Presented on March 6, 2024, by
Prof. Junshi Ito
Department of Geophysics
Graduate School of Science
Tohoku University
Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
A quasi-stationary back-building convective system is reproduced using a regional weather prediction model initialized with a single representative sounding in which the land–sea distribution around the observed convective system is crudely simplified. The simulated convective system and heavy precipitation are reasonably similar to observations. Horizontal resolution finer than 1 km is found to be necessary for reproducing the convective system. The area of heavy precipitation tends to shift downstream with finer horizontal resolution. The surface temperature contrasts at the northern and southern coastlines cause sea breezes and a stationary convergence line between them continuously triggers cumulus clouds. The horizontal convergence near the surface is further enhanced by preceding cumulus clouds that cause the latent heating aloft and generate a mesoscale surface pressure depression. Vertical shear of the environmental wind is also found to be important for organizing the convective system but veering of its wind direction and a cold pool are not essential. A succeeding study for sub-grid modeling using this framework will also be presented.