The Video Conferencing System in POST 801 is compatible with a wide variety of Internet-based Video Conferencing Systems and is relatively easy to use. A comic book-style manual (PDF) has step-by-step instructions on what questions to ask the remote site folks, and how to start/stop a call. Since this is all Internet based, there are no connection charges, but you should schedule the use of the room with the Dean’s office. As more features are added to this system, the manual will be updated at the above URL.
Download the PDF manual (revised 09-24-12) for the system in POST 801.
There is also a Polycom Video Conferencing system in POST Rm 121 that is scheduled with the Hawai‘i Natural Energy Institute.
Information that the remote Video Conferencing Coordinator will need to connect to:
POST 801
- IP address:
- Telephone in that room: 808-956-9153
- UHM ITS does provide MCU services, but please start the planning process at least 2 weeks in advance
- The Unit is a Polycom HDX6000 with a single monitor and single camera
- The unit has a long VGA cable for sending PC video, DVI or HDMI can be arranged
- The room does have an elmo for sending video of 3 dimensional objects
- Scheduler: SOEST Dean’s office
POST 121
- IP Address:
- Telephone in that room: 808-956-6791 (handset must be checked out from HNEI)
- The Unit is a Polycom HDX6000 with a single monitor and single camera
- Scheduler: Hawai‘i Natural Energy Institute
While this manual (PDF) talks about the VTC unit in the room, there will be some slight modifications made to account for a video switching system that exists in POST121 and not POST 801.
Please plan ahead, especially for multipoint conferences so that a prior quick test can be done and remote VTC coordinators can be coordinated and infrastructure can be scheduled.
While ISDN dialup is not normally available, it can be borrowed from the State of Hawai‘i Telehealth Access Network (STAN), if and only if it is NOT being used for telehealth projects. This requires at least two (2) weeks of lead time to schedule. Please keep in mind that we can be bumped off the system at any time if S.T.A.N. determines an emergency need. Also, ISDN dialups can be upwards of $60/hour or higher depending upon distance.
SOEST Video conferencing resources are intended for SOEST activities but in these lean budget times they will be made available on a time and resources available basis. Technical support must be pre-arranged with the video conferencing coordinator with in conference support provided as a charge back service. We encourage users to make time to peruse the manuals physically at our locations, and also available as a PDF download (revised 09-24-12) on this site.