Ed and Stephanie Laws establish Global Environmental Science Endowed Scholarship

On December 27, 2017, Dr. Edward A. and Mrs. Stephanie S.L. Laws established the Global Environmental Science Endowed Scholarship to support undergraduate students in the Global Environmental Sciences program in the Department of Oceanography. The gift will provide standout GES students with tuition and other academic financial support, allowing them to focus on their studies, be rewarded for excellent work, and be able to take advantage of research opportunities for their senior thesis projects.
A former faculty member of the Department of Oceanography at SOEST, Ed is a Professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences at Louisiana State University. While at UH, Ed was a key supporter in the department’s effort to start the GES program. Stephanie works for the State of Hawaii and is active on the ARCS Honolulu board. We are excited to celebrate their generosity and introduce them to the students their support will benefit.