7fcde7 square The Department of Oceanography at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, SOEST
Brian Powell




Lab and Research Website

Department of Oceanography, 
University of Hawai`i at Manoa, 
1000 Pope Road, 
Marine Sciences Building, 
Honolulu, HI 96822

Phone: (808) 956-6724 
Fax: (808) 956-2352

E-mail: powellb@hawaii.edu


Curriculum Vitae


  • Ph.D. 2005 - Aerospace Eng. (specialty Physical Oceanography), University of Colorado
  • M.S. 2000 - Computer Science, University of Colorado
  • B.S. 1993 - Aerospace Engineering, University of Colorado

Research Interests

  • Numerical Modeling & Variational Data Assimilation
  • Ocean Prediction & Predictability
  • Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics
  • Ocean Observing Systems
  • Ocean Dynamics & Stability Analysis

Teaching Activites

  • OCN 481/681 - Introduction to Ocean Ecosystem Modeling
  • OCN 310 - Global Environmental Change
  • OCN 312 - Geomathematics
  • OCN 760 - Special Topics in Physical Oceanography

List of Publications:

S. Stevenson, B. S. Powell, M. Merrifield, K. Cobb, J. Nusbaumer, and D. Noone. "Characterizing Seawater Oxygen Isotopic Variability in a Regional Ocean Modeling Framework: Implications for Coral Proxy Records". Paleoceanography, 30:1573—1593, 2015.

J. Souza, B. S. Powell, A. C. Castillo-Trujillo, and P. Flament. "The Vorticity Balance of the Ocean Surface in Hawaii from a Regional Reanalysis". J. Phys. Oceanogr., 45:424—440, 2014.

C. G. Kerry, B. S. Powell, and G. S. Carter. "The Impact of Sub-Tidal Circulation on Internal Tide Induced Mixing in the Philippine Sea". J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44:3,209—3,224, 2014.

C. G. Kerry, B. S. Powell, and G. S. Carter. "The Impact of Subtidal Circulation on Internal Tide Generation and Propagation in the Philippine Sea". J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44:1,386—1,405, 2014.

K. Chen, R. He, B. S. Powell, A. M. Moore, and H. G. Arango. "Data Assimilative Modeling Investigation of Gulf Stream Warm Core Ring Interaction with Continental Shelf and Slope Circulation, Part 1: Method". J. Geophys. Res., 119(9):5,968—5,991, 2014.

Powell, B. S.: "Treating nonlinearities in data-space variational assimilation": in S. Park and L. Xu, editors, Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic and Hydrologic Applications, volume 2. Springer-Verlag, 2013, ISBN: 978-3642350870.

B. S. Powell, B. D. Cornuelle, and C. Kerry. "Using a numerical model to understand the connection between the ocean and acoustic travel-time measurements". J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 134(4):3,211—3,222, 2013.

I. Janekovic, B. S. Powell, D. Matthews, M. A. McManus, and J. Sevadjian. "4D-Var Data Assimilation in a Nested, Coastal Ocean Model: A Hawaiian Case Study". J. Geophys. Res., 118:1—14, 2013.

Johnson, A., B. S. Powell, and G. Steward: "Characterizing the effluence near Waikiki, Hawaii with a coupled biophysical model", Con. Shelf Res., 54:1—13, 2013.

Kerry, C. G., B. S. Powell, and G. S. Carter. "Effects of remote generation sites on model estimates of M$_2$ internal tides in the Philippine Sea", J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43:187—204, 2013.

Powell, B. .S., I. Janekovic, G. S. Carter, and M. A. Merrifield: "Sensitivity of Internal Tide Generation in Hawaii", Geophys. Res. Let., 39(L10606):1—6, 2012c.

Matthews, D., B. S. Powell, and I. Janekovic: "Analysis of Four-dimensional Variational State Estimation of the Hawaiian Waters", J. Geophys. Res., 117(C03013), 2012.

Janekovic, I. and B. S. Powell: "Analysis of Imposing Tidal Dynamics to Nested Numerical Models", Con. Shelf Res., 34:30—40, 2012.

Matthews, D., B. S. Powell, and R. Milliff: "Dominant Variability and Spatial Scales from Observations around the Hawaiian Islands", Deep Sea Res. I, 58:979—987, 2011.

Moore, A. M., H. G. Arango, G. Broquet, B. S. Powell, J. Zavala-Garay, and A. T. Weaver: "The Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) 4-dimensional variational data assimilation systems. Part I: System overview and formulation", Prog. Oceanog., 91:34—49, 2011a.

Moore, A. M., H. G. Arango, G. Broquet, C. Edwards, M. Veneziani, B. S. Powell, D. Foley, J. Doyle, D. Costa, and P. Robinson: "The Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) 4-dimensional variational data assimilation systems. Part II: Performance and application to the California Current System", Prog. Oceanog., 91:50—73, 2011b.

Moore, A. M., H. G. Arango, G. Broquet, C. Edwards, M. Veneziani, B. S. Powell, D. Foley, J. Doyle, D. Costa, and P. Robinson: "The Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) 4-dimensional variational data assimilation systems. Part III: Observation impact and observation sensitivity in the California Current System", Prog. Oceanog., 91:74—94, 2011c.

Broquet, G., A. M. Moore, H. G. Arango, C. A. Edwards, and B. S. Powell: "Ocean state and surface forcing correction using the ROMS-IS4DVAR data assimilation system", Mercator Ocean Quart. Newsl., 34:5—13, 2009a.

Broquet, G., C. A. Edwards, A. Moore, B. S. Powell, M. Veneziani, and J. D. Doyle: "Application of 4D-Variational data assimilation to the California Current System", Dynam. Atmos. Oceans, 48:69—92, 2009b.

Powell, B. .S. and A. Moore: "Estimating the 4DVAR Analysis Error of GODAE Products", Ocean Dynam., 59:121—138, 2009a.

Powell, B. .S., A. Moore, H. Arango, E. Di Lorenzo, R. Milliff, and R. R. Leben: "Near real-time Assimilation and Prediction in the Intra-Americas Sea with the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)", Dynam. Atmos. Oceans, 48:46—68, 2009b.

Powell, B. S., H. Arango, A. Moore, E. Di Lorenzo, R. Milliff, and D. Foley: "4DVAR Data Assimilation in the Intra-Americas Sea with the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)", J. Ocean Mod., 23:130—145, 2008.

Lorenzo, E. D., A. M. Moore, H. G. Arango, B. D. Cornuelle, A. J. Miller, B. S. Powell, B. S. Chua, and A. F. Bennett: "Weak and Strong Constraint Data Assimilation in the inverse Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): development and application for a baroclinic coastal upwelling system." J. Ocean Mod., 16:160—187, 2007.

Powell, B. .S., R. R. Leben, and N. L. Guinasso: "Comparison of Buoy and Altimeter-derived Shelf Currents using an Optimal Operator" Geosci. Remote Sens. Let., 3:192—196, 2006.