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R/V Atlantis Expedition 15-63 - The Gálapagos Spreading Center - March-April 2010

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Project objectives:
To examine how magma supply affects volcanism at intermediate spreading rate mid-ocean ridges, including effects such as eruption size style, frequency and duration, magma chamber depth, magma composition, faulting and lava distribution patterns, and the formation of the upper.

Project Execution:
(a) Mapping of geological features in two detailed study areas ("DSAs") along the Galápagos Spreading Center having different magma supplies (one far from the Galapagos Archipelago where magma supply is relatively low, and one close to the archipelago where supply is much higher and the ridge is much shallower.); (b) making direct and remote observations of the sea floor using the manned submersible Alvin, the autonomous underwater vehicle Sentry, and a towed camera system; and (c) Post-cruise studies using variety of geological, geophysical, and geochemical methods on collected data and specimens.

Cruise Results:
R/V Atlantis cruise AT15-63 was conducted in March and April of 2010, with operations concentrated in the two DSA pictured in the images on this page. We completed 26 successful Alvin dives and collected 299 samples. In addition we completed 17 camera tows to collect photographs and glass samples from the bottom using the WHOI TowCam. High-resolution bathymetric data were collected for ~84 sq. km during 15 successful AUV Sentry deployments.

see detail maps of each DSA below
click on any of the images for larger versions




last page update on 3 July 2011, by Ken Rubin