Dr. Kolja Rotzoll

Kolja's dissertation research used four methods to estimate hydraulic properties for basalts: (1) unconventional step-drawdown tests that provided good match with those from classical aquifer tests; (2) an empirical relationship between specific capacity and hydraulic parameters with results that generated island-wide hydraulic conductivity maps; (3) aquifer ocean tide responses that were used to estimate an average hydraulic diffusivity, which necessitated considering asynchronous and asymmetric tidal influence from two sides in an aquifer; and (4) ground-water responses to wave setup which were used to estimate hydraulic parameters. His dissertation research has been published in the papers:

Rotzoll, K., and A. I. El-Kadi. 2008. Estimating hydraulic properties of coastal aquifers using wave setup, Journal of Hydrology, 353(1): 201-213.

Rotzoll, K., and A. I. El-Kadi. 2008. Estimating hydraulic conductivity from specific capacity for Hawaii aquifers, Hydrogeology J., 16(5):969-979.

Rotzoll, K., A. I. El-Kadi, and S.B. Gingerich. 2008. Analysis of an unconfined aquifer subject to asynchronous dual-tide propagation, Ground Water, 46(2):239-250.

Rotzoll, K., A.I. El-Kadi, and S.B. Gingerich. 2007. Estimating hydraulic properties of volcanic aquifers using constant-rate and variable-rate aquifer tests, Jour. of the American Water Resources Association, 43(2): 334-345.

His work include also major contributions to the research documented in the publications:

Rotzoll, K. and A.I. El-Kadi. 2006. Numerical ground-water flow simulation for Red Hill Fuel Storage Facilities, NAVFAC Pacific, Oahu, Hawaii, The Environmental Company, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Whittier, R., K. Rotzoll, S. Dhal, A.I. El-Kadi, C. Ray, G. Chen, and D. Chang. 2004. Hawai‘i Source Water Assessment Program Report, Hawai‘i Dept of Health (5 volumes).

Kolja is currently working on projects for the USGS Pacific Islands Water Science Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. His research covers assessing effects of borehole flow in deep monitoring wells on estimates of aquifer salinity profiles, and application of radar imagery as input to rainfall-runoff model for the Kawela watershed, Molokai, Hawaii

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Kolja using GPS in his field work

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