Configuration, display and plot files used during HOT cruises

The first two tables describe the configuration and display files to be used during realtime data acquisition (program CBIRD). The third table contains the plot configuration file names to be used with the plotting program (PLT) when post-cast plots are generated from archived data files.

The abbreviated entries are temperature (T), salinity (S), density (sigma), dissolved oxygen (O2), transmissivity (Tr), fluorescence (Fl), oxygen sensor voltage (V), pressure (P), frequency (freq), temperature sensor difference (dt) and salinity sensor difference (dS).

Configuration files (with extension .CON) are read by the system to determine which sensors are installed on the CTD, their serial number, calibration coefficients and channel assignments.


Configuration File Sensors Configured Stored Variables
WOCE P, T, T2, C, C2, O2(1), O2(2), Altimeter all, 2nd T, C, O2
GOFS P, T, T2, C, C2, O2(1), O2(2), F1, Tr all, 2nd T, C, O2
KAENA P, T, T2, C, C2, O2(1), O2(2), F1, Tr, Altimeter all, 2nd T, C, O2
DTEST P, T, T2, C, C2, O2(1), O2(2), V1-4, freq 1-4 all, 2nd T, C, O2

Display files (with extension .DSP) are used by the system to determine the variables and axis ranges to be displayed on the computer screen and on the status line during data acquisition. The "status line" column lists the variables that are displayed in the status line beneath the screen plot.

Display File Y-Axis
Status Line
W-1000 1100 T, S, sigma, O2 Pump status, P, dT, dS
W-5000 5000 T, S, sigma, O2 Altimeter, P, dT, dS
G-5000 5000 T, S, Fl, O2 [same as W-5000]
G-1000 1100 T, S, Fl, O2 [same as W-1000]
G-500 500 T, S, Fl, O2 SN, P, T, S
KAENA 3000 T, S, Fl, O2 [same as W-5000]
TEST ---- ------ P, T1, T2, C1, C2, O2(1), O2(2), V1-4, freq 1-4

Plots files (with extension .PLT) are read by the plotting program to determine the variables and axis range to use.

Plot File Y-Axis
X-Axis Variables
W-1000 1000 T, S, sigma, O2
W-5000 5000 T, S, sigma, O2
G-1000 1000 T, S, Fl, O2
OXYTST 1000 O2, V (1,2)
OXY5000 5000 O2, V (1,2)
DELTATC 1000 dT, dC, dS
DTC5000 5000 dT, dC, dS
XMISFL 1000 T, S, Tr, Fl

Note: calculated fields (e.g. salinity) are not stored to the hard disk.

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