Testimonial to Joshua Copus

Jeff Hare, Assoc. Dir.

JIMAR Overview

Matt Lauretta

Research Fishery Biologist, NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center
“West Atlantic bluefin tuna close-kin mark-recapture”

Erica Goetze

Associate Professor, Department of Oceanography, UH Mānoa
“Environmental DNA biotic surveys at the deep seafloor: Biodiversity, biogeography, and biomonitoring”

Jeff Drazen

Professor, Department of Oceanography, UH Mānoa
“The potential effects of deep-sea mining on pelagic ecosystems and fisheries”

Lars Bejder

Director, Marine Mammal Research Program, Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology, UH Mānoa
“The use of innovative technologies to study resident and migratory cetaceans”

Kim Holland

Researcher, Hawai‘i Institute for Marine Biology, UH Mānoa
“Animals as oceanographers — Near real-time ocean profiles from Hawaii sharks”

Eva-Marie Nosal

Associate Professor and Department Chair, Ocean and Resources Engineering, UH Mānoa
“Tricks to localize marine mammals using passive acoustics in some challenging scenarios”

Jennifer McCullough

Senior Passive Acoustics Associate, JIMAR / PIFSC
“An acoustic survey of beaked whales and Kogia in the Mariana Archipelago using drifting recorders”

Jonathan Whitney

Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Assistant Researcher, JIMAR/PIFSC
“Ecological interactions in larval fish nurseries: from microscopic to ecosystem scales”

Courtney Couch

Coral Reef Researcher, JIMAR/PIFSC
“Scaling up coral reef monitoring through imagery and machine learning”

John Burns

Assistant Professor, Department of Marine Science, UH Hilo
“A comparison of the diagnostic accuracy of in-situ and digital image-based assessments of coral health and disease”

Atsuko Fukunaga

Ecological Research Statistician, JIMAR / PMNM
“Extraction of habitat metrics from 3D reconstruction of coral reefs: 3D vs 2.5D”

Scott Baker

Associate Director, Cetaceans Conservation and Genomics Lab, Oregon State University
“Searching for missing whales with DNA”

Angelique White

Associate Professor, Department of Oceanography / CMORE, UH Mānoa
“What pretty pictures of tiny things + a few lasers can tell you about life and death at the base of the marine food web”

Benedetto Barone

Research Oceanographer, BEACH Lab, UH Manoa
“The use of autonomous underwater vehicles to study the spatial variability of ocean ecosystems and to measure metabolic rates”

Seth Bushinsky

Assistant Professor, Department of Oceanography, UH Mānoa
“Utilizing biogeochemical profiling floats to understand air-sea fluxes of oxygen and carbon”

Sara Ferrón

Assistant Researcher, Department of Oceanography / CMORE, UH Mānoa
“Shipboard measurements of gross primary productivity using membrane inlet mass spectrometry”