Dr. Kolja Rotzoll
Kolja's dissertation research used four methods to estimate hydraulic properties for basalts: (1) unconventional step-drawdown tests that provided good match with those from classical aquifer tests; (2) an empirical relationship between specific capacity and hydraulic parameters with results that generated island-wide hydraulic conductivity maps; (3) aquifer ocean tide responses that were used to estimate an average hydraulic diffusivity, which necessitated considering asynchronous and asymmetric tidal influence from two sides in an aquifer; and (4) ground-water responses to wave setup which were used to estimate hydraulic parameters. His dissertation research has been published in the papers:
K., and A. I. El-Kadi. 2008.
Estimating hydraulic properties of coastal aquifers using wave setup, Journal
of Hydrology, 353(1): 201-213.
K., and A. I. El-Kadi. 2008.
Estimating hydraulic conductivity from specific capacity for
K., A. I. El-Kadi, and S.B.
Gingerich. 2008. Analysis of an unconfined aquifer subject to asynchronous
dual-tide propagation, Ground Water, 46(2):239-250.
K., A.I. El-Kadi, and S.B.
Gingerich. 2007. Estimating hydraulic properties of volcanic aquifers
using constant-rate and variable-rate aquifer tests, Jour. of the American
Water Resources Association, 43(2): 334-345.
His work include also major contributions to the research documented in the publications:
K. and A.I. El-Kadi. 2006. Numerical
ground-water flow simulation for Red Hill Fuel Storage Facilities, NAVFAC
R., K. Rotzoll, S. Dhal, A.I. El-Kadi,
C. Ray, G. Chen, and D. Chang. 2004. Hawai‘i Source Water Assessment
Program Report, Hawai‘i Dept of Health (5 volumes).
is currently working on projects for the USGS Pacific Islands Water Science Center , Honolulu , Hawaii . His
research covers assessing effects of borehole flow in deep monitoring wells
on estimates of aquifer salinity profiles, and application
of radar imagery as input to rainfall-runoff model for the Kawela watershed, Molokai , Hawaii
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Kolja using GPS in his field work
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