Tagged tuna graphic by Nancy Hulbirt, SOEST Illustration.

Fisheries Disaster Relief Program Projects (FDRP)


The U.S. 108th Congress approved the Hawaii Fisheries Disaster Appropriation (2003, PL 108-7) which provided $5 million to the State of Hawaii for economic assistance to fisheries affected by federal closures or fishing restrictions. Upon receipt of funding the State's Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) established the Fisheries Disaster Relief Program (FDRP). Its key objective is to provide economic assistance to Hawaii's fishermen and fishing communities affected by federal closures or federally imposed fishing restrictions. The affected fisheries include Hawaii-based pelagic fisheries, bottomfish fisheries, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands lobster fisheries, and precious coral fisheries managed by the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council.

In mid-2005, with a spending deadline looming over DLNR and FDRP funding not yet awarded, PFRP agreed to administer $3 million of the FDRP appropriation. A contract was executed between UH JIMAR and DLNR, and in late 2005 PFRP commenced with FDRP project administration. Requests for proposals were advertised throughout the state and letters of intent submitted for committee review. After a thorough review process by FDRP Executive Steering Committee and Technical Working Groups, 15 proposals were selected for funding. Projects got underway in late 2006 and are scheduled to be completed by June 30, 2008. The following is a list of projects funded, FY 2007 progress reports and final project reports (reports in PDF format).

Hawaii longline fishermen's perspective on methods for reducing bycatch
What do sea turtles see and how can this be used to prevent their interactions with fishing gear?
Estimating the transferred effects of closures of the Hawaii pelagic longline fisheries on sea turtle populations
The use of temperature-depth-recorders in the Hawaii-based longline fishery to characterize bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) fishing grounds
Application of otolith-based methods to distinguish nursery areas of juvenile swordfish
Age and growth validation of gold coral (Gerardia sp.)
Tests of sea turtle responses to light sticks, shark silhouettes, and bait types
Developing a turtle safe lightstick
Expanding business services to Hawaii's longline fishing companies
Tagging of NWHI uku (grey snapper)
Ciguatera toxin testing of NWHI kahala (amberjack)
Hawaiian archipelago bottomfishing sampling program
NWHI and MHI bottomfishing tagging project
Detecting movements of juvenile opakapaka (Pristipomoides flamentosus) using hydro-acoustic surveys validated with sonic tracking
Depth and habitat exploited by the American Samoa-based longline fishery


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