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Empowering Ocean Users and Stakeholders
CIMAR researchers and administrators make fundamental contributions to the success of the Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) that empowers ocean users and stakeholders throughout the Pacific Islands by providing accurate and reliable coastal and ocean information, tools, and services that are easy to access and use. A variety of forecasts are made available to the public, including coastal inundation, wave, ocean, and atmospheric forecasts. As part of PacIOOS‘ strategic planning, PacIOOS collected more than 370 stakeholder comments articulating local and regional observing needs. PacIOOS continues to operate and maintain over 30 deployed buoys, sensors, and other instruments throughout the U.S. Pacific Islands. New systems are continually brought on-line as funding permits. Outside funding was recently secured to expand the network of wave buoys in the Freely Associated States (Republic of Palau, Federated States of Micronesia, and Republic of Marshall Islands).
Iwamoto, M., Principal Investigator; 14 Co-PIs, 2021: Empowering Ocean Stakeholders: Advancing the Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS). Proposal submitted to the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) Program, DOC/NOAA/NOS, 41 pp. https://www.pacioos.hawaii.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/proposal_FY21-26.pdf (8.1 MB)
Participants of ocean observing workshop on Saipan, 2022.