Brooks Banks (& St. Rogatien Banks)

[ Bathymetry | Backscatter | Optical Validation | Geomorphology ]

IKNOS image of submerged Brooks Bank, St. Rogatien Bank, and St. Rogatien West Bank.

IKNOS image of submerged Brooks Bank and the St. Rogatien Banks. (Click thumbnail map to open a larger version.)

Brooks Bank, located at 24.19°N, 167.03°W, includes a series of flat-topped seamounts formed by erosion when their tops were near sea level. Brooks Bank has two distinct terraces at -75 and -125 m possibly indicating two distinct sea level stands. There is over 500 m of relief between the top of Brooks Bank and the surrounding seafloor and large submarine canyons characterizing the steep slopes below the incised edges of the Bank top. Blocks of material at the base of the slopes are probably slumps or landslide deposits similar to material mapped around the Main Hawaiian Islands, believed to be deposited during catastrophic landslide events.

St. Rogatien Bank is located at 24.3N and 164.1W. The bank, estimated to be 14.7 million years old, has a summit crest depth of 22 m and contains 500 sq. km of reef habitat with depths less than 100 m.

St. Rogatien West Bank is located 22 km northwest of St. Rogatien Bank at 24.6N, 167.3W. The bank was named by CRED personnel due to its location relative to St. Rogatien. However, it is not part of St. Rogatien, nor is it named as such on charts where it is visible, such as NOAA chart #19019. The small bank contains 75 sq. km of reef habitat with depths less than 182 m (100 fathoms).

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Small Brooks 5 meter grid image.



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Optical Validation

Go to Brooks optical validation page.

Go to Brooks geomorphology validation page.


Benthic Habitat Data


Zipped data files contain 1) grid data file (GMT or ASCII), 2) high-res JPG of image, and 3) explanatory metadata text file (identical to linked file listed below).

5m grid data
20m grid data

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Zipped data files contain 1) Arc ASCII file, 2) layer (.lyr) file for symbology, 3) high-res JPG of image, and 4) explanatory metadata text file (identical to linked file listed below).

5m grid data files
20m grid data files