UHM Dept. of Earth Sciences banner, sunset over Diamond Head, (c) Ken H Rubin
Robert Dunn

Robert Dunn
Geophysics and Tectonics Division

Research Fields
  • Marine and Geophysics and Seismology

Research Topics
  • Mid-ocean ridges, hot spots, and subduction zones

Research Themes
Courses Commonly Taught
  • ERTH 101 Dynamic Earth
  • ERTH 304 Physics of Earth and Planets
  • ERTH 413 Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis
  • ERTH 450 Geophysical Methods
  • ERTH 610 Graduate Seminar
  • ERTH 611/12 Accelerated Introduction to Geology I/II
  • ERTH 630 Numerical Modeling of Physical Systems
  • ERTH 631 Geophysics - Solid, Fluid and Wave Mechanics
  • ERTH 650 Seismology

  • POST 834: Seismic Processing Lab