Presented on April 24, 2024, by

Neng-Huei (George) Lin
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
National Central University
Taoyuan, Taiwan
Initiated in 2007, the Seven South East Asian Studies (7-SEAS) program seeks to perform interdisciplinary research in the field of aerosol-meteorology and climate interaction in the Southeast Asian region. Primary participating countries include Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam, and USA. The primary scientific goal is to investigate the impact of biomass burning on clouds, atmospheric radiation, the hydrological cycle, and ultimately regional weather and climate. Field experiments have been primarily conducted in boreal springtime SE Asian region: Phase I – Dongsha Experiment in 2010, Son La Campaigns I in 2011 and II in 2012, and Phase II – BASELInE (Biomass-burning Aerosols & Stratocumulus Environment: Lifecycles and Interactions Experiment) in 2013-2015, respectively. Phase III of 7-SEAS in 2016-2019 focuses on data integration, and establishing a regional network of PM 2.5 . The main goals of these 7-SEAS spring campaigns are (1) to characterize the chemical, physical, optical, and radiative properties of biomass-burning aerosols in the northern SEA, and (2) to assess the impact of biomass burning on cloud, atmospheric radiation, hydrological cycle, and regional climate. This presentation will briefly overview and focus on the concept and experimental design of the 7-SEAS spring campaigns, and discuss major findings and their implications. While, owing to the COVID-19, the 7-SEAS activity was limited till October 2022 when the annual workshop was resumed in Taiwan. The air urban air quality and health impact in big Southeast Asian cities became a focus. Furthermore, the URBAN-AQ (Air Quality) was proposed for the main theme of the next phase of 7-SEAS in 2024-2026.
Dr. Lin is presently leading the Cloud and Aerosol Laboratory (CAL), NCU, which consists of 5 professors and researchers, 15 staff and 18 graduate students. In 2019/2-2023/1, he was appointed as the Director of the Center for Environmental Monitoring and Training (CEMT), NCU, which is a joint center primarily funded by US EPA and the Taiwan Ministry of Environment.