SOEST Grants Received (as of July 18, 2024)
P.I.: Christina Karamperidou Wolff
Agency: NSF
Amount: $644,460
Title: Dynamics and Predictability of Coastal El Nino Events, and Implications for El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diversity
P.I.: Nicole Lautze
Agency: Hawaii State Energy Office
Amount: $5,000,000
Title: Water Resource and Subsurface Characterization Via Drilling of a Slim-Hole Well
P.I.: Douglas Luther
Agency: NOAA
Amount: $33,458 (supplement)
Title: Ecosystems Observations and Research Project
P.I.: Douglas Luther
Agency: NOAA
Amount: $127,808 (supplement)
Title: Hawaiian Monk Seal Research and Recovery Project