Statistics from the 2007‐2019 graduates provide a clear picture of where ORE students are coming from and where they are heading after graduation. Approximately 30% of our students have Hawai‘i ties (those who studied or worked in Hawaii prior to enrollment), 45% were recruited from other parts of the U.S. and 25% from foreign countries. After graduation, 45% found work in Hawaii, 45% found work outside of Hawaii, 5% continued studies in Hawaii, and 5% continued studies outside of Hawaii. Nearly all graduates obtained employment or continued their studies in ocean and resources engineering (or related fields).

Career opportunities for graduates in ocean and resources engineering exist in several areas. Approximately 55% of the 2007‐2019 graduates found work in private industry including consulting, environmental service, and construction firms in the U.S. About 15% of them joined, or continued their employment with, federal agencies such as the Army Corps of Engineers and the Navy; 5% found work with U.S. community colleges and universities. Another 10% entered Ph.D. programs or received post‐doctoral positions at U.S. universities. The 15% of graduates who went abroad continue to study, or work for government agencies and in academia.