Organization and Personnel
University of Hawaiʻi Marine Center (UHMC) operations are coordinated through the UH SOEST Assistant Dean of Research's Office and organized into shipboard operations and marine technical services. The Director of Research Vessel Operations (DRVO) and Principal Investigator of UHMC has overall responsibility for the operation and maintenance of oceanographic research vessels, small boats, submersibles, oceanographic research instrumentation and facilities to support ships and boats at University of Hawaiʻi. The Marine Operations Superintendent (MAROPSUP) is responsible for the day to day operations and management of UHMC and the ship. The MAROSUP is the designated person ashore and responsible for all federal and state regulatory requirements including vessel safety. They are directly responsible for crew, logistics, and ship-related issues and is aided by the Port Engineer (PE) and the officers and crew of the R/V Kilo Moana. The Ocean Technology Group (OTG) Technical Manager (TechMgr) is responsible for the scientific equipment and technical support provided by OTG and is supported by 5-to-7 shipboard technicians.
Organizational Values
Our work practices and code of conduct are anchored in the following values; integrity, accountability, professionalism, collaboration, and open-mindedness. As an organization we are committed to the highest ethical standards. We honor our commitments. We take a disciplined and informed approach in planning and executing our activities and missions safely. We proactively manage operational risk learning from both our successes and failures. We work collectively together leveraging our skills, knowledge, and resources in the betterment of the program and the services we provide. We keep our minds open to perspectives that are different from our own. Our organizational environment is one of mutual respect, trust, and inclusion. It is an environment that is free of distractions and disruptive behaviors so all can focus on the mission at hand, in a safe and positive workspace.
Marine Center Policies
The general orientation policy for new shipboard and scientific crew is available for download and should be read by all incoming personnel. An orientation briefing is also provided during the first 24-hours aboard ship. All scientific personnel are required to sign and submit a copy of the waiver form provided here.
The UH Marine Center maintains a controlled set of shipboard policies that are available upon request from the MAROPSUP.
Dock Space and Availability
The University of Hawaiʻi Marine Center has ~800 ft. of pier space at Pier 35. Visiting University and National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) vessels are eligible to dock at the Marine Center if space is available. For information on availability and scheduling of dock space, contact: MAROSUP.