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As threats to coral reefs increase in severity and frequency, researchers are looking for ways to increase monitoring scale and efficiency.
Structure-from-Motion photogrammetric techniques allow for time-efficient collection of habitat data in the field, which can accompany ecological data on reef fish populations.
Researchers at the University of Hawai‘i Sea Level Center continue to ensure that tide gauge data from nearly 500 stations around the world are collected, quality assessed, distributed, and archived.
CIMAR researchers and administrators make fundamental contributions to the success of the Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) that empowers ocean users and stakeholders by providing accurate and reliable coastal and ocean information, tools, and services that are easy to access and use.
As sea level rises, swell wave-driven run up and coastal flooding are becoming a significant hazard for coastal communities, equivalent to moderate-sized tsunamis. Accurate forecasts have become a necessity.
The NOAA research vessel fleet employs acoustic Doppler current profilers that aid a variety of NOAA programs and contribute to the global climatology of ocean current observations.