Other Publications by PFRP Project Investigators
NOTE: Please contact
the author directly for copies.
[ By First Author’s Last Name:
Y Z ]
- Allain, V., 2005. Diet of large pelagic predators of the western and
central Pacific Ocean. Oceanic Fisheries Programme, Secretariat of the
Pacific Community, Noumea, New Caledonia. Working Paper BI WP-2 presented
at the Biology Specialist Working Group, First Meeting of the Scientific
Committee of the Western and Central Pacfic Fisheries Commission, Aug.
8-19, 2005, Noumea, New Caledonia.
- Allain, V. 2004. Ecopath model of the pelagic ecosystem of the WCPO
and related projects. INF-ECO-1. SCTB17 Information Paper. Majuro, Marshall
Islands. 9-18 August 2004. 11 pp.
- Allain, V. 2004. Diet of yellowfin tuna in different areas of the western
and central Pacific Ocean. BIO-1. SCTB17 Working Paper. Majuro, Marshall
Islands. 9-18 August 2004. 20 pp.
- Allain V., S. Nicol, T. Essington, T. Okey, R.J. Olson, and D.S. Kirby.
2007. An Ecopath with Ecosim model of the Western and Central Pacific
Ocean warm pool pelagic ecosystem. Third regular session of the Scientific
Committee of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission. 13-24
Aug. 2007. Honolulu, USA. WCPFC-SC3 - EB SWG/IP-8: 1-42.
- Allain V., S. Nicol, T. Essington, T. Okey, R.J. Olson, and D.S. Kirby.
2007. An Ecopath with Ecosim model of the Western and Central Pacific
Ocean warm pool pelagic ecosystem. Third regular session of the Scientific
Committee of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission. 13-24
Aug. 2007. Honolulu, USA. WCPFC-SC3 - EB SWG/IP-8: 1-42.
- Allain V. and Leroy B. 2006. Ecosystem monitoring and analysis: stomach
sampling overview of the GEF-SAP project 2000-2005 and stomach sampling
strategy of the GEF-OFM project 2005-2010. WCPFC-SC2 - EB IP-6.
- Allen Stewart D. and Amy Gough. 2007. Hawaii longline fishermen's experiences
with the Observer Program. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-PIFSC-8.
- Allen Stewart D. and Amy Gough. 2006. A Sociocultural assessment of
Filipino crew members working in the Hawaii-based longline fleet. NOAA
Technical Memorandum NMFS-PIFSC-6 October 2006.
- Amesbury, Judith R., and Rosalind L. Hunter-Anderson. An
analysis of archaeological and historical data of fisheries for pelagic
species in Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands. Micronesian Archaeological
Research Services, May 2008. (PDF, 6 MB, 170 pp). Appendices
(PDF, 10 MB, 105 pp).
- Bartram, Paul. 2007. Assessing the sustainability of fresh Pacific bigeye
tuna supplies entering the Hawaii market. Case study for World Bank/IUCN
Conference on Corruption in Seafood Supply Chains. Presented January 29-31,
2008, Washington, D.C.
- Bartram, P, JJ Kaneko and G Krasnick, 2006. Responsible Fisheries Assessment
of Hawaii's Pelagic Longline Fisheries. Hawaii Seafood Project, PacMar
Inc. Honolulu, NOAA (Award No. NA05NMF4521112) pp 232.
- Bigelow, K. and E. Fletcher, 2009. Gear Depth in the American Samoa-based
Longline Fishery and Mitigation to Minimize Turtle Interactions with Corresponding
Effects on Fish Catches. PIFSC Internal Report IR-09-008, Issued 4 March
- Bigelow, K. and S. Hoyle, 2008. Standardized CPUE for distant-water
fleets targeting south Pacific albacore. WCPFC-SC4-2008/ME-WP-3.
- Block, Barbara A., Heidi Dewar, Charles Farwell, and Eric D. Prince,
1998: A new satellite technology for tracking the movements of Atlantic
bluefin tuna. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
95:9384-9389, August 1998.
- Bolker, Ben, and Toshinori Okuyama, 2004. Using ecological covariates
to strengthen sea turtle mixed stock analysis. Presentation at the 24th
Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, San Jose, Costa
Rica 22-29 February 2004 (runner-up student prize awarded to Toshinori
- Bolker, B., T. Okuyama, K. Bjorndal, and A. Bolten, 2003. Accounting
for sampling error of rare genotypes in sea turtle stock estimation. Page
252 in: J.A. Seminoff, compiler. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Symposium
on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. NOAATechnical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-503.
- Brodziak, J., and W. Walsh. 2008. Model selection for standardizing
striped marlin catch-per-unit effort in the Hawaii-based longline fishery.
International Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-Like Species in the
North Pacific/Billfish WG, ISC/08/BILLWG-1/01, 18 pp.
- Brodziak, John, and William Walsh, 2007?. Aspects of model selection
for generalized linear models applied to striped marlin in the Hawaii-based
longline fishery. A working paper that was presented at the ISC Joint
Workshop of the Marlin and Swordfish Working Groups.
- Brill, R.W. K.A. Bigelow, M.K. Musyl, K.A. Fritsches, and E.J. Warrant.
Bigeye tuna behavior and physiology: their relevance to stock assessments
and fishery biology. ICCAT SCRS Report. (submitted)
- Brill, R. and G. Antonelis, 2001 - Research work has been documented
in the form of a five minute video entitled: "Bait Selection Study
in Marine Turtles". This video has been presented to various government
and scientific meetings and highlights our research with captive turtles.
- Brill, R.W. and P.G. Bushnell, 2000. Cardiovascular Systems of Tunas.
Chapter in Fish Physiology, vol. 19, Academic Press, accepted
for publication.
- Brill, R., K. Cousins, and P. Kleiber, 1997a: Test of the feasibility
and effects of long-term intramuscular implantation of archival tags in
pelagic fishes using scale model tags and captive juvenile yellowfin tuna
(Thunnus albacares). NMFS, Southwest Fisheries Science Center Administrative
Report H-97-11.
- Brill, R.W., 1996b. Cooperative NMFS-university projects get recognition
in the popular and scientific press. Commerce People, in preparation.
- Brill, R.W., K. Cousins, and P. Kleiber, 1996d. Feasibility and effects
of long term intramuscular implantation of model archival tags in yellowfin
tuna (Thunnus albacares). Bulletin of Marine Science,
- Buonaccorsi, V., and J.E. Graves, 1996. Evaluating intra- and inter-ocean
population structure in the blue marlin: Evidence from anonymous single
copy nuclear DNA. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science,
in preparation.
[ Top of the page ]
- Calmettes B. and Lehodey P., 2007. Review on the requirements for an
Interface for requests and analyses of multiple servers and databases
for the PFRP project "Climate and Fishing Impacts on the Spatial
Population Dynamics of Tunas", Technical Report #1: 26 pp.
- Courtney, D., W. Walsh and J. Brodziak, 2009. Generalized Additive Model
Analyses to Standardize Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) Catch Rates in Hawaii-based
Longline Fisheries, 1995 - 2007. Working Paper for the International Scientific
Committee Billfish Working Group: ISC/09/BILLWG-1/04. February 2009. Honolulu,
- Courtney, D., W. Walsh, and J. Brodziak, 2008. Generalized Additive
Model Analyses to Standardize Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) Catch Rates
in the Hawaii-based Longline Fishery, 1995 - 2006. International Scientific
Committee for Tuna and Tuna-Like Species in the North Pacific/Billfish
WG, ISC/08/BILLWG-2/08, 10 pp.
- Cousins, K.L. and R.W. Brill, 1996. Fast conducting fibers in the cardiac
muscle of a teleost, the yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares).
Journal of Morphology, in preparation.
- Curran, D.S., C.H. Boggs, and X. He., 1996: Catch and effort from Hawaii's
longline fishery summarized by quarters and five degrees squares. NOAA
Technical Memorandum, NMFS-SWFSC-225, 68 pp.
- Curtis, Rita E., 1996a. Short-run supply response in a multi-species
fishery. In preparation.
- Curtis, Rita E., 1996b. Spatial allocation of effort: a discrete choice
model of short run supply response in the Hawaii longline fishery. Dissertation
project with the University of Maryland, Department of Agricultural and
Resource Economics.
[ Top of the page ]
- Dalziel, A.C., S.E. Moore, C.D. Moyes, 2004. Control Of Mitochondrial
Enzyme Content In the Muscles of High Performance Fish. Submitted to Am
J Physiol March 2004. (Fish samples were collected during PFRP cruises
and PFRP support is acknowledged)
- Dinardo, G.T., and W.A. Walsh. Observed Swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
Catch Rates in the Hawaii-based Longline Fishery, 1994-2006. A working
paper on swordfish catch rates in the Hawaii-based longline fishery that
was presented at the ISC Joint Workshop of the Marlin and Swordfish Working
- Durland, T. and B. Qiu, 2002. Transmission of subinertial coastal Kelvin
waves through an island gap. J. Phys. Oceanogr., submitted.
[ Top of the page ]
- Faure, V., 2007. Presentation of the coupled physical biogeochemical
model and preparation of physical simulations. PFRP project "Climate
and Fishing Impacts on the Spatial Population Dynamics of Tunas",
Technical Report #2: 21 pp.
- Foley, D.G., R. Mirshak, R. Brainard and J. Sibert, 2002. Development
of an Ocean Atlas and Applications to Studying and Monitoring Coral Reef
Ecosystems in the Pacific Basin. Eos. Trans. AGU, 83(4), Ocean Sciences
Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS11S-03
- Fonteneau, A., P. Pallares, J. Sibert, and Z. Suzuki, 2002. Effect of
tuna fisheries on tuna resources and on offshore pelagic ecosystems, In
E.M. Borgese, A. Chircop, and M. McConnell (eds.), Ocean Yearbook,
vol 16.
- Fonteneau, A., R. Allen, T. Pollachek, P. Pallares, J. Sibert and Z.
Suzuki. 1999. Effect of tuna fisheries on the tuna resources and on the
offshore pelagic ecosystems. ICES/SCOR Symposium on Ecosystem Effects
of Fishing, Montpellier, France, 16-19 March 1999.
- Fukofuka, S. & D. Itano, 2005. Handbook for the identification of
yellowfin and bigeye tunas in fresh, but less than ideal condition. Pelagic
Fisheries Research Programme, Honolulu, Hawaii. Oceanic Fisheries Programme,
Secretariat ofthe Pacific Community, Noumea, New Caledonia. Working Paper
FT IP-l presented to the Fishing Technology Specialist Working Group,
First Meeting ofthe Scientific Committee of the Western and Central Pacific
Fisheries Commission, Aug. 8-19,2005, Noumea, New Caledonia.
[ Top of the page ]
- Gillis T.E., C.D. Moyes and G.F. Tibbits, 2003. Sequence mutations in
teleost cardiac troponin C that are permissive of high Ca2+ affinity of
site II. Am. J. Physiol. (in press 2003).
- Glazier, Edward (Impact Assessment, Inc.), 2007. Hawai'i's Pelagic Handline
Fisheries: History, Trends, and Current Status, 84 pp. Background Document
prepared for the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council.
- Glazier, Edward W., 2000. Interim report: Hawaii charter patron survey,
2000. Unpublished JIMAR report.
- Goodyear, P. and K. Bigelow, 2009. Preliminary Explorations of CPUE
Standardization of the US Longline Observer Sailfish Data Using StatHBS.
ICCAT SCRS/2009/049.
- Graves, J.E., and J.R. McDowell, 1996. Population genetic structure
of blue marlin in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans: Evidence from RFLP
analysis of mtDNA. Fishery Bulletin, in preparation.
- Grewe, Peter, and John Hampton, 1998: An assessment of Bigeye (Thunnus
obesus) population structure in the Pacific Ocean, based on mitochondrial
DNA and DNA microsatellite analysis. CSIRO Marine Research publication,
Tasmania, Australia.
- Gu, X., 2001. Assessment of fishing capacity in domestic fisheries:
Hawaii based longline fleet. (NMFS-HL internal project report).
- Gu, X., 2001. Sensitivity analysis, non-inferiority set estimation,
and a multiobjective programming model. (NMFS-HL internal project report).
- Gunn, J., J. Hampton, K. Evans, N. Clear, T. Patterson, K. Bigelow,
A. Langley, B. Leroy, P. Williams, N. Miyabe, J. Sibert, S. Bestley, and
K. Hartmann, 2004. Migration and habitat preferences of bigeye tuna, Thunnus
obesus, on the east coast of Australia. FRDC Report 1999/109, Australia.
[ Top of the page ]
- Hamilton, Marcia S., Rita E. Curtis and Michael D. Travis, 1996. Hawaii
longline vessel economics. Marine Resource Economics, submitted.
- Hampton, John, and David Fournier, 1998. Preliminary analysis of yellowfin
tuna catch, effort, size and tagging data using an integrated age-structured
model. PDF file of age-structured model manuscript
- Hampton, J., T. Lawson, P. Williams, and J. Sibert, 1996: Interaction
between small-scale fisheries and Kiribati and the industrial purse seine
fishery in the western and central Pacific Ocean. Proceedings of the Second
FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Ocean Tuna Fisheries,
January 23-31, 1995, Shimizu, Japan, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 356,
pp. 183-223.
- He, X., and C.H. Boggs, 1996a. Bycatch and discards of blue shark, Prionace
glauca, by the Hawaii-based longline fishery from 1991 to 1995 (technical
- He, X., and C.H. Boggs, 1996b. Estimating fisheries impacts using commercial
fisheries data: Simulation models and time series analysis of Hawaii's
yellowfin tuna fisheries. Proceedings of the Second World Fisheries
Congress, July 28-August 1, 1996, Brisbane, Australia, in press.
- He, X., and C.H. Boggs, 1996c. Time series analysis on Hawaii's tuna
fisheries: Do local catches affect local abundance? Second FAO Expert
Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries, Paper No.
5-24, Shimizu, Japan., in press.
- Hoyle, Simon D., and Maunder, Mark N. A Bayesian integrated population
dynamics model to analyze data for protected species. Animal Biology
and Conservation. (in press)
- Humphreys, Robert L., Michael Musyl and Edward E. DeMartini. SC/04/SWO-WG/02
Biological Research Conducted During 2002-2003 in Support of Swordfish
Stock Assessment
[ Top of the page ]
- Itano, David, 2007. Summary reports and abstracts of PFRP project "The
Associative Dynamics of Tropical Tuna to a Large-scale Anchored FAD Array"
have been presented to three meetings of the Western Pacific Regional
Fishery Management Council: the Pelagic Plan Team, the Scientific and
Statistical Committee and the 138th Meeting of the WPRFMC (June 19-22,
2007) and to the 58th International Tuna Conference (May 21-24, 2007).
- Itano, David, 2007? A popular article describing the PFRP project "The
Associative Dynamics of Tropical Tuna to a Large-scale Anchored FAD Array"
was published in the periodical Niugini Blue and online on the ATUNA.COM
site to promote tag recovery awareness.
- Itano, D., 2005. The transition and evolution ofthe Fishing Technology
Working Group ofthe SCTB into the structure ofthe WCPFC Scientific Committee.
Pelagic Fisheries Research Programme, Honolulu, Hawaii. Working Paper
FT WP-3 presented to the Fishing Technology Specialist Working Group,
First Meeting ofthe Scientific Committee ofthe Western and Central Pacific
Fisheries Commission, Aug. 8-19,2005, Noumea, New Caledonia.
- Itano, D. A summarization and discussion of technical options to mitigate
the take of juvenile bigeye and yellowfin tuna and associated bycatch
species found in association with floating objects. Pelagic Fisheries
Research Programme, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Itano, D.G., Dagorn, L., & K.N. Holland, 2005. The use of FADs to
monitor the behaviour and movements oftuna, billfish and pelagic sharks.
Pelagic Fisheries Research Programme, Honolulu, Hawaii. Working Paper
BI WP-4 presented to the Biology Specialist Working Group, First Meeting
ofthe Scientific Committee of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries
Commission, Aug. 8-19,2005, Noumea, New Caledonia.
Working Paper FT WP-4 presented to the Fishing Technology Specialist Working
Group, First Meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Western and Central
Pacific Fisheries Commission, Aug. 8-19,2005, Noumea, New Caledonia.
- Ito, R.Y., and W.A. Walsh, 2008. U.S. Commercial Fisheries for Marlins
in the North Pacific Ocean. ISC Billfish Working Group Workshop, June
2008. ISC/08/BILLWG-2/03.
- Jones, T.T., K. Thielman, P. Baron, M. Elfstrom, R. Stephens, 2011.
[Preliminary Report for Project 661552].
- Jones, D.R., Brill, R.W., Cousins, K.L., Bushnell, P.B., Steffensen,
J.F. and Keen, J.K, 1996. Capillary permeability and Starling forces in
three teleosts: yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) and cod (Gadus morhua). Journal
of Experimental Biology, in preparation.
[ Top of the page ]
- Kanaiwa, M., Bigelow, K., and K. Yokawa, 2008. A comparison of gear
configuration and capture by hook, depth and habitat for Japanese training
vessel and Hawaii-based tuna longline fisheries. International Scientific
Committee for Tuna and Tuna-Like Species in the North Pacific/Billfish
WG, ISC/08/BILLWG-1/03, 21 pp.
- Kanaiwa, M., Bigelow, K., and K. Yokawa. 2008. A comparison of observed
catenary angles and estimated angles with a statistical habitat-based
standardization model with a multiple species approach. International
Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-Like Species in the North Pacific/Billfish
WG, ISC/08/BILLWG-1/04, 17 pp.
- Kirby, D., 2005. Prey consumption estimates for tunas in the WCPO. Oceanic
Fisheries Programme, Secretariat ofthe Pacific Community, Noumea, New
Caledonia. Working Paper EB-WP 4 presented to the Ecosystem and Bycatch
Specialist Working Group, First Meeting ofthe Scientific Committee ofthe
Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, Aug. 8-19, 2005, Noumea,
New Caledonia.
- Kirby DS, Briand K, Langley A, Murtugudde R (submitted 2007) Ecosystem
indicators for regime shifts and tuna recruitment in the western and central
Pacific Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series.
- Kirby, D., V. Allain & B. Molony, 2005. Potential ecosystem indicators
for the WCPO. Oceanic Fisheries Programme, Secretariat ofthe Pacific Community,
Noumea, New Caledonia. Working Paper EB-WP 5 presented to the Ecosystem
and Bycatch Specialist Working Group, First Meeting ofthe Scientific Committee
ofthe Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, Aug. 8-19, 2005,
Noumea, New Caledonia.
- Kitchell, J.F., T.E. Essington, C.H. Boggs, D.E. Schlinder and C. J.
Waters, 2000. Sharks and shark fisheries in an ecosystem context. Proceedings
of the International Pelagic Shark Workshop, Feb. 14-17, 2000, Asilomar,
[ Top of the page ]
- Langley, A. 2006. The south Pacific albacore fishery: a summary of the
status ofthe stock and fishery management issues of relevance to Pacific
Island countries and territories. SPC Oceanic Fisheries Programme, Tech.
Rep. No. 37.
- Langley, A. and J. Hampton, 2005. Stock assessment ofalbacore in the
South Pacific Ocean. Working Paper SA WP-3 presented to the Stock Assessment
Specialist Working Group, First Meeting ofthe Scientific Committee ofthe
Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, Aug. 8-19, 2005, Noumea,
New Caledonia.
- Laurs, R.M., M. Musyl et al. Identification of large pelagic shark babitats
in the central North Pacific using PSATs, satellite remote sensing, and
SODA assimilation ocean models. Paper on oceanic white-tip, silky shark,
blue shark and shortfin mako shark.
- Leach, B.F. and lM. Davidson. 2006. Analysis ofFaunal Material from
an Archaeological Site Complex at Mangilao, Guam. Technical Report 38,
Museum ofNew Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa.
- Leach, B.F. and J. M. Davidson. 2006. Analysis of Faunal Material from
an Archaeological Site at Ylig, Guam. Technical Report 39, Museum ofNew
Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
- Lehodey, P., 2005. Application of SEAPODYM to the Pacific Pelagic Ecosystem.
Recent results and perspectives. Oceanic Fisheries Programme, Secretariat
ofthe Pacific Community, Noumea, New Caledonia. Working Paper EB WP-8
presented to the Ecosystem and Bycatch Specialist Working Group, First
Meeting ofthe Scientific Committee ofthe Western and Central Pacific Fisheries
Commission, Aug. 8-19,2005, Noumea, New Caledonia.
- Lehodey P., 2005a. Reference manual for the Spatial Ecosystem And Populations
Dynamics Model SEAPODYM. First meeting of the Scientific Committee ofthe
Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission WCPFC-SC1, Noumea, New
Caledonia, 8-19 August 2005. ME IP-l: 54 pp.
- Lehodey P., 2005c. First application of SEAPODYM to Pacific bigeye tuna.
Working Paper ME WP-l presented to the Methods Specialist Working Group,
First Meeting of the Scientific Committee ofthe Western and Central Pacific
Fisheries Commission, Aug. 8-19, 2005, Noumea, New Caledonia.
- Lehodey, P., and I. Senina, 2009. A user manual for SEAPODYM version
2.0: application with data assimilation. Fifth regular session of the
Scientific Committee of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission,
10-21 August 2009, Port Vila, Vanuatu, WCPFC-SC5-2009/ EB-IP-13, 82 pp.
- Leung, PingSun, 1996b. Multilevel and multiobjective programming model
of Hawaii commercial multifishery. Draft working paper, in preparation.
- Leung, P.S., et al. A paper entitled "Sea turtle interactions with
Hawaii's longline fishery: An extended multiobjective programming model
incorporating spatial and seasonal dimensions" is accepted for presentation
at the International Fishery Economics and Trade conference to be held
in Plymouth, United Kingdom in July 11-14, 2006.
- Leung, PingSun, Cai, J., Pooley, Samuel. G., and Pan, Minling, 2004.
Linkages of Fishing Sectors to Hawaii's Economy and Economic Impacts of
Hawaii's Longlining Regulations (under review)
- Li, Shichao, and Minling Pan, 2008?. Working paper. "Fishing Opportunities
under the Sea Turtle Bycatch Caps -- A Spatial Bio-economic Model for
Hawaii-based Longline Swordfish Fishery".
- Lumpkin, C.F. and P. Flament, 2000. Lagrangian statistics in the central
north Pacific. Journal of Marine Systems, forthcoming.
[ Top of the page ]
- Malte, H., C. Larsen, M.K. Musyl, and R.W. Brill. Differential heating
and cooling rates in bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus); a model of non-steady
state heat exchange. American Journal of Physiology. (submitted).
- Maury, O., P. Lehodey, A. Garcia, F. Marsac, R.J. Olson, J. Young, R.
Murtugudde and K. Miller. 2008. The first CLIOTOP Symposium: An overview.
- McCarthy, A. L., Heppell, S.S., Royer, F., and Dellinger, T. In Prep.
Defining Habitat Preferences of Pelagic Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta
caretta) in the North Atlantic through Analysis of Track Sinuosity. For
June 2007 submission to JEMBE.
- McCarthy, A. L., Heppell, S.S., and Lutcavage, M.. In Prep. Pelagic
fisheries interactions with Caretta caretta: Chlorophyll a as an important
predictor of by-catch. For July 2007 submission to Fisheries Oceanography.
- McConnell, K.E. and T.C. Haab, 2000. Small vessel fishing in Hawaii:
Models for economic values and behavior. Draft technical report.
- McConnell, Kenneth E., 1999. Hedonic prices for fish: Tuna prices in
Hawaii. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, forthcoming.
- McNaughton, Blake D., 2008. A
biological and social examination of Opelu (Decapterus spp.) fisheries
in West Hawaii, Hawaii Island. A thesis submitted to the Tropical
Conservation Biology and Environmental Science Graduate Program at the
University of Hawaii at Hilo in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Degree of Master of Science. May 2008 (PDF, 1.3 MB)
- Merta, G., R. Andamari,., D. !tano, and C. Proctor, 2005. Training guides
for the identification of yellowfin and bigeye tunas to assist Indonesian
port sampling and observer programs. Research Institute of Marine Fisheries,
Jakarta Indonesia. Research Institute for Mariculture, Gondol, Indonesia.
Pelagic Fisheries Research Programme, Honolulu, Hawaii. CSIRO Division
of Marine and Atmospheric Research, Hobart, Australia. Working Paper FT
IP-2 presented to the Fishing Technology Specialist Working Group, First
Meeting ofthe Scientific Committee ofthe Western and Central Pacific Fisheries
Commission, Aug. 8-19,2005, Noumea, New Caledonia.
- Moyes, C.D., N. Fragoso, M. Musyl, and R. Brill, 2004. Evaluating predictors
of post-release survival of large pelagics. In preparation for submission
to Science 6/04 (Funded in whole by PFRP).
- Musyl, M. and R. Brill. Post release mortality and movements in blue
shark identified with PSATs. (manuscript in prep).
- Musyl, Michael, and Lianne McNaughton, 2007. Report
on Pop-up Satellite Archival Tag (PSAT) Operations, Conducted on Sailfish,
Istiophorus platypterus by Research Scientists of the Fisheries
Research Institute, Eastern Marine Biology Research Center, and Institute
of Oceanography, College of Science, National Taiwan University, 6-7 June
2007, Chengkong, Taiwan, R.O.C. (Trip report by Michael Musyl and Lianne
McNaughton, NMFS, PIFSC, June 2007)
- Musyl, M.K. and D.S. Curran, 2000. Depth and temperature distributions
of pelagic fishes caught on longlines in Hawaii. (Draft manuscript under
NMFS review)
[ Top of the page ]
- Nielsen, A., K. Bigelow, J. Sibert, M. Musyl, et al. Manuscript detailing
results of PSAT-GPS double tagging studies with incorporation of SST into
the Kalman filter. (manuscript in prep).
- Nguyen, Quang. 2008. Choice of Remuneration Regime in Fisheries: The
Case of the Hawaii Longline Fisheries. Dissertation Essay, University
of Hawaii at Manoa, graduated in August 2008.
- Nguyen, Quang. 2008. Do Fishermen Have Different Attitude Toward Risk?
An Application of Prospect Theory to the Study of Vietnamese Fishers,
Dissertation Essay, University of Hawaii at Maona, graduated in August
- Nguyen, Quang. 2008. An Alternative Model of Labor Supply: The Case
of Hawaii Longline Fishery, Dissertation Essay, University of Hawaii at
Maona, graduated in August 2008.
[ Top of the page ]
- Olson, R.J. and J.W. Young (Eds.) 2007. The role of squid in open ocean
ecosystems. Report of a GLOBEC-CLIOTOP/PFRP workshop, 16-17 November 2006,
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. GLOBEC Report 24: vi, 94 pp.
- Olson R., J. Young, V. Allain and F. Galván-Magaña. 2005.
OFCCP workshop on the application of stable isotopes in pelagic ecosystems,
La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico, 31 May-1 June 2004. GLOBEC Newsletter 11(1): 42-44.
- Olson R., J. Young, V. Allain and F. Galván-Magaña. 2005.
CLIOTOP Working Group 3 meeting report: La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico, 31 May-1
June 2004. GLOBEC-CLIOTOP Regional Programme, 8 pp.
- Olson R., J. Young, V. Allain and F. Galván-Magaña. 2005.
GLOBEC-OFCCP workshop on the application of stable isotopes in pelagic
ecosystems La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico, 31 May-1 June 2004. GLOBEC-OFCCP Multinational
Programme, 8 pp.
- O'Malley, J.M. and E.W. Glazier, 2001. Motivations, satisfaction of
recreational charter fishing patrons in Hawai'i. Article in the Hawaii
Fishing News, 28: 3, April 2002.
[ Top of the page ]
- Pan, Minling, 2003. Quantitative Measurement of Fishing Capacity for
the Western Pacific Fisheries (under review).
- Pan, Minling, and Shichao Li. 2008. 'Evaluation of Fishing Opportunities
under the Sea Turtle Interaction Caps -- A Decision Support Model for
the Hawaii-based Longline Swordfish Fishery Management', in Our Living
Ocean - Economics 2006, NOAA Technical Memorandum, pending.
- Pan, Minling, and Quang Nguyen, 2007?. Working paper. Technological
Changes and the Impact on Fishing Productivity - A Case Study of the Hawaii-based
Longline Fishery.
- Pan, Minling, and Samuel G. Pooley, 2004. Tuna Price in Relation to
Economic Factors and Sea Surface Temperature (submitted for publication).
- Pan, Minling, and SMS Research Inc., 2004. Fishery Input-Output Model
& Methodology I/O paper (working paper - prepared for JIMAR publication)
- Pan, Minling and Samuel G. Pooley, 2000. Factors affecting the prices
of pelagic fish in the Hawaii markets: A simple statistical analysis.
Submitted for publication as a SOEST-JIMAR technical report, under revision.
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