This rigorous science degree prepares students for careers with geotechnical, environmental, geophysics, as well as energy and mineral resource companies. The work is usually quite varied and requires individuals with good backgrounds in geology, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrology, mapping, computer and/or GIS skills, as well as the ability to work in the field, write, and communicate with clients. These same skills are also sought after by construction and planning companies and governmental agencies who deal with land, water, and environmental management and/or protection. This degree program is an outstanding pathway for career in Earth Science research with companies, government agencies, or at universities. As research careers often require a M.S. or more commonly a Ph.D. degree, graduate school is the typical next step. Students achieve their B.S. degree through one of 6 possible pathways or concentrations
Earth Sciences General Pathway: This is the best option for those who have broad interests in Earth Sciences and are not ready for a particular specialization
Environmental and Hydrology: Make your passion for the environment your profession and work for state, government, and private agencies to manage water and environmental resources, teach science, become a science writer, or develop your skills farther and attend graduate school.
Geophysics and Tectonics: Enter careers to mitigate hazards from earthquakes, tsunami, and landslides; prospect for critical mineral resources, develop renewal energy, develop instrumentation, attend graduate school, teach science, or become a science writer.
Planetary Science: Attend graduate school, teach science, become an astronaut, or become a science writer
Volcano Science: Work at a volcano observatory, in a national park, for a government hazard agency, attend graduate school, teach science, or become a science writer
Research: Design your own coursework of concentration, do a B.S. thesis, work in a research lab, attend graduate school, or be a science writer
General Education Courses : UH Mānoa requires the following to graduate: FW, FQ, 2xFG, DB, DP, DY, 2xDS, 2 out of DH, DL, or DA, H-focus, O-focus, E focus, and 5 W-focus courses. The BS "common core" will provide DP, DY, O-focus, E-focus, and 1 or 2 W-focus courses. The various BS concentrations as well as science electives will account for 1 or 2 additional W-focus courses. Recommended courses to satisfy other GenEd requirements include: ERTH 135 and OCN 105 (FG), OCN 102 (DB), HWST 107 (DH, H-focus)
A grade of C (not C-) or better is required of all major courses (i.e., STEM Support, Core, and Science Electives) *For a list of undergraduate research projects, please see this Google Sheet.
Courses, choose 4 from the following (12-16 credits):
Upper division science electives (9 credits): Any 300+ level ERTH, EPET, ATMO, or OCN course; plus GEO 370, 388, 405; NREM 301, 302, 477; PEPS 451
Upper division electives any topic (7 credits) Useful links for the General Pathway: UH Program Sheet UH Plan Template Color version of Plan Template
Useful links for the General Pathway:
Specialization Courses (17 credits):
Upper division science electives (6 credits): ERTH 301, 302, 303, 420, 423, 460; ATMO 302, 303, 310; BIOL 301, 310, 340, 410; BOT 458, 459; ECON 358; GEO 300, 302, 303, 305, 310, 370, 401, 405, 410, 412, 413, 414; HWST 458, 459; NREM 461; OCN 318, 411, 441, 457; PLAN 414, 473; TPSS 304.
Upper division electives any topic (7 credits)
Useful links for the EH Concentration:
Specialization Courses (13-14 credits):
Upper division science electives (12 credits): At least 9 credits from ERTH 312 (or MATH 243 302, 303, 307, 311), ERTH 300, 301, 302, 401, 423, 455, 460, 466. The remaining 3 credits can be any 300+ level ERTH, EPET, ATMO, or OCN course, plus; GEO 370, 388, 405; NREM 301, 302, 477; PEPS 451.
Upper division electives any topic (5 credits)
Useful links for the GT Concentration:
Specialization Coures (26-28 credits):
Upper division science electives (4 credits): any 300+level ERTH course; EPET 301, 400
Upper division electives any topic (4 credits)
Useful links for the Planetary Concentration:
Research Course (6 credits):
Upper division science electives (15 credits): any 300+ level ERTH, EPET, ATMO, or OCN course, plus GEO 370, 388, 405; NREM 301, 302, 477; PEPS 451 or alternatives approved by the student's advisor, with ERTH 461 strongly recommended.
Upper division electives any topic (9 credits)
Specialization Courses (19-20 credits):
Upper division science electives (6 credits): Any 300+ level ERTH, EPET, ATMO, or OCN course; plus GEO 370, 388, 405; NREM 301, 302, 477; PEPS 451
Useful links for the VS Concentration: