Polihale, Kauaʻi

Polihale study area (transects 140 – 272) lies on the northwest exposure of the Mānā Plain  on the west coast of Kaua‘i where it intersects the steep ridges and valleys of the Na Pali  coast. The shoreline in the majority of the study area is composed of white carbonate  sand backed by vegetated dunes. The northernmost section of the area is interspersed  with basalt boulders and backed by basalt ridges. The study area is exposed to swell  from the north and northwest during winter and spring months. As a result, the area  experiences large seasonal fluctuations of the shoreline evidenced by an average  difference in summer (1987) and winter (1988) shoreline positions of approximately 90  feet.  

This area is a continuation of Polihale Beach which extends through the Queen’s Pond  area to the south. The average shoreline change for this study area is erosional with an  average shoreline change rate of -0.3 ft/yr. The northern portion of the study area  (transects 207 – 272) is eroding with an average shoreline change rate of -0.6 ft/yr while  the southern portion (transects 140 – 206) is eroding with an average shoreline change  rate of -0.1 ft/yr. 

Polihale State Park (transects 80 through 272) extends through Polihale into Queen’s  Pond study areas. The average shoreline change for Polihale State Park is erosional with  an average shoreline change rate of -0.3 ft/yr. Previous studies* did not analyze Polihale  Beach. 

*Makai Ocean Engineering and Sea Engineering, 1991 Aerial Photograph Analysis of Coastal Erosion on  the Islands of Kauai, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, and Hawaii. State of Hawaii Office of Coastal Zone  Management Program.

Last updated: July 2021

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