019: Diagnosing ocean-wave-turbulence interactions from space. Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, Wang, M., Y. Du, B. Qiu, S.-P. Xie, and M. Feng, 2019: Dynamics on seasonal variability of EKE associated with TIWs in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 49, 1503-1519. Klein, P., G. Lapeyre, L. Siegelman, B. Qiu, L.-L. Fu, H. Torres, Z. Su, D. Menemenlis, and S. Le Gentil, 2019: Ocean-scale interactions from space. Earth Sace Sci., 6, 795-817. Mei, H., Y. Qi, B. Qiu, X. Cheng, and X. Wu, 2019: Influence of an island on hysteresis of a western boundary current flowing across a gap. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 49, 1353-1366. Zhang, Z., B. Qiu, P. Klein, and S. Travis, 2019: The influence of geostrophic strain on oceanic ageostrophic motion and surface chlorophyll. Nature Commun., 10, 2838 doi:10.1038/s41467-019-10883-w. Yamaguchi, R., T. Suga, K.L. Richards, and B. Qiu, 2019: Diagnosing the development of seasonal stratification using the potential energy anomaly in the North Pacific. Climate Dyn., 53, DOI:10.1007/s00382-019-04816-y. Morrow, R., and Co-authors, 2019: Global observations of fine-scale ocean surface topography with the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission. Front. Mar. Sci., 6, 232. Wu, C.-R., Y.-F. Lin, and B. Qiu, 2019: Impact of the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation on the Pacific North Equatorial Current bifurcation. Sci. Rep., 9, 2162. Wang, J., L.-L. Fu., H. Torris, S. Chen, B. Qiu, and D. Menemenlis, 2019: On the spatial scales to be resolved by the Surface Water and Ocean Topography Ka-band radar interferometer. J. Atmos. Ocean Tech., 36, 87-99. Qiu, B., 2019: Kuroshio and Oyashio Currents. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences (3rd Edn), edited by J.K. Cochran, H. Bokuniewicz, P. Yager. Academic Press, 384-394.
Delman, A.S., T. Lee, and B. Qiu, 2018: Interannual to multidecadal forcing of mesoscale eddy kinetic energy in the subtropical southern Indian Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 123, Zhang, Z., and B. Qiu, 2018: Evolution of submesoscale ageostrophic motions through the life cycle of oceanic mesoscale eddies. Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, Torres, H.S., P. Klein, D. Menemenlis, B. Qiu, Z. Su, J. Wang, S. Chen, and L.-L. Fu, 2018: Partitioning ocean motions into balanced motions and internal gravity waves: A modeling study in anticipation of future space missions. J. Geophys. Res., 123, Zhang, Z., B. Qiu, J. Tian, W. Zhao, and X. Huang, 2018: Latitude-dependent finescale turbulent shear generations in the Pacific tropical-extratropical upper ocean. Nature Commun., 9, 4086 doi:10.1038/s41467-018-06260-8. Yang, H., B. Qiu, P. Chang, L. Wu, S. Wang, Z. Chen, and Y. Yang, 2018: Decadal variability of eddy characteristics and energetics in the Kuroshio Extension: Unstable versus stable states. J. Geophys. Res., 123, Zhu, Y., B. Qiu, X. Lin, and F. Wang, 2018: Interannual eddy kinetic energy modulations in the Agulhas Return Current. J. Geophys. Res., 123, 6449-6462, Cheng, X.. J.P. McCreary, B. Qiu, Y. Qi, Y. Du, and X. Chen, 2018: Dynamics of eddy generation in the central Bay of Bengal. J. Geophys. Res., 123, 6861-6875, Wu, B., X. Lin, and B. Qiu: Meridional shift of the Oyashio Front in the past 36 years. Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 9042-9048, Chen, X., B. Qiu, S. Chen, X. Cheng, and Y. Qi, 2018: Interannual modulations of the 50-day oscillations in the Celebes Sea: Dynamics and impact. J. Geophys. Res., 123, 4666-4679, Qiu, B., S. Chen, P. Klein, J. Wang, H. Torres, L.-L. Fu and D. Menemenlis, 2018: Seasonality in transition scale from balanced to unbalanced motions in the world ocean. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 48, 591-605. Oka, E., M. Ishii, T. Nakano, T. Suga, S. Kouketsu, M. Miyamoto, H. Nakano, B. Qiu, S. Sugimoto, Y. Takatani, 2018: Fifty years of the 137E repeat hydrographic section in the western North Pacific Ocean. J. Oceanogr., 74, 115-145. Wang, J., L.-L. Fu, B. Qiu, D. Menemenlis, J.T. Farrar, Y. Chao, A.F. Thompson, and M.M. Flexas, 2018: An observing system simulation experiment for the calibration and validation of the Surface Water Ocean Topography sea surface height measurement using in situ platforms. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 35, 281-297.
Qiu, B., S. Chen, and N. Schneider, 2017: Dynamical links between the decadal variability of the Oyashio and Kuroshio Extensions. J. Climate, 30, 9591-9605. Sasaki, H., P. Klein, Y. Sasai, and B. Qiu, 2017: Reginality and seasonality of submesoscale and mesoscale turbulence in the North Pacific Ocean. Ocean Dyn., 67, 1195-1216. Zhang, Z., W. Zhao, B. Qiu, and J. Tian, 2017: Anticyclonic eddy shedding from Kuroshio loop and the accompanying cyclonic eddy in the northeastern South China Sea. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 47, 1243-1259. Yang, Y., X.S. Liang, B. Qiu, and S. Chen, 2017: On the decadal variability of the eddy kinetic energy in the Kuroshio Extension. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 47, 1169-1187. Minobe, S., M. Terada, B. Qiu, and N. Schneider, 2017: Western boundary sea level: A theory, rule of thumb, and application to climate models. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 47, 957-977. Cheng, X., J.P. McCreary, B. Qiu, Y. Qi, and Y. Du, 2017: Intraseasonal-to-semiannual variability of sea-surface height in the eastern, equatorial Indian Ocean and southern Bay of Bengal. J. Geophys. Res., 122, doi:10.1002/2016JC012662. Wang, M., Y. Du, B. Qiu, X. Cheng, Y. Luo, X. Chen, and M. Feng, 2017: Mechanism of seasonal eddy kinetic energy variability in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 122, doi:10.1002/2017JC012711. Travis, S., and B. Qiu, 2017: Decadal variability in the South Pacific Subtropical Countercurrent and regional mesoscale eddy variability. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 47, 499-512. Cheng, Y.-H., C.-R. Ho, Q. Zheng, B. Qiu, J. Hu, and N.-J. Kuo, 2017: Statistical features of eddies approaching the Kuroshio east of Taiwan Island and Luzon Island. J. Oceanogr., 73, 427-438. Qiu, B., T. Nakano, S. Chen, and P. Klein, 2017: Submesoscale transition from geostrophic flows to internal waves in the northwestern Pacific upper ocean. Nature Commun., 8, 14055, doi:10.1038/ncomms14055.
Minobe, S., B. Qiu, M. Nonaka, and H. Nakamura, 2016: Air-sea interaction over the western boundary currents in the western Pacific. Indo-Pacific Climate Variability and Predictability, T. Yamaga and S. Behara, Eds., World Scientific Series on Asia-Pacific Weather and Climate, Vol. 7, World Scientific, 187-221, Chen, X., B. Qiu, Y. Dan, S. Chen, and Y. Qi, 2016: Interannual and interdecadal variability of the North Equatorial Countercuurent in the western Pacific. J. Geophys. Res., 121, 7743-7758. Qiu, B., S. Chen, and N. Schneider, 2016: Inter-decadal modulations in the dynamical state of the Kuroshio Extension system: 1905-2015. CLIVAR Exchanges No. 69, 20(1),6-9. Kilpatrick, T., N. Schneider, and B. Qiu, 2016: Atmospheric response to a midlatitude SST front: Alongfront winds. J. Atmos. Sci., 73, 3489-3509. Masunaga, R., H. Nakamura, T. Miyasaka, K. Nishii, and B. Qiu, 2016: Interannual modulations of oceanic imprints on the wintertime atmospheric boundary layer under the changing dynamical regimes of the Kuroshio Extension. J. Climate, 29, 3273-3296. Zhang, Z., J. Tian, B. Qiu, W. Zhao, P. Chang, D. Wu, and X. Wan, 2016: Observed 3D studture, generation, and dissipation of oceanic eddies in the South China Sea. Sci. Rep., 6, 24349; doi: 10.1038/srep24349. Revelard, A., C. Frankignoul, N. Sennechael, Y.-O. Kwon, and B. Qiu, 2016: Influence of the decadal variability of the Kuroshio Extension on the atmospheric circulation in the cold season. J. Climate, 29, 2123-2144. Qiu, B., S. Chen, P. Klein, C. Ubelmann, L.-L. Fu, and H. Sasaki, 2016: Reconstructability of 3-dimensional upper ocean circulation from SWOT sea surface height measurements. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 46, 947-963. Kida, S., B. Qiu, J. Yang, and X. Lin, 2016: The annual cycle of the Japan Sea throughflow. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 46, 23-39.
Qiu, B., D.L. Rudnick, I. Cerovecki, B.D. Cornuelle, S. Chen, M.C. Schonau, J.L. McClean, and G. Gopalakrishnan, 2015: The Pacific North Equatorial Current: New insights from the Origins of the Kuroshio and Mindanao Currents (OKMC) project. Oceanography, 28(4), 24-33. Schonau, M.C., D.L. Rudnick, I. Cerovecki, G. Gopalakrishnan, B.D. Cornuelle, J.L. McClean, and B. Qiu, 2015: The Mindanao Current: Mean structure and connectivity. Oceanography, 28(4), 34-45. Chen, X., B. Qiu, S. Chen, Y. Qi, and Y. Du, 2015: Seasonal eddy kinetic energy modulations along the North Equatorial Countercurrent in the western Pacific. J. Geophys. Res., 120, 6351-6362, doi:10.1002/2015JC011054. Lee, E., Y. Noh, B. Qiu, and S.-W. Yeh, 2015: Seasonal variation of the upper ocean responding to surface heating in the North Pacific. J. Geophys. Res., 120, 5631-5647, doi:10.1002/2015JC010800. Qiu, B., S. Chen, D. Rudnick, and Y. Kashino, 2015: A new paradigm for the North Pacific subthermocline low-latitude western boundary current system. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 45, 2407-2423. Schneider, N., and B. Qiu, 2015: The atmospheric response to weak sea surface temperature fronts. J. Atmos. Sci., 72, 3356-3377. Oka, E., B. Qiu, Y. Takatani, K. Enyo, D. Sasano, N. Kosugi, M. Ishii, T. Nakano, and T. Suga, 2015: Decadal variability of Subtropical Mode Water subduction and its impact on biogeochemistry. J. Oceanogr., 71, 389-400. Hu, D., L. Wu, W. Cai, A. Sen Gupta, A. Ganachaud, B. Qiu, etal., 2015: Pacific western boundary currents and their roles in climate. Nature, 522, 299-308. Chen, X., B. Qiu, X. Cheng, Y. Qi, and Y. Du, 2015: Intra-seasonal variability of Pacific-origin sea level anomalies around the Philippine Archipelago. J. Oceanogr., 71, 239-249. Qiu, B., S. Chen, L. Wu, and S. Kida, 2015: Wind- versus eddy-forced regional sea level trends and variability in the North Pacific Ocean. J. Climate, 28, 1561-1577. Chen, Z., L. Wu, B. Qiu, L. Li, D. Hu, C. Liu, F. Jia, and X. Liang, 2015: Strengthening Kuroshio observed at its origin during November 2010 to October 2012. J. Geophys. Res., 120, 2460-2470, doi:10.1002/2014JC010590.
Qiu, B., S. Chen, P. Klein, H. Sasaki, and Y. Sasai, 2014: Seasonal mesoscale and submesoscale eddy variability along the North Pacific Subtropical Countercurrent. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44, 3079-3098. Sasaki, H., P. Klein, B. Qiu, and Y. Sasai, 2014: Impact of oceanic-scale interactions on the seasonal modulation of ocean dynamics by the atmosphere. Nature Communications, 5:5636, Doi:10.1038/ncomms6636. Wang, L.-C., C.-R. Wu, and B. Qiu, 2014: Modulation of Rossby waves on the Pacific North Equatorial Current bifurcation associated with the 1976 climate regime shift. J. Geophys. Res., 119, 6669-6679, doi:10.1002/2014JC010233. Zhang, Z., W. Wang, and B. Qiu, 2014: Oceanic mass transport by mesoscale eddies. Science, 345, 322-324, DOI: 10.1126/science.1252418. Supplementary Materials. Jing, Z., L. Wu, and B. Qiu, 2014: Enhanced 2-h~8-day oscillations associated with Tropical Instability Waves. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44, 1908-1918. Lien, R.-C., B. Ma, Y.-H. Cheng, C.-R. Ho, B. Qiu, C.M. Lee, and M.-H. Chang, 2014: Modulation of Kuroshio transport by mesoscale eddies at the Luzon Strait entrance. J. Geophys. Res., 119, 2129-2142, doi:10.1002/2013JC009548. Qiu, B., S. Chen, N. Schneider, and B. Taguchi, 2014: A coupled decadal prediction of the dynamic state of the Kuroshio Extension system. J. Climate, 27, 1751-1764. Kilpatrick, T., N. Schneider, and B. Qiu, 2014: Boundary layer convergence induced by strong winds across a midlatitude SST front. J. Climate, 27, 1698-1718. Chen, Z., L. Wu, B. Qiu, S. Sun, and F. Jia, 2014: Seasonal variation of the South Equatorial Current bifurcation off Madagascar. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44, 618-631.
Kida, S., and B. Qiu, 2013: An exchange flow between the Okhotsk Sea and the North Pacific driven by the East Kamchatka Current. J. Geophys. Res., 118, 6747-6758, doi:10.1002/2013JC009464. Qiu, B., S. Chen, and H. Sasaki, 2013: Generation of the North Equatorial Undercurrent jets by triad baroclinic Rossby wave interactions. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43, 2682-2698. Zhuang, W., B. Qiu, and Y. Du, 2013: Low-frequency western Pacific Ocean sea level and circulation changes due to the connectivity of the Philippine archipelago. J. Geophys. Res., 118, 6759-6773, doi:10.1002/2013JC009376. Imawaki, S., A.S. Bower, L. Beal, and B. Qiu, 2013: Western Boundary Currents. In Ocean Circulation and Climate - A 21st Century Perspective, 2nd Edition, G. Siedler, S.M. Griffies, W.J. Gould and J. Church (eds.); Academic Press, pp.305-338. Katsura, S., E. Oka, B. Qiu, and N. Schneider, 2013: Formation and subduction of North Pacific Tropical Water and their interannual variability. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43, 2400-2415. Hsin, Y.-C., B. Qiu, T.-L. Chiang, C.-R. Wu, 2013: Seasonal to interannual variations in the intensity and central position of the surface Kuroshio east of Taiwan. J. Geophys. Res., 118, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20323. Qiu, B., D.L. Rudnick, S. Chen, and Y. Kashino, 2013: Quasi-stationary North Equatorial Undercurrent jets across the tropical North Pacific Ocean. Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 2183-2187, doi:10.1002/grl.50394. Sun, S., L. Wu and B. Qiu, 2013: Response of the inertial recirculation to intensified stratification in a two-layer quasigeostrophic ocean circulation model. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43, 1254-1269. Qiu, B., and S. Chen, 2013: Concurrent decadal mesoscale eddy modulations in the western North Pacific subtropical gyre. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43, 344-358. Cronin, M.F., N.A. Bond, J.T. Farrar, H. Ichikawa, S.R. Jayne, Y. Kawai, M. Konda, B. Qiu, L. Rainville, H. Tomita, 2013: Formation and erosion of the seasonal thermocline in the Kuroshio Extension Recirculation Gyre. Deep-Sea Res. II, 85, 62-74. Yim, B.-Y., Y. Noh, S.-W. Yeh, J.-S. Kug, H.-S. Min, and B. Qiu, 2013: Ocean mixed layer processes in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation in coupled general circulation models. Clim. Dyn., 41, 1407-1417, doi:10.1007/s00382-012-1630-7.
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Jayne, S., N. Hogg, S. Waterman, L. Rainville, K. Donahue, D. Watts, K. Tracey, J. McClean, M. Maltrud, B. Qiu, S. Chen, and P. Hacker, 2009: The Kuroshio Extension and its recirculation gyres. Deep-Sea Res., 56, 2088-2099. Qiu, B., S. Chen, and W.S. Kessler, 2009: Source of the 70-day mesoscale eddy variability in the Coral Sea and the North Fiji Basin. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 39, 404-420. Qiu, B., S. Chen, P. Hacker, N. Hogg, S. Jayne, and H. Sasaki, 2008: The Kuroshio Extension northern recirculation gyre: Profiling float measurements and forcing mechanism. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 38, 1764-1779. Scott, R.B., B.K. Arbic, C.L. Holland, A. Sen, and B. Qiu, 2008: Zonal versus meridional velocity variance in satellite observations and realistic and idealized ocean circulation models. Ocean Modelling, 23, 102-112. Qiu, B., R. Scott, and S. Chen, 2008: Length scales of eddy generation and nonlinear evolution of the seasonally-modulated South Pacific Subtropical Countercurrent. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 38, 1515-1528. Qiu, B., N. Schneider, and S. Chen, 2007: Coupled decadal variability in the North Pacific: An observationally-constrained idealized model. J. Climate, 20, 3602-3620. Chen, S., B. Qiu, and P. Hacker, 2007: Profiling float measurements of the recirculation gyre south of the Kuroshio Extension in May to November 2004. J. Geophys. Res., 112, doi:10.1029/2006JC004005. Qiu, B., S. Chen, and P. Hacker, 2007: Effect of mesoscale eddies on Subtropical Mode Water variability from the Kuroshio Extension System Study (KESS). J. Phys. Oceanogr., 37, 982-1000. Noh, Y., B.Y. Yim, S.H. You, J.H. Yoon, and B. Qiu, 2007: Seasonal variation of eddy kinetic energy of the North Pacific Subtropical Countercurrent simulated by an eddy-resolving OGCM. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, doi:10.1029/2006GL029130. Qiu, B., and S. Chen, 2006: Decadal variability in the large-scale sea surface height field of the South Pacific Ocean: Observations and causes. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 36, 1751-1762. Chen, S., and B. Qiu, 2006: Annual variations in sea surface height northeast of the Hawaiian Islands. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, doi:10.1029/2006GL027005. Qiu, B., and S. Chen, 2006: Decadal variability in the formation of the North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water: Oceanic versus atmospheric control. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 36, 1365-1380. Qiu, B., P. Hacker, S. Chen, K.A. Donohue, D.R. Watts, H. Mitsudera, N.G. Hogg and S.R. Jayne, 2006: Observations of the Subtropical Mode Water evolution from the Kuroshio Extension System Study. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 36, 457-473. Qiu, B., and S. Chen, 2005: Variability of the Kuroshio Extension jet, recirculation gyre and mesoscale eddies on decadal timescales. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 35, 2090-2103. Qiu, B., and S. Chen, 2005: Eddy-induced heat transport in the subtropical North Pacific from Argo, TMI and altimetry measurements. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 35, 458-473.
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