UHM Dept. of Earth Sciences banner, sunset
over Diamond Head, (c) Ken H Rubin

Affiliate Graduate Faculty & Affiliate Faculty

Affiliate Graduate Faculty

These individuals are at institutions other than UH Mānoa, and are both qualified and willing to help advise graduate students in the Department of Earth Sciences.

Name Field Phone Email
David Blake Mineral physics david.blake@nasa.gov
John Bradley Astromaterials analysis johnbrad@hawaii.edu
Emily Costello Planetary Geology ecostello@highp.hawaii.edu
Jennifer Engels Community-engaged research engels@hawaii.edu
Kim Falinski Environmental Science kim.falinski@tnc.org
Abby Frazier Geography abbyf@hawaii.edu
Hope Ishii Cosmochenistry ishii3@hawaii.edu
Kristine Larson Geodesy kristinem.larson@gmail.com
Kendra Lynn Volcanology, Petrology klynn@usgs.gov
Gary McMurtry Chemical Volcanology garym@soest.hawaii.edu
Matthew Patrick Volcanology mpatrick@usgs.gov
Rita GarcĂ­a Seoane Marine biogeochemistry ritagarciaseoane@gmail.com
Christopher Shuler Hydrology cshuler@hawaii.edu
Thorvaldur Thordarson Volcanology torvth@hi.us

Affiliate Researcher

Name Room Phone Email
Rebecca Carey Volcanology 808-221-2455 beccarey@hawaii.edu
Christopher Gregg GREGG@mail.etsu.edu
Michael Hamilton POST 832 mith@hawaii.edu
Paul G. Okubo 808-967-8802 dokubo@usgs.gov