Gregory F. Moore

Dept. of Earth Sciences
University of Hawaii
1680 East-West Rd., POST 701
Honolulu, HI 96822
Office: POST 607
Phone: (808) 956-6854

Greg at UH 2019 Graduation with Jason (Ph.D.) and Nina (M.S.)

For a copy of Greg's current CV, click here.

2024 Schedule

Now through September 3rd -- in Honolulu
Sept. 04-10 -- In Japan for Geological Society of Japan meeting
Sept. 12-17 -- In Los Angeles
Sept. 18-Dec. 20 -- In Honolulu
Dec. 21 - Jan. 5, 2025 -- In Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Present Position

Professor Emeritus


B.A., 1973 (Univ. California, Santa Barbara)
M.A., 1974 (Johns Hopkins Univ.)
Ph.D., 1978 (Cornell University)


Greg spent 4 1/2 years on the research staff at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 1 1/2 years as research geologist at Cities Service Research Lab, and 5 years as an associate professor at the University of Tulsa before joining the U.H. faculty in 1989. He has participated in 26 oceanographic expeditions, including 18 as Chief or Co-chief scientist and six cruises for the Ocean Drilling Program (two as co-chief scientist). He is a fellow of the Geological Society of America, and a member of the American Geophysical Union, the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, and the American Association of Petroleum Geologists.

Greg "officially" retired on 1 August 2020, but has continued working on papers, NZ3D data (see below), etc.

Current Research

Greg's main research interest is in the highly deformed belts of rock that develop along convergent plate margins. This is, in large part, a study of the processes responsible for mountain building and for the generation of continental crust. Because most convergent plate margins are expressed as trench-arc systems in which the zones of active deformation are beneath very deep water, we must rely largely on marine geological and geophysical remote sensing techniques. These have included seismic reflection profiling, high-resolution multibeam bathymetric mapping, and ocean drilling. He is also interested in giant landslides off the Hawaiian Islands.

Studies of the northern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
During December, 2017-January, 2018, Greg joined IODP Exp 372, drilling and logging on the Hikurangi subduction margin off northern North Island New Zealand. During January-February, 2018, a 3D seismic data volume was acquired in the same area, followed by additional IODP drilling and coring in April-May, 2018.
Click here for a list of Greg's latest Hikurangi publications.

Nankai Trough 3D seismic and IODP Drilling project
The NanTroSEIZE project that included collection of commercial 3D seismic data (April-May, 2006) and IODP drilling using the Japanese drill ship Chikyu (2007-2018) is now winding down.
Click here for Greg's Nankai publications.


No more formal teaching responsibilites!


Educational Software Grants and Programs

We would like to thank the following companies for their educational software grants that allow us to do state-of-the art seismic reflection processing and interpretation:
  • Landmark Graphics (now part of Halliburton)
  • Paradigm Software (now part of Aspentech)
  • Midland Valley Software (now part of Petroleum Experts)
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    Page last modified on: 14 August 2024